Wednesday, December 14, 2011

37th & 38th Dohas of Uttar Kand


karau°krpånidhi eka dhithåi, mai sevaka tumha jana sukhadåi |

samtanha kai mahimå raghuråi, bahu bidhi beda purånanha gåi ||1||

srimukha tumha puni kinhi baRåi, tinha para prabhuhi priti adhikåi |

sunå cahau°prabhu tinha karalacchana, krpåsimdhu guna gyåna bicacchana ||2||

samta asamta bheda bilagåi, pranatapåla mohi kahahu bujhåi |

samtanha ke lacchana sunu bhråtå, aganita sruti puråna bikhyåtå ||3||

samta asamtanhi kai asi karani, jimi kuthåra camdana åcarani |

kåtai parasu malaya sunu bhåi, nija guna dei sugamdha basåi ||4||

Lord Rama, Sings the Glories of Saints

Nevertheless, O treasury of compassion! I dare to ask You one question. I am Your servitor and You grant delight to Your devotees.(Therefore pardon my daring and give joy by answering my query.) O Lord of the Raghus! The Vedas and Puranas have sung the glories of the saints in various ways. You too have praised them with Your own fair mouth and my Lord (You) have great affection for them, as well. O Lord I want to hear about their distinctive traits.You are the Ocean of mercy, and extremely accomplished in virtues and wisdom. O Protector of those who seek refuge in You! Separating the distinguishing characteristics of those who are good and the wicked, explain them to me.

Saints are Likened to The Sandalwood Tree

(Lord Rama said) Listen brother! The qualities of saints, which are renowned in the Vedas and Puranas, are countless. The conduct of saints and the wicked is just like the customary behaviour of sandalwood and the axe. Mark this fact, brother! The axe cuts down a sandal-tree (because its distinctive nature is to fell trees), but sandalwood (due to its particular nature) perfumes it (the felling axe)by imparting its fragrance.


tåte sura sisanha caRhata jaga ballabha srikhamda |

anala dåhi pitata ghanahi parasu badana yaha damda ||37||

Sandalwood Paste Marks Baby Rama's Forehead

Because of this particular trait, sandalwood paste is applied to the heads of gods(idols) and is dearly loved by the world; while the steel face of the axe is heated in the fire and beaten with a hammer as punishment.


bisaya alampata sila gunåkara, para dukha dukha sukha sukha dekhe para |

sama abhutaripu bimada birågi, lobhåmarasa harasa bhaya tyågi ||1||

komalacita dinanha para dåyå, mana baca krama mama bhagati amåyå |

sabahi månaprada åpu amåni, bharata pråna sama mama te pråni ||2||

bigata kåma mama nåma paråyana, såmti birati binati muditåyana |

sitalatå saralatå mayatri, dvija pada priti dharma janayatri ||3||

e saba lacchana basahi jåsu ura, jånehu tåta samta samtata phura |

sama dama niyama niti nahi dolahi, parusa bacana kabahu° nahi bolahi ||4||

Saints of Chitrakoot Adulate Lord Rama

Saints are not engrossed in sensual pleasures and are the very mines of goodness and other virtues. They are pained to see others in sorrow and rejoice at the sight of others' joy. They treat everyone equally(everywhere and at all times) and consider no one as their enemy. Free from passion and arrogance, they are inclined towards asceticism. Above all, the saints have renounced greed, anger, joy and fear.They are very soft-hearted and have mercy on the distressed. Sincerely, they are religiously devoted to Me in thought, word and action. Giving honour to all, they are so very modest themselves.

Saints are Very Dear to Lord Rama

O Bharata! Such souls (saints) are dear to Me as life. Having no personal desire of their own, they are devoted to My Name. They are abodes of peace, asceticism, humility and contentment. O dear brother! Regard that person as a genuine saint in whose heart such traits dwell; those who are endowed with tranquility, simplicity, are friendly towards everyone, and have loving devotion for the feet of the Brahmanas, from which spiritual merits are born.They never swerve from restraining their mind, controlling their senses, religious observances and ethics, and never utter a harsh word from their mouths.


nimdå astuti ubhaya sama mamatå mama pada kamja |

te sajjana mama prånapriya guna mamdira sukhapumja ||38||

Loving Devotion for the Lotus Feet of Lord Rama
Both defamation and praise are the same for them. And those who have loving affection for My lotus feet, are the abodes of good qualities and heaps of bliss, such saints are dear to Me as My Own Life.

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