Monday, October 10, 2011

5th & 6th Dohas of Uttar Kand

åe bharata samga saba logå,krsa tana sriraghubira biyogå |
båmadeva basista muninåyaka,dekhe prabhu mahi dhari dhanu såyaka ||1||
dhåi dhare gura carana saroruha,anuja sahita ati pulaka tanoruha |
bhe°ti kusala bujhi muniråyå,hamare° kusala tumhårihi dåyå ||2||
sakala dvijanha mili nåyau måthå,dharma dhuramdhara raghukulanåthå |
gahe bharata puni prabhu pada pamkaja,namata jinhahi sura muni samkara aja ||3||
pare bhumi nahi uthata uthåe,bara kari krpåsimdhu ura låe |
syåmala gåta roma bhae thåRhe,nava råjiva nayana jala båRhe ||4||

The People of Ayodhya Welcome Lord Rama

All the people came along with Bharat. Everyone had become haggard in appearance because of their separation from the Hero of the Raghus. When the Lord saw Våmadev, Vasisth and the other great sages, He kept His bow and arrows on the ground and ran with His younger brother Lakshmana, to hold His spiritual preceptors lotus-feet, the hair on their bodies were standing erect due to ecstasy. Lifting and hugging them, Vasisth, the chief sage, asked about their well-being. Lord Råma replied, that our welfare lies only in your grace. Then, the Lord of the Raghus, an epitome of righteousness, met all the other Bråhmanas and bowed His head to them. Thereafter Bharat clasped the Lord's lotus-feet, which are respectfully saluted by gods and sages, and even by Lord Shankar and Brahma. He lay prostrate on the ground and would not get up even on being lifted up.
råjiva locana sravata jala tana lalita pulakåvali bani |
ati prema hrdaya° lagåi anujahi mile prabhu tribhuana dhani ||
prabhu milata anujahi soha mo pahi jåti nahi upamå kahi |
janu prema aru simgåra tanu dhari mile bara susamå lahi ||1||
bujhata krpånidhi kusala bharatahi bacana begi na åvai |
sunu sivå so sukha bacana mana te bhinna jåna jo påvai ||
aba kusala kausalanåtha årata jåni jana darasana diyo |
buRata biraha bårisa krpånidhåna mohi kara gahi liyo ||2||

Lord Rama Hugs Bharat

That is when the treasury of mercy, Lord Rama forcibly lifted Bharat and pressed him to His bosom.Tears (of love) flooded His eyes resembling a fresh lotus and the hair standing erect on his dark-hued body looked (extremely) beautiful.

Lord Råm, the Lord of the three worlds, clasped Bharat to His bosom with great affection. I can not find any simile to describe the beauty of the Lord's meeting with His younger brother: It seemed as if the sentiment of love and affection had assumed an exquisite bodily form, and met. The trove of compassion Lord Ram inquired after Bharat's welfare but words were not promptly uttered from Bharat's mouth, since he was overjoyed.

Shiva & Parvati

(Lord Shiva continues) O Parvati! Listen, the bliss (which Bharat enjoyed at that point of time) is beyond one's speech and mind; it can only be known by a person who receives it. (Bharat said) O Lord of Kosala! You blessed me with your sight, knowing that I am distressed, and because of this, all is well now. By holding my hand, the treasure-trove of mercy has saved me when I was drowning in the ocean (anguish).

puni prabhu harasi satruhana bhete hrdaya°lagåi |
lachimana bharata mile taba parama prema dou bhåi ||5||

Lakshman, Shatrughan's Brother

Then the Lord was delighted and pressed Shatrughan to His bosom. Soon after, the two brothers Lakshman and Bharat, met each other with extreme affection.
bharatånuja lachimana puni bhemte, dusaha biraha sambhava dukha mete |
stå carana bharata siru nåvå, anuja sameta parama sukha påvå ||1||
prabhu biloki harase purabåsi, janita biyoga bipati saba nåsi |
premåtura saba loga nihåri,kautuka kinha krpåla kharåri ||2||
amita rupa pragate tehi kålå, jathå joga mile sabahi krpålå |
krpådrsti raghubira biloki, kie sakala nara nåri bisoki ||3||
chana mahi sabahi mile bhagavånå,umå marama yaha kåhu° na jånå |
ehi bidhi sabahi sukhi kari råmå,åge°cale sila guna dhåmå ||4||
kausalyådi måtu saba dhåi,nirakhi baccha janu dhenu lavåi ||5||

Maa Sita

Then Laksman embraced Shatrughan and thus destroyed the terrible agony of separation. Thereafter along with * brother Shatrughan, Bharat bowed his head at Sita's feet and attained supreme joy. All the residents of Ayodhya were delighted at the sight of the Lord. Their miseries arising due to being separated from the Lord, now came to an end. Seeing the people desperate to meet the Lord because of their loving devotion, the All-compassionate, Slayer of Khara, performed a miracle.

Lord Rama Assumes Countless Forms

He appeared in countless forms, precisely at that time and met everybody in an appropriate manner. The Hero of the Raghus looked at everyone with a compassionate glance and rid all the men and women of their sorrow. The Lord met them all, in just a moment. O Umå! This mystery could not be understood by anyone. Having gratified everyone in this manner, the repository of goodness and virtues, Lord Råma, moved ahead. Kausalyå and the other mothers ran in such a manner to meet Him, as cows who had calved would run at the sight of their little ones.

janu dhenu bålaka baccha taji grha°carana bana parabasa gai |
dina amta pura rukha sravata thana humkåra kari dhåvata bhai°||
ati prema prabhu saba måtu bheti° bacana mrdu bahubidhi kahe |
gai bisama bipati biyoga bhava tinha harasa sukha aganita lahe ||

A Cow with her Calf

It seemed as if cows that had recently given birth to calves and been forced to go to the woods for grazing, leaving their young ones at home, at the end the of day, were mooing with dripping teats and rushing towards the village (to meet their calves). The Lord met all the mothers with great affection and spoke many lovingly tender words to them. In this way the dire distress that had arisen due to separation came to an end, and they attained infinite joy and rapture (on meeting the Lord and hearing his words).

bheteu tanaya sumitrå° råma carana rati jåni |
råmahi milata kaikai hrdaya° bahuta sakucåni ||6A||
lachimana saba måtanha mili harase åsisa påi |
kaikai kaha°puni puni mile mana kara chobhu na jåi ||6B||

Lakshman, the Son of Sumitra
Sumitrå hugged her son, Lakshman remembering how devoted he was to Lord Råm's feet. While Kaikeyi, was very embarrassed at heart when she embraced Lord Råm. Lakshman was also delighted, to meet all his mothers and receive their blessings. But even though he met Kaikeyi over and over again, the bitter hatred of his mind did not leave him.

* Although Lakshman and Shatrughan were real brothers, Shatrughana was closer to Bharat and
preferred to live with him. Hence he is referred to as Bharat's younger brother, here.

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