Friday, April 6, 2012

91st & 92nd Dohas of Uttar Kand


nija mati sarisa nåtha mai i, prabhu pratåpa mahimå khagaråi |

kaheu° na kachu kari juguti bisesi, yaha saba mai nija nayananhi dekhi ||1||

mahimå nåma rupa guna gåthå, sakala amita anamta raghunåthå |

nija nija mati muni hari guna gåvahi, nigama sesa siva påra na påvahi ||2||

tumhahi ådi khaga masaka prajamtå, nabha uRåhi nahi påvahi am|

timi raghupati mahimå avagåhå, tåta kabahu° kou påva ki thåhå ||3||

råmu kåma sata koti subhaga tana, durgå koti amita ari mardana |

sakra koti sata sarisa bilåså, nabha sata koti amita avakåså ||4||

The Tale of Lord Rama's Glory

O Pakshiraja! Thus I have sung the greatness of the Lord's glory according to my own intelligence. O Natha! I have not resorted to any stratagem of exaggeration and have seen all this with my own eyes. The tale of Lord Rama's grandeur, Name, beauty and the narrative of His qualities, can not be surpassed and are eternal; the Lord of the Raghus Himself is infinite. The sages sing of Lord Hari's praises according to their own wisdom. However neither the Vedas nor Sesa (the serpent-god) nor Shiva Himself can gauge their end. All small and big living beings, right from yourself down to the mosquito, fly in the sky but none can reach its end.

Lord Rama Has the Charm of Millions of Kamdevs

In the same way, dear Garuda! The glory of Lord Rama is also not fathomable. Could anyone ever reach its depth?

Lord Rama has a body which has the charm of hundreds of millions of Cupids.

Lord Rama is Likened to Countless Durgas

He is as powerful in crushing the enemy as myriads of Durgas. He enjoys the grand luxury of millions of Indras and has an immeasurable expanse like countless firmaments.


maruta koti sata bipula bala rabi sata koti prakåsa |

sasi sata koti susitala samana sakala bhava tråsa ||91(A)||

kåla koti sata sarisa ati dustara durga duramta |

dhumaketu sata koti sama durådharasa bhagavamta ||91(B)||

Lord Rama Has the Brilliance of Millions of Suns

Lord Rama has the might of millions of winds and the brilliance of countless suns. He is as cool as myriads of moons and alleviates all the fears of this mundane world. He is extremely irresistible, unappoachable and interminable as endless kalas or deaths. Not just this but the Lord is also extremely powerful like myriads of comets ( falling stars) .


prabhu agådha sata koti patålå, samana koti sata sarisa karålå |

tiratha amita koti sama påvana, nåma akhila agha puga nasåvana ||1||

himagiri koti acala raghubirå, simdhu koti sata sama gambhi|

kåmadhenu sata koti samånå, sakala kåma dåyaka bhagavånå ||2||

sårada koti amita caturåi, bidhi sata koti srsti nipunåi |

bisnu koti sama pålana kartå, rudra koti sata sama samhartå ||3||

dhanada koti sata sama dhanavånå, måyå koti prapamca nidhånå |

bhåra dharana sata koti ahiså, niravadhi nirupama prabhu jagadiså ||4||

Lord Rama is Immovable Like Innumerable Himalayas

The Lord is unfathomable as millions of patalas and dreadful as infinite Yamas. He is a sanctifier just like countless teerthas. His Name expiates hordes of accumulated sins. Lord Raghuvir is immovable like millions of Himalayas and as deep as a million seas. The Lord is liberal in granting one's desires (cherished objects) as a myriad Kamdhenus or cows of plenty. He is sharp-witted as countless millions of Saraswatis and possesses the skill of creation like a myriad Brahmas. Moreover, He is as good a preserver as countless Vishnus

Lord Rama Can Destroy Like Countless Rudras

and a thorough destroyer like countless Rudras. He is as wealthy as a countless Kuberas and capable of creating the treasure of universes as a myriad Mayas. He is as good as bearing the burden (of the universes) as a myriad Sheshas. Actually speaking, Rama, the Lord of the universe, is beyond bounds and incomparable ( in every aspect).


nirupama na upamå åna råma samåna råmu nigama kahai |

jimi koti sata khadyota sama rabi kahata ati laghutå lahai ||

ehi bhå°ti nija nija mati bilåsa munisa harihi bakhånahi° |

prabhu bhåva gåhaka ati krpåla saprema suni sukha månahi° |

Lord Rama is Won Over by Hanumana, A Great Devotee of His

Incomparable as He is, Lord Rama has no other compeer. Lord Rama alone is equivalent to the Name of Rama, say the Vedas. Just as the sun is slighted (and not praised) on being likened to countless glow-worms. In the same way great sages sing the glories of Lord Hari according to their own wits. But the Lord lovingly hears them and is delighted (however inadequate the praise may be) because He respects the sentiments of His devotees and is so very merciful.


råmu amita guna sågara thåha ki påvai koi |

samtanha sana jasa kichu suneu° tumhahi sunåyau° soi ||92(A)||


bhåva basya bhagavåna sukha nidhåna karunå bhavana |

taji mamatå mada måna bhajia sadå sitåravana ||92(B)||

Let us Do the bhajana of Shri Jankinath

Lord Rama who a treasure trove of joys and repository of mercy of countless virtues. Can anyone gauge His depth? I have only told you whatever I had heard from saints. Lord Rama, a treasure trove of joys and a repository of mercy, can only be won over by bhava or love flowing towards the Lord. Therefore, giving up worldly attachment, vanity and pride, one should forever do the bhajana of Shri Jankinath ( Sita's Spouse.)


  1. cuePermission for the Pictures taken for Pictorial Ramayana from your website
    Dear Sir,
    I request you to kindly give me permission to use the pictures which I have taken from your website for the use of our book named ‘Pictorial Ramayana’ which would be printed by the book trust Sri Sathya Sai Books and publications, Prasanthi Nilayam.
    Dr. Gowri

  2. Since all my images are taken from Google Images anyone is free to use them for religious texts.
