Sunday, February 25, 2024

Boboji's Punya Tithi: 26th February,2024

Bhaktimati Usha Bahenji,

Lord Krishna with whose wishes Bhaktimati Usha Bahenji had manifested on earth, forcefully stole her heart today.The purpose for which Bobo, as she was fondly called, had been sent to this temporal world had  reached its zenith and her task was over.

Sakhi Bobo Was Summoned by Krishna

The handsome Shyam summoned her and the question of staying back on earth did not arise.Ardently longing for Krishna, she got an indication to leave this mundane world and proceed to that eternal dham where Radha-Krishna forever dwell, to take part in their divine play.

Gopis Are Drawn by Krishna's Flute Play

Dark-hued Krishna played His flute and the enraptured village girls were passionately drawn.The greatly fortunate cowherdesses were not even conscious of decking themselves and moved in a delicious anguish to the side of their teasing, elusive and insistent paramour.Longing for union with the Supreme Lover. The love of the gopis is seen as transcendental love of the highest order so why would His hungering devotees think of anything else.

Well the joyous and enchanting days of the rainy season transformed into the mild winter of autumn, which was very pleasant. Soon after a biting cold wind banished the autumnal season and reigned supreme. Gathering all its achievements and failures with each passing day,1991 passed away.The year 1992 began with the dawn of a winter morning.

Episodes of joy and sorrow do not have much significance in a saint's life very much like the rotation of a cycle.They hold modakas in both hands. While living in this mundane world the memory of Shyama-Shyama overwhelms them whereas relishing the constant closeness and divine play of Radha-Krishna on going to their nitya dham  is easily feasible for them. Hence it is the society and devotees who have to bear the loss.

The same year snatched away several great siddh luminaries and presented the never to be filled vacuum .Who will ever forgive this year laden with the dreadful kaal (eventual destiny or fate). Oh! How ironical that we lose out on those saints whose separation is so painful. What shall we call this farewell which has been ordained by destiny?Saints are never absent or mortal.They are forever present,giving assurance to their followers in a hidden and visible manner, making themselves available.

Revered Bobo In Meditation

Bobo's physical health was deteriorating.Diabetes had attacked her, and an ailing heart creeped in simultaneously.The cold of the cold season escalated.During this time span her body had become extremely weak but her spiritual strength had become as powerful.She was always indifferent to a medical examination.

Ailments do not have any particular importance for saints. What would be an ordeal of their suffering and condition of inborn virtues? The body becomes the reason for departing, and that is what they have wanted and is meritorious. Taking its support, they reach their destination for which they have taken birth. Thereafter, they rest in the eternal proximity of Shyama-Shayma, the wealth of their hearts, and all this was being completely realised in Bobo's life.

Even in such an ailing condition she was always alert and enthused in attending to the needs of Thakurji, doing His shingara,incessant seva round the clock, and devotedly fulfilling her routine.Gradually the body became increasingly frail and everyone insisted on a medical check up followed by medication.Surprisingly she did not oppose this suggestion very adamantly this time. Absent mindedly she agreed to go ahead which seemed absolutely contradictory to her temperament.Obviously this was the final contribution connected to her body as mentally she had become totally indifferent.

Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

The characteristics of saints are strangely extraordinary.

 “Why don't you ask the Mother Goddess to make you recoup.”Narendra had once told Shri Ramkrishna Paramahamsa, 

“Do you think that I have been undergoing this suffering voluntarily? I do wish to recover. But how is that possible? It all depends upon the Mother,”Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had answered.

“Then please pray to Her for your recovery. She cannot but listen to you,” Narendra had suggested.

“ It is easy for you to say so,but such words I can never utter,” had been Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's response. 

The conduct of saints depends on the Lord's wishes and they are themselves devoid of definite intentions and uncertainty. Therefore Shri Paramahamsa was always disinterested in the body and his mind was way above this mundane world.

Revered Bobo had been sick for quite some time now.

 Once when she had gone into isolation in the afternoon as was her routine, she heard Thakurji's voice, “Everything will be fine, just bring your will power into use.”

The Yugal, Shri Radha-Krishna served by Bobo

“The task of attending to my Thakurji should go on perfectly.He may keep me as He wishes. Should I stoop to use the power of my desire for getting rid of physical illness?”Bobo had said while narrating the above incident to Sushila Bahenji 

Shri Ramana Maharshi

When the disciples of Shri Ramana Maharshi had suggested the surgery of his arm he was quite unconcerned and was supremely indifferent to suffering, “You may throw the leaf plate in which I have eaten by shredding it to pieces or else throw the whole of it. My purpose of attaining the Divine has been fulfilled thus take me as you wish now.”

Swami Shivanandji Maharaj

Similarly Swami Shivanandji Maharaj would eat from delicacies offered to him by the bhaktas even though he was suffering from diabetes.How could he disrespect the Supreme Being pervading this temporal world to safeguard his body.

Swami Sharnandji Maharaj

Around this time Swami Sharnanandji Maharaj had suffered seven heart attacks one after the other.All the doctors had recommended that he should not meet anyone and take rest.But he felt that the body has to depart one day as per the laws of nature so why should he hurt the sentiments of those dropping in.

Saints Attain Shri Radha-Krishna's Closeness

On the other hand saints are unanimous in not being bothered whether this earthly body remains or does not-least worried as they are,and there is no uncertainty regarding the protection of their body.When they are getting an indication from Shyama-Shyam who are wanting to take them along,how can they oppose the sacred Couple. Their lot is readily waiting for Radha-Krihsna's constant closeness on getting a signal from the Supreme Lover.


  1. My heartiest regards to the great saint P.Boboji on her death anniversary today!It is all true for Boboji,her emotions & love for Thakurji & attitude towards his body was exactly that is expressed here.

  2. Great saint and great Jivan Charitra..

  3. श्री सीताराम 💗

  4. Shree radhe Radhe ..May I know the college name where Shree Usha Bahin Ji was Principal ..Is that college still exist , If Yes Can you share location and detail so that I can plan to visit that college ?

    1. Yes, sanatan Dhram Girls school , Ambala cantt .This is opposite to the Civil hospital Ambala cantt.

  5. 🙏🙏Amazing work , apni Sakhi Boboji ke liye sh. Yugal kisi ko bhi madhyam banate hain.
