Tuesday, October 25, 2011

17th & 18th Dohas of Uttar Kand

suni prabhu bacana magana saba bhae, ko hama kahå° bisari tana gae |
ekataka rahe jori kara åge, sakahi na kachu kahi ati anuråge ||1||
parama prema tinha kara prabhu dekhå, kahå bibidhi bidhi gyåna biseså |
prabhu sanmukha kachu kahana na pårahi, puni puni carana saroja nihårahi ||2||
taba prabhu bhusana basana magåe, nånå ramga anupa suhåe |
sugrivahi prathamahi pahiråe, basana bharata nija håtha banåe ||3||
prabhu prerita lachimana pahiråe, lamkåpati raghupati mana bhåe |
amgada baitha rahå nahi dolå, priti dekhi prabhu tåhi na bolå ||4||

Hanuman, Sugriva & Angada Adulate Lord Rama

Hearing the Lord's words all of them were enraptured and forgot who they were and where they were.They lost consciousness about their physical existence. Joining their palms, they stood in front of the Lord and adulated Him by looking fixedly; they could not speak a word because of being immensely enraptured by love. The Lord observed their intense fondness and (then) instructed them in many ways on spiritual wisdom (understanding of the identity of the self with the ultimate Brahman). Standing in front of the Lord they could not utter a word and simply gazed at His lotus-feet, over and over again. The Lord then sent for excellent jewels and clothes of various hues. Bharat arranged a set with his own hands and first of all clad Sugriva in the best of finery.

Vibhisan is Clad in the Best of Finery by Lakshman

Therafter on being urged by the Lord, Laksman decked Vibhisana with another set of jewels and clothes, which greatly delighted the heart of Lord Raghuvir. Angad kept sitting, and refused to budge from his seat. Seeing his intense affection, the Lord did not call him.

jåmavamta nilådi saba pahiråe raghunåtha |
hiya° dhari råma rupa saba cale nåi pada måtha ||17A||
taba amgada uthi nåi siru sajala nayana kara jori |
ati binita boleu bacana manahu° prema rasa bori ||17B||

Jambavan, Nila & Others Decked by Lord Rama

Then the Lord of the Raghus Himself, dressed Jambavan, Nila and the others with clothes and jewels. Enshrining the form of Lord Råma in their hearts, they bowed their heads at His feet and took leave. That is when Angad rose, bowed his head; and with folded hands, and eyes streaming with tears and spoke to the Lord in words which were most lovingly tender and seemed steeped in the sentiment of love. 
sunu sarbagya krpå sukha simdho,dina dayåkara årata bamdho |
marati bera nåtha mohi båli, gayau tumhårehi komche° ghåli ||1||
asarana sarana biradu sambhåri, mohi jani tajahu bhagata hitakåri |
more° tumha prabhu gura pitu måtå, jåu° kahå°taji pada jalajåtå ||2||
tumhahi bicåri kahahu naranåhå, prabhu taji bhavana kåja mama kåhå |
bålaka gyåna buddhi bala hinå, råkhahu sarana nåtha jana dinå ||3||
nici tahala grha kai saba karihau°, pada pamkaja biloki bhava tarihau° |
asa kahi carana pareu prabhu påhi, aba jani nåtha kahahu grha jåhi ||4||

Angad Begs Lord Rama to Let Him Stay on in Ayodhya

Listen, omniscient Ocean of mercy and bliss. Compassionate to the poor and a friend of the afflicted. O friend of the pained! Listen! O Lord! While dying, my father Bali left me in Your charge. Therefore,O benefactor of the bhaktas! Recalling Your vow of protecting those without shelter, do not forsake me. You are my master, spiritual preceptor, father and mother, all rolled into one. Where should I go, leaving Your lotus-feet? O Maharaj! Consider the matter Yourself and tell me, O Lord, what work do I have at home after leaving You? O Nath !

Hanumana Propitiating the Lotus Feet of Lord Rama

Keep this child and wretched servitor lacking knowledge, wisdom and strength, under your refuge. I will do the most menial of services in your household and cross over the ocean of mundane existence by constantly gazing at Your lotus-feet. Saying so, he fell at the feet of Lord Rama(and beseeched.) O Lord! Protect me! O Nath! Do not ask me to return home, anymore.
amgada bacana binita suni raghupati karunå simva |
prabhu uthåi ura låyau sajala nayana råjiva ||18A||
nija ura måla basana mani bålitanaya pahiråi |
bidå kinhi bhagavåna taba bahu prakåra samujhåi ||18B

The Compassionate Lord Rama Convinces Angad

Hearing Angad's humble request, Lord Råma, the zenith of compassion, raised him and hugged him to His heart. His lotus eyes streamed with tears (of love.)Therafter, decking Angad, the son of Bali, with the necklace that adorned His own bosom, robes and jewels (ornaments studded with precious stones),

Angad Takes Leave & Heads Homewards

and consoling him in many ways, the Lord sent him away.

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