Friday, September 30, 2011

1st and 2nd Dohas of Uttar Kand

raheu eka dina avadhi adhårå,samujhata mana dukha bhayau apårå |
kårana kavana nåtha nahi åyau,jåni kutila kidhau° mohi bisaråyau ||1||
ahaha dhanya lachimana baRabhågi,råma padårabimdu anurågi. |
kapati kutila mohi prabhu cinhå,tåte nåtha samga nahi linhå ||2||
jau° karani samujhai prabhu mori,nahi niståra kalapa sata kori. |
jana avaguna prabhu måna na kåu,dina bamdhu ati mrdula subhåu ||3||
more jiya°bharosa drRha soi,milihahi råma saguna subha hoi |
bite°avadhi rahahi jau°prånå, adhama kavana jaga mohi samånå ||4||

Lord Rama & Lakshmana Are Inseparable

Only a day of Lord Ram's exile, which was the sole support of Bharata's life was left. His mind weighed down with immense grief, the instant he thought of this fact. What was the reason that the Lord had not yet arrived? Considering me to be devious,I hope He has not forgotten me! Ah ! How very blessed and fortunate is Lakshman, who is a dedicated devotee of Lord Råm's lotus-feet.(he was never separated from them) The Lord has identified me to be deceitful and wicked therefore He refused to take me along. (It was a correct decision because) if the Lord were to consider my actions, I would not get salvation (release from rebirth) even after crores of kalpas. (But my only hope is) that the Lord never takes His devotees' drawbacks into account. He a friend of the downtrodden and extremely tender-hearted. Moreover I am thoroughly convinced at heart that Lord Ram will definitely meet me (because) the omens I am getting are so very auspicious. But, if I outlive the term (of Lord Rama's exile,)who would be as despicable as me in this world.
råma biraha sågara maha°bharata magana mana hota |
bipra rupa dhari pavana suta åi gayau janu pota ||1(A)||
baithe dekhi kusåsana jatå mukuta krsa gåta |
råma råma raghupati japata sravata nayana jalajåta ||1(B)||

Hanuman, the Son of the Wind God

Precisely when Bharata's mind was sinking in the ocean of separation from Lord Råm, Hanuman, the son of the Wind God, arrived in the guise of a Brahmin  as if a boat had come to Bharat's rescue (to save him from drowning.) He found a haggard Bharat seated on a mat of Kusha grass. Wearing matted hair for a crown, he chanted 'Ram! Ram! Raghupati! While tears (of love) streamed down from his lotus eyes.
dekhata hanumåna ati haraseu, pulaka gåta locana jala baraseu |
mana maha° bahuta bhåti sukha måni,boleu sravana sudhå sama båni ||1||
jåsu biraha°socahu dina råti,ratahu niramtara guna gana på°ti. |
raghukula tilaka sujana sukhadåtå,åyau kusala deva muni tråtå ||2||
ripu rana jiti sujasa sura gåvata,sitå sahita anuja prabhu åvata |
sunata bacana bisare saba dukhå,trsåvamta jimi påi piyuså ||3||
ko tumha tåta kahå° te åe,mohi parama priya bacana sunåe |
måruta suta mai kapi hanumånå,nåmu mora sunu krpånidhånå ||4||
dnabamdhu raghupati kara kimkara,sunata bharata bheteu uthi sådara |
milata prema nahi hrdaya°samåtå,nayana sravata jala pulakita gåtå ||5||
kapi tava darasa sakala dukha bite,mile åju mohi råma pirte |
båra båra bujhi kusalåtå,to kahu°deu°kåha sunu bhråtå ||6||
ehi samdesa sarisa jaga måhi,kari bicåra dekheu°kachu nåhi°|
nåhina tåta urina mai tohi, aba prabhu carita sunåvahu mohi ||7||
taba hanumamta nåi pada måthå, kahe sakala raghupati guna gåthå |
kahu kapi kabahu° krpåla gosåi, sumirahi mohi dåsa ki nåi°||8||
Lord Rama Triumphed over His Enemies

Hanumån was over-joyed, the instant he saw him. His body was ecstatic (every fibre of his being stood erect) and tears (of joy) rained profusely from his eyes. Feeling gratified in so many ways at heart, Hanuman spoke in a voice which sounded like nectar to Bharat's ears. In whose absence you are grieved day in and day out, and constantly chant the lines of His many glorious virtues, the One who is a tilak (pride) of the Raghu Dynasty, a granter of joy to the virtuous and a protector of the gods as well as sages, has  arrived safely. Having triumphed over His enemies in battle, the Lord is on His way to Ayodhya along with Sita and Lakshman. The gods are singing hymns in praise of Him.The instant Bharat heard these words, he forgot about all his sorrows, just like a thirsty man forgets the pain of his parched throat on finding nectar. (Bharat asked) O dear friend! Who are you ? And from where have you come? (That) you could tell me the most pleasant news (imparting extreme joy). (Hanuman said)

Shri Bharat Hugs Hanuman

O treasury of mercy! Listen; I am the son of the Wind God and a monkey by race. My name is Hanuman. I am a servitor of Lord Ram and a friend of the needy. Hearing this, Bharat got up and respectfully hugged him. The affection with which he wrapped his arms around him, was too great to be contained within. Tears (of joy and love) streamed down his eyes and his body was thrilled (every fibre of his being stood erect with delight). (Bharat said) O Hanuman! Seeing you, all my sorrows have come to an end. I have found my lovable Ram Himself (in your form), today. Bharat asked about the well being of Lord Ram, over and over again (and said) O Brother! Listen what should I give you (in return for this happy news)? I have reflected and come to the conclusion that there is nothing in this world which is worth giving in exchange for the news brought by you. (Therefore) O Brother! I am unable to repay your debt, in any possible way. Now, kindly recount the acts (condition) of my Lord.Then Hanuman bowed his head at Bharat's feet and narrated the entire tale of Lord Ram's virtuous deeds. (Bharat asked) O Hanuman! Please tell me if the merciful Lord Lord Ramchandra ever remembers me as one of His servitors.
nija dåsa jyo°raghubamsabhusana kabahu° mama sumirana karyo |
suni bharata bacana binita ati kapi pulaki tana carananhi paryo ||
raghubira nija mukha jåsu guna gana kahata aga jaga nåtha jo |
kåhe na hoi binita parama punita sadaguna simdhu so ||

Lord Raghubeer is Forever Raving about Bharat's Virtues

Has Lord Ram, a jewel of the Raghu Dynasty ever been thinking of me as His servant? Hanumån was thrilled at this lovingly tender question of Bharaa, and he fell at his feet. (Hanuman thought to himself)Why shouldn't that Bharat be so lovingly tender, extremely pure and an ocean of virtues when Lord Raghuveer, the Master of living and inanimate beings, raves about Bharat's many qualities with His own mouth.
råma pråna priya nåtha tumha satya bacana mama tåta, |
puni puni milata bharata suni harasa na hrdaya° samåta ||2(A)||
bharata carana siru nåi turita gayau kapi råma pahi |
kah kusala saba jåi harasi caleu prabhu jåna caRhi ||2(B)||

Hanuman Reveals to Lord Ram that All is Well at Ayodhya

(Hanuman said) O brother! You are as dear to Ram as His own life. Take my words to be true. Hearing this fact, Bharat embraced Hanuman over and over again, with a joy which knew no bounds. Thereafter bowing his head at Bharat's feet, Hanauman quickly went back to Lord Ram and on reaching there said that all was well. That is when the Lord was joyous. He mounted the vimana (aerial car) and headed towards His destination.

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