Tuesday, March 13, 2012

71st & 72nd Dohas of Uttar Kand


guna krta sanyapåta nahi kehi, kou na måna mada tajeu nibehi |

jobana jvara kehi nahi balakåvå, mamatå kehi kara jasa na nasåvå ||1||

macchara kåhi kalamka na låvå, kåhi na soka samira dolåvå |

cimtå så°pini ko nahi khåyå, ko jaga jåhi na byåpi måyå ||2||

kita manoratha dåru sarirå, jehi na låga ghuna ko asa dhi|

suta bita loka isanå tini, kehi kai mati inha krta na malini ||3||

yaha saba måyå kara parivårå, prabala amiti ko baranai pårå |

siva caturånana jåhi deråhi, apara jiva kehi lekhe måhi° ||4||

Maya, the Illusive Power of Lord Vishnu

Who has not lost his mental equilibrium by the combined action of the three gunas? (sattva, rajas and tamas,the three constituents of nature)There is no one who has been spared by pride and intoxication. Who has not been wildly distracted on being attacked by the fever of youth. Whose good fame has not been marred by worldly attachment? Who has not been disgraced by envy and who has not been shaken by the blast of grief? Who has not been bitten by the serpent of anxiety? And who in this world has not been pervaded by maya (the illusive power of God)? Our heart-felt desire is a worm and the body is wood. Who is so resolute of mind, that his body has not being infested by this worm? Whose mind has not been corrupted by the three strong desires of having a son, wealth and fame? All of them make up the very powerful family of Maya. They are infinite in number and who can possibly give an account of them.

Lord Shiva & Brahma Are Scared of Maya

Even Lord Shiva and Brahmå (the Creator) are scared of them; then of what reckoning are other living beings?


byåpi raheu samsåra mahu° måyå kataka pracamda |

senåpati kåmådi bhata dambha kapata påsamda ||71(A)||

so dåsi raghubira kai samujhe° mithyå sopi |

chuta na råma krpå binu nåtha kahau° pada ropi ||71(B )||

The Illusive Power of Vishnu Pervades the Universe

Maya's fearsome army is spread over the entire universe. Lust, anger and greed) are its generals and hypocrisy, deceit and heresy are its heroic warriors. However that Maya is the maid servant of Lord Raghuvir. Though deceptive when understood, it is not possible to be released from her grip unless one has the grace of Lord Rama. O Lord! I say this with absolute confidence.


jo måyå saba jagahi nacåvå, jåsu carita lakhi kåhu° na påvå |

soi praphu bhru bilåsa khagaråjå, nåca nati iva sahita samåjå ||1||

soi saccidånamda ghana råmå, aja bigyåna rupa bala dhåmå |

byåpaka byåpya akhamda anamtå, akhila amoghasakti bhagavam||2||

aguna adabhra girå gotitå, sabadarasi anavadya ajitå |

nirmama niråkåra niramohå, nitya niramjana sukha samdohå ||3||

prakrti påra prabhu saba ura båsi, brahma niriha biraja abinåsi |

ihå° moha kara kårana nåhi, rabi sanmukha tama kabahu° ki jåhi° ||4||

Maya Dances to the Tune of Lord Rama

O Pakshiraj Garuda! The same Maya that makes the entire world dance to her tune and whose ways have not been understood by anyone, dances with her family like an actress on stage to the tune of the Lord's eyebrows.

Lord Rama is the Abode of Beauty & Strength

Lord Rama is the same Sacchidanand (the totality of existence, knowledge and bliss) who is unborn, is the personification of wisdom and the abode of beauty and strength. He is both pervading and pervaded, continuous, infinite and integral, has unfailing power, and is endowed with the six superhuman qualities. He is nirguna (devoid of the attributes of Maya), greatly vast, beyond speech and the senses, all-seeing, free from fault, invincible, unattached, formless, free from delusion, eternal, untainted by Maya and the repository of joy.

Lord Rama is Beyond Prakriti

The all-capable Lord who is beyond Prakriti (a force evolving the material world),forever dwells in the hearts of everyone, is the imperishable Brahma, free from desire and deterioration. In Lord Rama delusion has no standing. Can the shades of darkness dare to approach the sun?


bhagata hetu bhagavåna prabhu råma dhareu tanu bhupa |

kie carita påvana parama pråkrta nara anurupa ||72(A)||

jathå aneka besa dhari nrtya karai nata koi |

soi soi bhåva dekhåvai åpuna hoi na soi ||72(B)||

Lord Rama Took on the Form of a King

The divine Lord Rama incarnated in the form of a king, for the sake of His devotees and performed extremely sacred deeds like an ordinary mortal. Just as an actor dons various guises to act on the stage, and exhibits different characters (according to the guises he puts on) but does not become any of them himself.

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