Saturday, May 12, 2012

115th & 116th Dohas of Uttar Kand

      je asi bhagati jåni pariharahi°, kevala gyåna hetu srama karahi°  |
      te jaRa kåmadhenu grha° tyågi, khojata åku phirahi paya låg||1||
      sunu khagesa hari bhagati bihåi, je sukha cåhahi åna upåi  |
      te satha mahåsimdhu binu tarani, pairi påra cåhahi jaRa karani  ||2||
      suni bhasumdi ke bacana bhavåni, boleu garuRa harasi mrdu båni  |
      tava prasåda prabhu mama uramåhi,samsaya soka moha bhrama nåhi ||3||
      suneu° punita råma guna gråmå, tumhari krpå°laheu°bisråmå  |
      eka båta prabhu pu°chau° tohi, kahahu bujhåi krpånidhi mohi  ||4||
      kahahi samta muni beda purånå, nahi kachu durlabha gyåna samånå  |
      soi muni tumha sana kaheu gosåi°, nahi ådarehu bhagati ki nåi°  ||5||
      gyånahi bhagatihi amtara ketå, sakala kahahu prabhu krpå niketå  |
      suni uragåri bacana sukha månå, sådara boleu kåga sujånå  ||6||
      bhagatihi gyånahi nahi kachu bhedå,ubhaya harahi bhava sambhava khedå|
       nåtha munisa kahahi kachuamtara, såvadhåna sou sunu bihamgabara  ||7||
       gyåna biråga joga bigyånå, e saba purusa sunahu harijånå  |
      purusa pratåpa prabala saba bhå°ti, abalå abala sahaja jaRa jåti  ||8||

Fools Find the Milkweed for Milk
Those who know such grandeur of bhakti or religious devotion and still cast it aside and strive to acquire mere wisdom, those fools leave Kamdhenu (the cow of plenty) standing at their own house and go about searching for the Åka plant (milk-weed) to get milk. O Pakshiraja! Listen. O lord those who ignore the bhakti of Lord Hari Bhakti and seek happiness by other means those foolish (unfortunate) people want to cross the great ocean without the help of a vessel.

Lord Shiva Talking to Ma Bhavani
(Lord Shiva continues) O Bhavani! Garuda was delighted to hear Kakbhushundi's words and spoke in a tender voice: O Lord! By your grace, my heart is not burdened by doubt, sorrow, misapprehension and delusion, now. I have also listened to the  cluster of Lord Rama's virtues and attained peace of mind, by your blessing. O ocean of mercy! I ask you one more question: Kindly explain the whole matter clearly. Saints, sages, along with the Vedas and Puranas declare that there is nothing so tough as attaining knowledge (understanding of the identity of the self with the ultimate brahman.) O Gosain! Although sage (Lomasa) gave the instructions of that same wisdom, you did not show the same regard for it as for bhakti or religious devotion. O abode of compassion! Explain to me, O gracious Lord! What is the difference between spiritual knowledge and religious devotion?  

Garuda's Question Delights Kakbhushundi
The discerning crow was please to hear the question of Garuda (the enemy of the serpents) and politely replied: There is absolutely no difference between spiritual knowledge and religious devotion : Both are equally effective in relieving us from the torments of this mundane world. O lord!  Nonetheless, great sages point out some differences between the two. O chief of the birds! Listen to them in rapt attention. Listen, O mount of Lord Hari ! Wisdom, asceticism, Yoga (union with God) and spiritual knowledge (understanding of the identity of the self with the ultimate brahman)are all masculine in conception. The might of man is considered stronger in every way! A woman (maya or the illusory power of Vishnu) is weak by nature and dull (stupid) by birth.

     purusa tyågi saka nårihi jo birakta mati dhira  |
     na tu kåmi bisayåbasa bimukha jo pada raghubira  ||115(A)||
      sou muni gyånanidhåna mrganayani bidhu mukha nirakhi  |
      bibasa hoi harijåna nåri bisnu måyå pragata  ||115(B)||

An Enlightened Sage Succumbs to the Charm of a Young Woman
But that man who is detached and of a resolute mind can give up women and not that lustful man who is controlled by the senses (is its slave), and who has turned his face away from the  Lord of the Raghus. Even an enlightened sage ( who is a trove of spiritual knowledge), is helpless and surrenders to the charm of a young woman on seeing the sight of her moonlike face. It is God Vishnu's Maya (power of illusion) that manifests itself in the form of a woman! (115 A-B)
      ihå° na pacchapåta kachu råkhau°, beda puråna samta mata bhåsau°  |
      moha na nåri nåri ke° rupå, pannagåri yaha riti anupå  ||1||
      måyå bhagati sunahu tumha dou, nåri barga jånai saba kou  |
      puni raghubirahi bhagati piåri, måyå khalu nartaki bicåri  ||2||
      bhagatihi sånukula  raghuråyå, tåte tehi darapati ati måyå  |
      råma bhagati nirupama nirupådhi, basai jåsu ura sadå abådhi  ||3||
      tehi biloki måyå sakucåi, kari na sakai kachu nija prabhutåi  |
      asa bicåri  je muni bigyåni, jåcahi bhagati sakala sukha khåni  ||4||

Maya is A Mere Dancing Girl
Here I am not partial in any way. But merely speak of the view which the Vedas and Puranas and  saints uphold. O Garuda! This is a strange phenomenon that  one woman is never  infatuated by another woman's beauty:  Mark my words, both maya (illusion) and bhakti (religious devotion), belong to the feminine group. Everyone knows this. Moreover bhakti or religious devotion is dear to Lord Raghuvir while poor maya is a mere dancing girl, for certain. The Lord of the Raghus is particularly well-disposed towards bhakti and for this reason maya is extremely afraid of her. Maya shrinks at the very sight of a man in whose heart the matchless and straightforward religious devotion forever resides ,without any  obstacle (hindrance.) She cannot exercise her hold over him, in anyway. Thinking in precisely this manner, sages who know of this truth, entreat bhakti, which is the treasury of all joys .

     yaha rahasya raghunåtha kara begi na jånai koi  |
     jo jånai raghupati krpå° sapanehu° moha na hoi  ||116(A)||
     aurau gyåna bhagati kara bheda sunahu suprabina  |
     jo suni hoi råma pada priti sadå abichina  ||116(B)||

The Secret of the Lord of the Raghus
No one can speedily know of this secret of the Lord of the Raghus; but whoever comes to know of it by the grace of Lord Raghuvir Himself can never be infatuated even in his dreams. O discerning Garuda! There are more distinctions between knowledge of spiritual matters and religious devotion, hearing which one develops constant and undivided love for Lord Rama's feet.(116 A-B)

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