Friday, December 23, 2011

41st & 42nd Dohas of Uttar Kand


para hita sarisa dharma nahi bhåi, para piRå sama nahi adhamåi |

nirnaya sakala puråna beda kara, kaheu° tåta jånahi kobida nara ||1||

nara sarira dhari je para pirå, karahi te sahahi mahå bhava bhirå |

karahi moha basa nara agha nånå, svåratha rata paraloka nasånå ||2||

kålarupa tinha kaha° mai bhråtå, subha aru asubha karma phala dåtå |

asa bicåri je parama sayåne, bhajahi mohi sasrta dukha jåne ||3||

tyågahi karma subhåsubha dåyaka, bhajahi mohi sura nara muni nåyaka |

samta asamtanha ke guna bhåse, te na parahi bhava jinha lakhi råkhe ||4||

Lord Rama Asks us to Work for the Well-Being of Mankind

O Brother! There is no virtue like working for the well-being of mankind, and no meanness (sin) like inflicting sorrow on others. O dear brother! I have narrated the verdict (reliable doctrine) of all the Vedas and Puranas; the pundits very well know of this fact. Those who inflict pain on others even after attaining the human body have to bear the dire consequences of birth and death. Overpowered by infatuation and engrossed in selfish interest, men commit various sins and thus ruin their prospects in the next world.

Lord Rama is Like Yama for The Wicked

O brother! I am like Yama (terrifying like the god of death) for them. And (accordingly) I grant fruition of their good and evil deeds. Aware of this fact, those who are supremely clever worship Me, knowing that (the course of life) is very painful. With this, they renounce actions which yield good or evil results and seek refuge in Me, the Hero of gods, men and sages. (In this manner) I have told you the traits of saints and wicked men. Those who have fully understood these virtues are not entrapped by the cycle of birth and death.


sunahu tåta måyå krta guna aru dosa aneka |

guna yaha ubhaya na dekhiahi dekhia so abibeka ||41||

Maya, the Illusory Power of Lord Vishnu

O dear brother! Listen, various good and evil qualities are all products of maya (the illusory world as perceived by the senses, and have no real existence of their own.)The greatest merit(sensibility) is that both of them should not be seen, and discerning them is absolute ignorance.


srimukha bacana sunata saba bhåi, harase prema na hrdaya° samåi |

karahi binaya ati bårahi bårå, hanumåna hiya°harasa apårå ||1||

puni raghupati nija mamdira gae, ehi bidhi carita karata nita nae |

båra båra nårada muni åvahi, carita punita råma ke gåvahi ||2||

nita nava carita dekhi muni jåhi°, brahmaloka saba kathå kahåhi° |

suni biramci atisaya sukha månahi, puni puni tåta karahu guna gånahi ||3||

sanakådika nåradahi saråhahi, jadyapi brahma nirata muni åhahi |

suni guna gåna samådhi bisåri, sådara sunahi parama adhikåri ||4||

Hanumana is Delighted by the Words of Lord Rama

All the brothers (Bharata, Laksmana and Shatrughna) were delighted to hear these words from the holy lips of the Lord. And love could not be contained in their hearts.They exhibited great reverence over and over again. While there was immene joy in the heart of Hanuman, in particular. Thereafter, the Lord of the Raghus retired to His own palace. In this way, He enacted some new lila or divine play everyday.

Narada Narrating the Exploits of Lord Rama to Brahma

Sage Narada frequently visited Ayodhya and sang the holy exploits of Lord Rama. The sage saw new deeds every day and returned to Brahma's abode for reciting the whole story. Brahma ji (the Creator) was overjoyed on hearing the tales( and said) O son! Sing hymns in His praise, over and over again. Sanaka and his three brothers admired Narada. Though they (Sanaka and his other brothers)are absorbed in Brahma (the Infinite), but on hearing hymns singing the glories of Lord Rama, even these sages discarded their samadhi (absorption) and listened to it with reverence.They have the prerogative ( tohear the tale of Lord Rama.)


jivanamukta brahmapara carita sunahi taji dhyåna |

je hari kathå° na karahi rati tinha ke hiya påsåna ||42||

The Four Kumaras Love Hearing the Tales of Lord Hari

Even those sages (like Sanaka and his brothers) who are liberated embodiments absorbed in Brahma, leave their meditation to the hear narrative of Lord Råma. Despite knowing this fact, those who do not love the tales of Lord Hari, their hearts (are truly) like stone.

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