Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Spiritual Calendar: December, 2015

7th December, 2015 Utpanna Ekadashi

Shri Ranganatha on Utpanna Ekadashi

Also known as Utpatti Ekadasi. It is observed on the eleventh day in the first half of the month of Margasirsha and is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The Puranas reveal that once the gods and their king Indra were driven out of swarga by demon Mura.The devas took refuge in Lord Vishnu and pleaded that He restore their lost kingdom. Lord Vishnu asked the devas to assemble at Chandravati to fight Demon Mura. The Lord easily defeated the demon army but could not defeat Mura.

After a while Lord Vishnu decided to rest in a cave at Badrikasrama and slept. Mura arrived to annihilate Lord Vishnu. All of a sudden,from the Lord's transcendental form emerged as a goddess with eight arms, brandishing several weapons. She battled and killed Mura. When Lord Vishnu woke up He blessed her, stating that she was His energy. Since she had appeared on the 11th day of a lunar fortnight, she was named Ekadasi. Vishnu affirmed that those who worship Him and observe Ekadasi Vrat, their sins will be expiated and they will attain salvation. Lord Krishna advises his devotees to start their Ekadasi Upvas on Utpanna Ekadashi and break it on Dwadashi.

8th December, 2015: Bhaum Pradosh Vrata


When Pradosham falls on a Tuesday it is known as Bhauma Pradosha.The puja is observed in the evening on Trayodashi or 13th day in Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha of the Hindu month to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. It is auspicious to perform Shukra Graha Dosha Nivarana Puja on this day.

11th December,2015: Margashirsha Amavasya


According to Hindu mythology, Amavasya is a name given to the New Moon or no moon’s night. Amavasya  has great importance in Hindu mythology. It is said that if you offer Shraddha rituals to your ancestors on this day, it gives them peace.
Some Kundali Dosh Puja (pacifying the negative effects of planets) are also performed on this day.

16th December, 2015: Vihar Panchami

Shri Banke Biharji

Vihar Panchami also known as Bihar Panchami, is the day when Shri Bankebihari (Lord Krishna) appeared in Vrindavan for Swami Shri Haridas. The incident is 523 years old when Akbar reigned and Tansen was his darbari. Millions of devotees throng the Biharji Temple to revel in the festivities. This auspicious event is said to have taken place on the fifth day of the moon's waxing phase in the Margashirsh Month.

Swami Shri Hari Das

Popularly known as Bankey Bihari Prakat Mahotsav, the entire premises of Nidhivan as well as the Bankey Bihari Temple are beautifully decked with flowers, flags, buntings and lights on this occasion. Special pujas and rituals are performed and another great attraction is the colorful processions taken out on this day.

16th December, 2015: Vivah Panchami of Shri Ram and Sita

Shri Ram & Sita Vivah Utsav

Observed on the fifth day of the Shukla Paksha in the Margashirsha month. The day is observed as the Vivah Utsav of Sita and Rama in temples and sacred places associated with Sri Rama in Mithilanchal region and North India.

Shri Anand Das Baba

At Anand Dass Baba's Ashram, a grand bhandara is being organised. Saint Ushaji opined that he was Rambhakt Hanuman Himself. She used to tell us how He would spend entire days and night at the sandy beaches of Sri Yamuna without food for days at a stretch and ardently longed for the divine love of Ramji. An amazing trait of His religious devotion was Baba's constant love for Vrindavan, where Lord Krishna forever dwells, even though he was a great bhakta of Lord Rama.

21st December,2015:Janamotsav of Shri Balkrishan Dasji Maharaj

Shri Balkrishan Dasji Maharaj

Maharaj Bal Krishna Dasji was a great saint of Vrindavan, who had experienced the highest ideal of religious rapture by relishing the lilas or divine play of Shri Radha-Krishna.

Gita Jayanti

The janamotsav of Shri Bal Krishna Dasji Maharaj Of Venu Vinod Kunj, Vrindavan and Shri Bhagavad Gita Jayanti happen to fall on the same day. Maharajji was born on the day when Lord Krishna revealed the nature of time and duty to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, about 5225 years ago. Gita Jayanti is observed on the eleventh day of the bright half moon (Shukla paksha) of the Margashirsha month (November – December). Devotees from all over India converge at Shri Dham Vrindavan to celebrate this occasion. 
21st December, 2015: Mokshada Ekadashi

Mokshada Ekadashi

This legend as taken from the Brahmanda Purana is as follows:

Yudhishthira Maharaj said, "What is the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Margashirsha (November-December) and removes all sins? "

Lord Sri Krishna replied, "This Ekadasi is famous as Mokshada because it purifies the faithful devotee of all sinful reactions and bestows liberation upon him. The worshippable Deity of this auspicious day is Lord Damodara.

" There once was a beautiful city named Champaka-nagar and the best of saintly kings Maharaj Vaikhaanasa, ruled over his subjects as if they were his very own sons and daughters. The king had a dream one night in which his father was seen to be suffering torture in one of the hellish planets ruled by Yamaraj.

" ' O brahmanas,' the king addressed them, 'In a dream last night I saw my father suffering on a hellish planet. Now I have no peace in my mind, and even this beautiful kingdom has become unbearable to me.'

" The twice born brahmans replied, 'O king, in the mountainous forest not far from here is the ashram where a great saint Parvata Muni resides. Please go to him, for he knows the past, the present, and the future and can surely help you in attaining relief from your misery.'

"Upon the advise of brahmans, the distressed king immediately set out for the ashram of sage Parvata Muni.

"Then, Parvata Muni, the best of all sages, closed his eyes and meditated on the king and said, 'Your father is suffering the consequences of committing a great sin. In his previous life he quarrelled with his wife and forcibly enjoyed her sexually.'

"Parvata Muni said, 'During the light fortnight of the month of Margashirsha there occurs an Ekadasi called Mokshada'.

"Hearing this, Maharaj Vaikhaanasa profusely thanked the great sage and returned to his palace to observe the vrata. Then he perfectly and with full faith observed the Ekadasi fast with his wife, children, and other relatives and dutifully gave the merit from this fast to his father.

Soon after, the king's father was escorted to the celestial region.'

Lord Krishna confirmed, "O son of Pandu there is no better fasting day than this Ekadasi and one goes back to Godhead, never to return to this material world."

23rd December, 2015: Pradosh Vrata

Lord Shiva

Pradosh means dusk and this fast is kept for propitiating Lord Shiva. With his blessings all desires are fulfilled and one attains spiritual enlightenment.Generally people observe Pradosha Vrata on every trayodashi tithi (13th lunar day falling in Krishna and Shukla Pakshas.) It begins at sunrise and ends during twilight in the evening.

24th December, 2015:Margashirsha Poornima

Margashirsha Poornima

Margashirsha Poornima or full moon day is the last day in a month in the calendar followed in North India and is known as Pournami in South India. Fasting from sunrise to sunset is observed by some Hindus on Purnima and this day is chosen by many Hindus for pujas like the Satyanarayan Puja and Dattatreya Jayanthi, and Annapurna Jayanti is also observed on this day.

24th December, 2015: Dattatreya Jayanti

Lord Dattatreya

Dattatreya Jayanti, is a Hindu holy day, commemorating the birthday celebration of the Hindu god Dattatreya (Datta), a combined form of the Hindu male divine trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the Margashirsha (Agrahayana) month according to the Hindu Calendar (December/January) throughout the country, and particular in Maharashtra.

28th December, 2015:Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi Vrata 

Lord Ganesha Being Blessed by Shiva & Parvati

Sankashti Chaturthi also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is celebrated in every Lunar month or Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase). On this day, the devotees observe strict fast. They break the fast at night after having darshan of the moon preceded by prayers to Lord Ganesha.

Sankashti means deliverance during troubled times, hence observing this fast is believed to reduce your problems as Lord Ganesha symbolizes the remover of all obstacles and supreme lord of intelligence.

Before moonlight the Ganapati Atharvashesha is recited to summon the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

1 comment:

  1. Knowledge about full month's events in very beginning.
    Good !
