trijatå nåma råcchasi ekå, råma carana rati nipuna bibekå||
sabanhau boli sunåesi sapanå, s∂tahi sei karahu hita apanå||1||
sapane°bånara lamkå jåri, jåtudhåna senå saba måri||
khara åruRha nagana dasasiså, mumdita sira khamdita bhuja biså||2||
ehi bidhi so dacchina disi jåi,lamkå manahu°bibhisana påi||
nagara phiri raghubira dohåi, taba prabhu sitå boli pathåi||3||
yaha sapanå mai kahau° pukåri,hoihi satya gae°dina cåri||
tåsu bacana suni te saba dari, janakasutå ke carananhi pari°||4||

There was a demoness by the name of Trijata amongst the lot guarding Sita.She had loving devotion for Shri Ramchandraji's feet and was accomplished in spiritual knowledge. Summoning all her companions and narrating her dream, she advised, “ Bring about your salvation by attending to the needs of Sita. I saw in my dream that a monkey has burnt Lanka.The entire army of the demons has been killed.And as for Ravana he is naked and riding an ass. All his ten heads are shorn and his twenty arms have been cut off. He is heading towards the south (Yampuri, the city of Yama who is the king of death) and it seems Lanka has been handed over to Vibhishana.

Doha: 11
jaha° taha° gai° sakala taba sitå kara mana soca|
måsa divasa bite°mohi mårihi nisicara poca||11||
Thereafter, all of them went off in different directions.Sita was apprehensive of base fiend Ravana, killing her when the one month span passed by.
trijatå sana boli kara jori, måtu bipati samgini tai mori||
tajau°deha karu begi upåi,dusaha birahu aba nahi sahi jåi||1||
åni kåtha racu citå banåi,måtu anala puni dehi lagåi
satya karahi mama priti sayåni,sunai ko sravana sula sama båni||2||
sunata bacana pada gahi samujhåesi,prabhu pratåpa bala sujasu sunåesi||
nisi na anala mila sunu sukumåri, asa kahi so nija bhavana sidhåri||3||
kaha sitå bidhi bhå pratikulå,milihi na påvaka mitihi na sulå||
dekhiata pragata gagana amgårå,avani na åvata ekau tårå||4||
påvakamaya sasi sravata na ågi,månahu°mohi jåni hata bhågi||
sunahi binaya mama bitapa asokå,satya nåma karu haru mama sokå||5||
nutana kisalaya anala samånå,dehi agini jani karahi nidånå||
dekhi parama birahåkula sitå,so chana kapihi kalapa sama bitå||6||

Srotha: 12
kapi kari hrdaya° bicåra dinhi mudrikå dåri taba|
janu asoka amgåra dinha harasi uthi kara gaheu||12||

That is when after contemplating,Hanuman dropped the ring in front of Sita as if the Ashoka Tree had granted a spark.Assuming so, Sita sprang up and delightedly took it her hand.
sabanhau boli sunåesi sapanå, s∂tahi sei karahu hita apanå||1||
sapane°bånara lamkå jåri, jåtudhåna senå saba måri||
khara åruRha nagana dasasiså, mumdita sira khamdita bhuja biså||2||
ehi bidhi so dacchina disi jåi,lamkå manahu°bibhisana påi||
nagara phiri raghubira dohåi, taba prabhu sitå boli pathåi||3||
yaha sapanå mai kahau° pukåri,hoihi satya gae°dina cåri||
tåsu bacana suni te saba dari, janakasutå ke carananhi pari°||4||

Demonesses Guarding Devi Sita

Lord Rama Triumphs in Trijata's Dream
The triumph of Shri Ramchandraji has been proclaimed in the city by the beat of the drum. It was then that Lord Rama sent for Sita. I declare that this dream will certainly come true in a few days time. Hearing her words, all the demonesses were scared and fell at the feet of Janaki.
Doha: 11
jaha° taha° gai° sakala taba sitå kara mana soca|
måsa divasa bite°mohi mårihi nisicara poca||11||
Thereafter, all of them went off in different directions.Sita was apprehensive of base fiend Ravana, killing her when the one month span passed by.
trijatå sana boli kara jori, måtu bipati samgini tai mori||
tajau°deha karu begi upåi,dusaha birahu aba nahi sahi jåi||1||
åni kåtha racu citå banåi,måtu anala puni dehi lagåi
satya karahi mama priti sayåni,sunai ko sravana sula sama båni||2||
sunata bacana pada gahi samujhåesi,prabhu pratåpa bala sujasu sunåesi||
nisi na anala mila sunu sukumåri, asa kahi so nija bhavana sidhåri||3||
kaha sitå bidhi bhå pratikulå,milihi na påvaka mitihi na sulå||
dekhiata pragata gagana amgårå,avani na åvata ekau tårå||4||
påvakamaya sasi sravata na ågi,månahu°mohi jåni hata bhågi||
sunahi binaya mama bitapa asokå,satya nåma karu haru mama sokå||5||
nutana kisalaya anala samånå,dehi agini jani karahi nidånå||
dekhi parama birahåkula sitå,so chana kapihi kalapa sama bitå||6||

Sitaji Requesting Trijata
With folded hands, Sitaji requested Trijata, “ Oh mother, you are my sole friend in adversity. Hence quickly devise some means so that I can leave my body.Separation is becoming unbearable and this state can not be endured now.Get some wood, prepare a funeral pyre and deck it.Then set fire to it, Oh mother! Prove that my love for the Lord is genuine, oh wise one! Who can possibly hear the painful words of Ravana which pierce the ears like a spike. On hearing this outburst by Sita,Trijata caught hold of her feet and pacified her by singing the Lord's glories, might and fame.
She explained, “Oh lovely one! Just listen, we can not get fire at night-time.Saying so, she left for her house. Sita muttered to herself, “What should I do when the Creator has ordained otherwise. My agony can not be dispelled because no fire can be found.Blazing sparks are visible in the sky but not a single star falls to the earth. The moon is flaming but knowing me to be doomed it also does not shower fire.

The Ashoka Tree
Hear my prayer,oh Ashoka Tree! Get rid of my grief and be true to your name (Ashoka literally means freedom from sorrow.) Your freshly tender leaves (bright orange-yellow in colour) are very much like sparkling fire. Do not let the pathos of longing reach its peak and lend me fire.Seeing Sita extremely distressed due to the anguish of separation, the moment passed like a kalpa for Hanuman.
Srotha: 12
kapi kari hrdaya° bicåra dinhi mudrikå dåri taba|
janu asoka amgåra dinha harasi uthi kara gaheu||12||

Hanuman Hands Over Lord Rama's Ring to Sita
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