jaba te råma pratåpa khageså, udita bhayau ati prabala dineså |
puri prakåsa raheu tihu° lokå, bahutenha sukha bahutana mana sokå ||1||
jinhahi soka te kahau° bakhåni, prathama abidyå niså nasåni |
agha uluka jaha°tahå° lukåne, kåma krodha kairava sakucåne ||2||
bibidha karma guna kåla subhåu, e cakora sukha lahahi na kåu |
matsara måna moha mada corå, inha kara hunara na kavanihu° orå ||3||
dharama taRåga gyåna bigyånå,e pamkaja bikase bidhi nånå |
sukha samtosa biråga bibekå, bigata soka e koka anekå ||4||
The Sun of Lord Rama's Glory Shone Bright
(Kakabhusundi continues)O Garuda, king of the birds! Ever since the most dazzling sun of Lord Råma's glory had risen, the three lokas (worlds) were flooded with light. This has brought joy to many and sorrow to so many others. First I am going to expound those to whom it has caused sorrow ( because of radiance spreading all around).Right in the beginning, the night of ignorance was ruined; owl-like sins hid wherever they could; the white lilies of lust and anger closed.
The Chakora, a Legendary Bird
Various kinds of *Chakora birds of karmas, gunas, kaal and nature ( which are binding) never rejoiced (in the sunlight of Lord Rama's glory); thieves like jealousy, pride, infatuation and arrogance could not exhibit their expertise in any direction. Several varieties of lotuses of knowledge (understanding of the identity of the self with the ultimate brahman ) and worldly knowledge(acquired knowledge of the world as distinct from knowledge of brahman acquired by meditation and study) bloomed opened in the pond of dharma (fulfilment of religious obligations).
The Chakravaka was Stripped of Sorrow
Happiness, contentment, asceticism and discernment, were stripped of sorrow ,like so many Chakravaka birds.
yaha pratåpa rabi jåke° ura jaba karai prakåsa |
pachile båRhahiÚ prathama je kahe te påvahiÚ nåsa ||31||
Lord Rama Lights up One's Heart
When the sun of Lord Rama's glory lights up the heart of an individual, the qualities listed in the end(dharma, spiritual knowledge, worldly knowledge, happiness, contentment, renunciation and discernment) increase while those mentioned in the beginning ( ignorance, sins, lust, anger,karmas, kaal, gunas and nature) are destroyed.
bhråtanha sahita råmu eka bårå, samga parama priya pavanakumårå ||
sumdara upabana dekhana gae, saba taru kusumita pallava nae ||1||
jåni samaya sanakådika åe, teja pumja guna sila suhåe |
brahmånamda sadå layalinå, dekhata bålaka bahukålinå ||2||
rupa dhare°janu cåriu bedå, samadarasi muni bigata bibhedå |
åså basana byasana yaha tinhahi, raghupati carita hoi taha° sunahi ||3|| °
tahå rahe sanakådi bhavåni, jaha° ghatasambhava munibara gyåni |
råma kathå munibara bahu barani, gyåna joni påvaka jimi arani ||4||
Lord Rama & Hanumana in a Grove
One day, Lord Rama and his brothers, taking Hanumana who was most dear to Him, went to see a beautiful grove. All the trees were blossoming there and loaded with fresh leaves.
Sages Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana & Sanatkumara
Knowing that it was a fitting time, sage Sanaka* and his three brothers (Sanandana,Sanåtana and Sanatkumåra) arrived at that spot. They were all icons of spiritual lustre and noble qualities. Endowed with virtuousness, they were constantly absorbed in their ecstatic union with Brahma.Seeming to be infants in appearance, they were aeons old. It looked as if the four Vedas had assumed bodies. Those sages looked at everyone with the same eye and were above discrimination. The four quarters were their clothing. Their only passion was to hear the tale of Lord Rama's exploits wherever it was narrated.
Lord Shiva & Goddess Bhavani
(Lord Shiva continues) O Bhavani! Sanaka and his brothers had gone where Agastya, most supreme of the sages lived (and were coming back).The noble sage had narrated many a stories related to Lord Råma, which are capable of producing wisdom in the same way as the friction of two pieces of Arni wood produce fire.
dekhi råma muni åvata harasi damdavata kinha |
svågata pu° chi pita pata prabhu baithana kaha° dinha ||32||
Sages Sanaka, Sanatkumara,Sanatana and Sanadana, the Four Sons of Brahma
Lord Ramchandra was delighted to see the sages approaching and prostrated before them.And after inquiring about their well being, the Lord spread out His pitambar (yellow sash) for them to sit on.
Chakravaka: a ruddy goose always seen to fly in pairs during the day but are supposed to remain separate during the night. The `Chakravaka` in the poetry of the Hindus is heir turtle-dove for constancy and conjugal affection with the singular circumstance of the pair being doomed for ever to nocturnal separation for offending one of the Hindu Munis or sages.
Sage Sanaka: Lord Brahma had four sons, Sanaka, Sanat Kumara,Sanatana and Sanadana
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