Friday, August 19, 2011

Shri Venu Geet: Seventh Shloka

Shri Krishna & Balram Entering Vrindavan

aksanvatam phalam idam na param vidama
sakhyam pasun anuvivesayator vayasyaih
vaktram vrajesa-sutayor anavenu-justam
yair va nipitam anurakta-kataksa-moksam
(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.21.7)
The Dark God Krishna with Fair-Complexioned Shri Balram

Meaning: The cowherdesses began talking amongst themselves, “O Sakhi! We have understood the sole fruition of the lives of people having eyes and we know of no other advantage they have? And that is seeing the dark god Shri Krishna and fair-hued Balram, accompanied by the gopas, as they take the cows for grazing to the forest or bring them back to Vraja; They hold the flutes to their lips and look at us with loving-sidelong glances and we drink in the sweetness of their faces, at that point of time.

The Madhurya or Sweet Love of Shri Krishna

Commentary by Shri Manohar Baba: (According to Shridhar Svami, Shri Sanatana Goswami and Shri Pad Jeeva Goswami gratification of the senses has been described from the seventh to the twenty-first shloka of Venu Geet) Saying Vayasyaih and agraj in the afore-mentioned shloka is not suitable in this section of the Venu Geet-but they are used to describe the distinctive beauty of Shri Krishna.The gopis of Vraja are passionately drawn to Shri Krishna and the only reason of referring to Shri Balram as vrajesa-sutayor, is to hide the madhur bhava or sweet love of Shri Krishna in a land of highly restrictive social conventions.

Shri Ram & Shri Krishna

Vrajesa-sutayor: If this phrase of the gopis implies both (Shri Ram-Krishna) then a description of the guna bhava which is given later on, is only connected to Shri Krishna. The writer says that anavenu-justam or a mouth kissed by the flute, is a famed trait of flute play and belongs to Shri Krishna. And anurakta-kataksa-moksam or the frivolous sidelong glance directed at the Vraja devotees, is also perfectly applicable to the dark god.
The Sidelong Glance of Krishna

The attraction of the Braj bhaktijan, particularly the young cowherdesses, is solely to Shri Krishna. There is no reference to any such episode of Shri Balram, anywhere.Thus the enchanting sidelong glance of Krishna is for those who intently gaze at the lovable moonlike face of the dark god and" O Sakhi! the senses of only these devotees are gratified. Having darshan or beholding Krishna, the Supreme Lover, is the ultimate fruition of having eyes."
The Lotus Face of Dark-Hued Krishna

Question: Is being able to look at the lotus face of Shri Krishna, the only fruit attained by those having eyes.
Answer: No, there is much more.Vaktram and nipitam are mentioned at this juncture and nipitam means drinking.The gopis' senses are gratified on relishing the nectarean flirtatious glance of Krishna and the lotus face of the dark-hued god, kissed by the flute.This is the zenith of spiritual awareness.

The Gopis Are Speechless with Joy on Seeing Krishna

Shri Pad Jeev Goswami says that because the gopis became speechless, their throats were constricted and tears streamed down their cheeks with joy, there is no explicit reference to their drinking the ambrosia of Krishna, with their lips. This serious overtone safe guards the social constraints of the honourable Braj denizens who are enchanted by Krishna. Its secretive nature maintains the decorum and beauty of this rasa.
The Cowherdesses of Vraja Sing the Glories of Krishna

The flute was heard by everyone in Vraja but only those cowherdesses whose ardour was sufficient and understanding of Krishna was complete like Shri Radha's, could identify their passion with Hers and began singing the dark god's glories amidst clusters of sakhis having the same bhava.

O Sakhi! Vrajesa-sutayor : Has a double meaning. Vrajesa means the king of Vraja, and stands for Nandbaba as well as Vrasbhanu Baba.  
Shri Radha-Krishna

Vrajesa-sutayor: Radhika is the daughter of Vrasbhanu Baba and Krishna is the darling son of Nanda. Together Radha and Krishna are vrajesa-sutayo or Shri Radha-Krishna who are forever engrossed in adulating each other with love- laden eyes and who are in essence a single entity. One of the meanings of pashu is to assume a distinctive form. Having darshan of such a beauteous Yugal, the sacred couple, is the ultimate fruition of having eyes and the greatest gratification of our senses.

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