krtajuga saba jogi bigyåni, kari hari dhyåna tarahi bhava pråni |
tretå° bibidha jagya nara karahi, prabhuhi samarpi karma bhava tarahi° ||1||
dvåpara kari raghupati pada pujå, nara bhava tarahi upåya na dujå |
kalijuga kevala hari guna gåhå, gåvata nara påvahi bhava thåhå ||2||
kalijuga joga na jagya na gyånå, eka adhåra råma guna gånå |
saba bharosa taji jo bhaja råmahi, prema sameta gåva guna gråmahi ||3||
soi bhava tara kachu samsaya nåhi, nåma pratåpa pragata kali måhi° |
kali kara eka punita pratåpå, månasa punya hohi nahi påpå ||4||
The Satya, Treta & Dvapara Yugas
In the Satyayuga everyone is a yogi (ascetic) and spiritually wise. Hence men cross over the ocean of this mundane world by meditating on Lord Hari. In the Treta yuga men perform all sorts of yagnas or sacrifices and offering all karmas to the Lord, cross
the ocean of worldly existence. In the Dvapara age men cross the
ocean of this temporal world by worshipping the feet of Lord
Raghunath, since there is no other way out.
Worship of Lord Rama Makes us Cross the Ocean of this Mundane World in Kaliyuga
In the Kaliyuga there is neither yoga (a practice of abstract mediation undertaken to bring the soul towards union with the supreme spirit) nor yagna
(sacrifices) nor spiritual wisdom. Men can reach the end of mundane
existence only by singing the glories of Lord Rama. Therefore whosoever
gives up all other beliefs and worships Lord Råma by lovingly praising
His many virtues is undoubtedly the one who crosses the ocean of this
material world.The power of chanting the Name is evident in the age of
Kali. Kaliyuga has another sacred power (majesty), in this age
projected acts of a virtuous nature are virtues but those which have an
evil inclination are not sins.
kalijuga sama juga åna nahi jau° nara kara bisvåsa |
gåi råma guna gana bimala bhava tara binahi prayåsa ||103(A)||
pragata cåri pada dharma ke kali mahu° eka pradhåna |
jena kena bidhi dinhe° dåna karai kalyåna ||103(B)||
Chanting the Name of Lord Rama
other age is comparable to Kaliyuga if a person has faith (in its
virtue). Because in this age one can easily cross the ocean of mundane
existence by simply singing Lord Rama's glories. The four pillars of dharma
( truth, compassion, penance and charity) are famed, out of which only
one the leg (of charity) is predominant in the age of Kali. In whichever
way charity is given it brings about our well being (salvation.)
nita juga dharma hohi saba kere, hrdaya° råma måyå ke prere |
suddha satva samatå bigyånå, krta prabhåva prasanna mana jånå ||1||
satva bahuta raja kachu rati karmå, saba bidhi sukha tretå kara dharmå |
bahu raja svalpa satva kachu tåmasa, dvåpara dharma harasa bhaya månasa ||2||
tåmasa bahuta rajoguna thorå, kali prabhåva birodha cahu° orå |
budha juga dharma jåni mana måhi°, taji adharma rati dharma karåhi° ||3||
kåla dharma nahi byåpahi tåhi, raghupati carana priti ati jåhi |
nata krta bikata kapata khagaråyå, nata sevakahi na byåpai måyå ||4||
Maya or Lord Rama's Illusory Power
Instigated by Lord Rama's Maya or power of illusion, the traits of all the four yugas
manifest themselves in everyone's hearts and keep occurring everyday.
The presence of pure Sattvaguna (harmony), affection, spiritual insight
and the feeling of delight in the heart are the effects of Satyayuga.
Abundance of Sattva with a slight mixture of Rajas,attachment to action,
and happiness of every kind are the characteristics of the Treta
age.When there is much of Rajas, little Sattva, and some Tamas, with a
mingled feeling of joy and fear in the heart, it is the distinguishing
trait of Dvåpara.
A Juggler's Trick of Deception
large portion of Tamas with a slight mix of Rajas, with hostility and
antagonism all around, are the effects of Kali. The wise identify the
characteristics of different Yugas in their mind. Discarding
unrighteousness, they love dharma
or piety. The law of
Time (or drawbacks of this yuga)do not affect him who is intensely fond of Lord Rama's feet. O Pakshiraja! It is
very fearsome for one who sees the deception practised by a juggler'
but the tricks of a juggler cannot deceive his servant.
hari måyå krta dosa guna binu hari bhajana na jåhi |
bhajia råma taji kåma saba asa bicåri mana måhi ||104(A)||
tehi kalikåla barasa bahu baseu° avadha bihagesa |
pareu dukåla bipati basa taba mai gayau° bidesa ||104(B)||
The Worship of Lord Hari in the Age of Kali
Good and evil, the gunas
created by of Lord Hari's Maya or illusory power, do not leave us
except when we worship Lord Hari. Keeping this in mind, and giving up
all desires, one must worship Lord Rama (without any purpose.)
Born as a Sudra in His Previous Life, Kakbhushundi Leaves Ayodhya
Pakshiraja! I lived for many years in Ayodhya. Once it so happened that a
famine struck the city and I had to move to another place because of my
miserable plight.
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