Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shri Venu Geet: Fourteenth Shloka

Great Rishis Assume the Form of Birds & Adulate Krishna

prayo batamba vihaga munayo vane 'smin
krshneksitam tad-uditam kala-venu-gitam
aaruhya ye druma-bhujan ruchira-pravaalaan
srnvanti milita-drso vigataanya-vachah |
(SB 10.21.14)

Eminent Sages Perched as Birds on the Trees of Vrindavan

Meaning: O Sakhi! Leave aside raving about these cows and calves and just have a look at the birds of Vrindavan-it would be a mistake to call them birds. Truly speaking most of them are great rishis and munis who quietly perch on the freshly enchanting branches of the beautiful trees of Vrindavana, which are budding with new leaves.

Birds Listen to Krishna's Flute Play in Absolute Silence

They do not shut their eyes and constantly gaze at the sweetness of Krishna's form and His love-laden sidelong glances, and are delighted. Discarding all other sounds, they listen to His heavenly, enchanting flute-song in rapt attention. Forgetting to chirp on such lofty branches of trees, they adopt a vow of silence and sitting in a meditation posture, fail to blink their eyes.

Lords Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva

Commentary by Shri Manohar Baba: Shri Pad Vishwanath Chakravarty says that Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Narada, Indra and others are not such adept singers and not so accomplished in the art of singing as the munis.

Munis Forget To Sing the Glories of the Vedas

When these munis catch a glimpse of Krishna's beauteous form and hear the divine flute song sung by Him, they forget to chirp about the knowledge of their Vedas.

Sages Are Ecstatic on Listening to Krishna's Flute Song

Assuming the form of birds, they reach the heights of religious rapture which surpasses the delight of Brahma Anand. Steeped in Krishna Anand, the bliss of Krishna, glimpsing His ineffable beauty, and reveling in the sweetness of His flute song, they are perched on the high branches of Vrindavan's trees in absolute silence.

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