eka pita ke bipula kumara, hohi prthaka guna sila acårå |
kou pamdita kou tåpasa gyåtå, kou dhanavamta sura kou dåtå ||1||
kou sarbagya dharmarata koi, saba para pitahi priti sama hoi |
kou pitu bhagata bacana mana karmå, sapanehu jåna na dusara dharmå ||2||
so suta priya pitu pråna samånå, jadyapi so saba bhå°ti ayånå |
ehi bidhi jiva caråcara jete, trijaga deva nara asura samete ||3||
akhila bisva yaha mora upåyå, saba para mohi baråbari dåyå |
tinha maha° jo parihari mada måyå, bhajai mohi mana baca aru kåyå ||4||
Lord Rama is Most Fond of a Devotee who Worships Him in Thought, Word & Deed
A father has a number of sons differing from each other in quality, nature and conduct. One is learned, another an ascetic, yet another is spiritually enlightened, a fourth rich, another valiant and a sixth generous. One of them is all-knowing and another devoutly religious.The father loves all of them equally. But if one of them is dedicatedly devoted to his father in thought, word and deed and never even dreams of any other obligation. That son the father loves like his own life, even though he be absolutely foolish.
Gods, Men & Demons Are the Creation of Lord Rama
In the same manner this whole universe abounding with animate and inanimate beings, including quadrupeds (birds ad animals), gods, men and demons, is My creation. Therefore I am equally compassionate to all of them. Of these, he who worships Me in thought, word and deed, discarding pride and deception.
purusa napumsaka nåri vå jiva caråcara koi |
sarba bhåva bhaja kapata taji mohi parama priya soi ||87(A)||
kahau° khaga tohi suci sevaka mama prånapriya |
asa bicåri bhaju mohi parihari åsa bharosa saba ||87(B)||
Hanuman Served Lord Rama with His Entire Being & was Most Dear to Him
Whether he is a man, a eunach, a woman, an animate or inanimate being; one who gives up deceit and adores Me with all his being is most dear to Me.O Bird! I tell you the truth. A pure sevaka (entirely devoted and having no desires)is dear to Me as My own life. Reflecting on this fact, abandon all other hopes and reliance and just worship Me.
kabahu° kåla na byåpihi tohi, sumiresu bhajesu niramtara mohi |
prabhu bacanåmrta suni na aghåu°, tanu pulakita mana ati harasåu° ||1||
so sukha jånai mana aru kånå, nahi rasanå pahi jåi bakhånå |
prabhu sobhå sukha jånahi nayanå, kahi kimi sakahi tinhahi nahi bayanå ||2||
bahu bidhi mohi prabodhi sukha dei, lage karana sisu kautuka tei |
sajala nayana kachu mukha karirukhå, citai måtu lågi ati bhukhå ||3||
dekhi måtu åtura uthi dhåi, kahi mrdu bacana lie ura låi |
goda råkhi karåva paya pånå, raghupati carita lalita kara gånå ||4||
Kakbhushundi Sees Child Rama's Majestic Beauty
Kaal (the time of death) shall never be able to affect you. Constantly do My smarana (remember me with concentration) and bhajan (singing devotional songs). I did not feel sated on hearing the nectarine words of the Lord. The hair on my body stood erect with ecstasy and I was extremely delighted at heart. The joy I experienced can be felt only by the mind and the ears. The tongue can not give an account of it. Just my eyes had the blissful experience of beholding the Lord's majestic beauty; but how could they describe it because they are devoid of speech. Well explaining to me in quite a number of ways and delighting me,
Ma Kausalya Cuddles Baby Rama
He again began to sport around like a child. With tears filling His eyes and His face somewhat glum, He looked at His mother (Kausalyå) as if He were hungry. Seeing this, the mother stood up and ran in haste. Speaking lovingly tender words she snuggled Him to her bosom. Cuddling Him in her lap, she began to suckle Him, and sing of His charming lilas or divine plays.
jehi sukha lågi puråri asubha besa krta siva sukhada |
avadhapuri nara nåri tehi sukha mahu° samtata magana ||88(A)||
soi sukha lavalesa jinha båraka sapanehu° laheu |
te nahi ganahi khagesa brahmasukhahi sajjana sumati ||88(B)||
Tripurari Shiva Attains Transcendental Joy
The men and women of Ayodhyå are forever steeped in that (transcendental) joy, to attain which Tripurari Shiva (who works for our well being) and delights everyone, assumed His unsightly form ( a garland of skulls, serpents, ashes and a tiger-skin).
Virtuous Men Who Have Tasted the Bliss of Lord Rama
O Pakshiraja! Those virtuous men who have tasted a fragment of that bliss even once in their dreams, think nothing much of the joy of absorption into Brahma.
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