daihika daivika bhautika tåpå, råma råja nahi kåhuhi byåpå |
saba nara karahi paraspara priti, calahi svadharma nirata sruti niti ||1||
cåriu carana dharma jaga måhi°,puri rahå sapanehu°agha nåhi° |
råma bhagati rata nara aru nåri, sakala parama gati ke adhikåri ||2||
alpamrtyu nahi kavaniu pirå, saba sumdara saba biruja sarirå |
nahi daridra kou dukhi na dinå,nahi kou abudha na lacchana hinå ||3||
saba nirdambha dharmarata puni,nara aru nåri catura saba guni |
saba gunagya pamdita saba gyåni, saba krtagya nahi kapata sayåni ||4||
No One Had to Bear the Threefold Suffering of Mankind During Lord Rama's Reign
During Rama's rule no one suffered from pain of any kind whether (daihik) caused by one's body or mind; (daivik) divinely caused like floods and drought or (bhautik) caused by other living beings like flies, wild animals and so on. All humans constantly loved one another and intently followed their ethical duties as upheld in the Vedas. Dharma or virtuousness with its four pillars(truth, purity, compassion and charity) reigned throughout the world; no one even dreamt of sinning.
Men & Women Worshipped Lord Rama
Men and women alike were dedicatedly devoted to the worship of Lord Råma and all were qualified for deliverance (moksha or released from rebirth in this world). There was neither death at a young age nor did anyone suffer pain of any kind. Everyone's bodies were beautiful and in good health. No one was poverty stricken, sad or miserable. No one was stupid or lacking auspicious traits. All were stripped of pretence, were devoutly religious and virtuous souls. Both men and women were clever and endowed with positive qualities. Everyone respected the merits of others and was learned and wise. All were grateful (acknowledged kind favours done by others) and there was no deceitful cleverness in anyone.
råma råja nabhagesa sunu sacaråcara jaga måhi |
kåla karma subhåva guna krta dukha kåhuhi nåhi ||21||
Lord Rama Ruled Ayodhya
(Kakbhushundi says)Listen, O Garuda, king of the birds! During Lord Råma's rule there was not a creature in this world, animate or inanimate, that bore any sufferings arising from time, past deeds, personal disposition or gunas (constituents of nature) (21)
bhumi sapta sågara mekhalå, eka bhupa raghupati kosalå |
bhuana aneka roma prati jåsu, yaha prabhutå kachu bahuta na tåsu ||1||
so mahimå samujhata prabhu keri, yaha baranata hinatå ghaneri |
sou mahimå khagesa jinha jåni, phiri ehi carita tinhahu° rati måni ||2||
sou jåne kara phala yaha lilå, kahahi mahå munibara damasilå |
råma råja kara sukha sampadå, barani na sakai phanisa såradå ||3||
saba udåra saba para upakåri, bipra carana sevaka nara nåri |
ekanåri brata rata saba jhåri, te mana baca krama pati hitakåri ||4||
Lord Raghunath Reigned Over the Entire World
Lord Raghunath who reigned in Ayodhya, was the sole sovereign of the entire globe girdled by the seven oceans. Being the Lord of these seven continents was nothing great fo Him because every pore of His body contained several cosmoses (universes). Rather for one who has understood this majestic greatness of the Lord, saying (that he was the sole emperor of the earth with seven continents which were encircled by the seven oceans) would be highly belittling.
Garuda, Adulating Lord Hari Sitting on Sesa
But even those, O Garuda, (says Kakbhusundi) who have grasped this grandeur of the Lord, develop great fondness for this lila or divine play of the Lord. Because the perception of such exploits of the Lord, is the fruition of knowing His infinite greatness; so say the greatest of sages who have subdued their senses. The joys and prosperity of Lord Rama's reign can not be described by even Sesa (the thousand-headed snake) and Sarada (the goddess of learning). All the men and women were generous and benevolent, and everyone served the feet of the Brahmanas. Every husband had taken a vow of monogamy. In exactly the same fashion, wives too were dedicated and devoted to their husbands in thoughts, words and deeds.
damda jatinha kara bheda jaha° nartaka nrtya samåja |
jitahu manahi sunia asa råmacamdra ke° råja ||22||
The Reign of Lord Ramachandra
Throughout the reign of Lord Ramachandra, danda was only seen in the hands of a sanyasi (recluse) and bheda existed amongst the dancers in a dancing community. And the word conquer was heard only in reference to triumphing over the mind.
(Our scriptures identify four common methods of persuasion; (1) Sama (argument ), (2) Dana (inducement in the form of gifts.), (3) Danda (use of force) and (4) Bheda (planting seeds of dissension). The last two of the four methods mentioned above are referred to in this context. There is a pun intended on these words. The word danda when used while referring to a recluse denotes the staff which he needs to carry as a symbol of self-restraint; and bheda usually means variety (of notes and cadence illustrated in music and dancing.) The poet conveys through this verse that such harmony and moral righteousness prevailed throughout the world during Lord Rama's rule that the last two methods of persuasion had become totally obsolete. Similarly, since there was no enemy to conquer, the only object to be triumphed over was the mind.)
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