Friday, August 12, 2011

Shri Venu Geet: Fourth Shloka

The Madhurya of Krishna's Flute-Play
tad varnayitumarabdhah smarantyah krishnacheshtitam |
nashakan smaravegena vikshiptamanaso nrupa || 4 ||

The Gopis Want to Sing the Glories of Krishna's Flute-Play

Meaning: The gopis of Vraja certainly wanted to sing of the madhurya of Krishna's flute play amongst themselves, but the instant they thought of the flute, the cowherdesses became nostalgic for Lord Krishna's innocent pranks, roving glances, the meaningful tilt of His eyebrows as well as the loving tenderness of His smile. Above all, the ardent longing for the sight and touch of their beloved Krishna intensified.

The Cowheredesses are Passionately Drawn to Krishna's Flute Song 

They were passionately drawn to Him. Deep in their hearts, the gopis were transported to the site where Lord Krishna was playing the flute. Hence they became speechless with joy, which meant that they were unable to give an account of the dark god's winsome manners.

Lord Krishna is Ineffably Beautiful

Commentary by Shri Manohar Baba: According to Shri Pad Sanatan Goswami, Jeev Goswami and Pad Vishwanath Chakravarty all these young village girls began singing the glories of Lord Krishna, in seclusion. They wished to give a detailed description of the ineffable beauty and total shangar, the adornment, of Krishna.

A Gopi Recollects her Romantic Dalliance with Krishna

However the distinctive spiritual enlightenment they instantly attained by recollecting their earlier romantic dalliance with Shri Krishna, in His proximity (beatific state in which the soul attends on God), and because of an intense longing to move to Krishna's side, these village girls of Vraja, enraptured by the dark god, could not succeed in glorifying Shri Krishna and his *love moves.

Love: the enraptured cowherdesses longing for union with their supreme lover Krishna, is seen as the perennial quest of mankind for a divine and transcendental love.

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