Monday, May 2, 2016

Spiritual Calendar: May, 2016

3rd May, 2016: Shri Vallabhacharya Jayanti

 Shri Vallabhacharya

 Shri Vallabhacharya is one of the five main Acharyas of the Hindu Religion. (The other four being Shankaracharya, Shri Ramanujacharya, Shri Madhavacharya and Shri Nimbarkacharya.) He propagated the philosophy of Shudhadvaita and founded the Pushtimarg, a sect of the Hindi religion around 1500 AD.

Lord Krishna appeared as Shri Nathji in front of him and ordered him to propagate the pushti kind of devotion among the chosen ones and bring them back in their original state to Golok-dham.Shri Nathji assured him that with brahamasambandha, (relationship with God) whichever soul gains entry into the Pushti Marg, its impurities will refrain from obstructing the soul's relation with the Divine and the soul will be eligible to pursue His bhakti.

3rd May, 2016: Varuthini Ekadashi

Lord Krishna Talks About Varuthini Ekadashi to Yudhishtira

 Varuthini Ekadashi Is observed on the eleventh day of Krishna Paksha or waning phase of the moon in Chaitra/Vaisakha month. It is believed that observing Varuthini Ekadasi makes a person fortunate, prosperous, expiates his sins and helps him in attaining moksha. The greatness of fasting on this Ekadasi was narrated to Yudhishtira (the eldest of the Pandavas) by Lord Krishna and is mentioned in the Bhavishyottara Purana.

 It is an auspicious fast dedicated to Lord Shiva and is observed on the thirteenth day of every fortnight (Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha) in the Hindu calendar. Shivalinga puja at the time of pradosha time and fasting are the main rituals of Pradosham.

4th May, 2016:Pradosh Vrata

Lord Shiva

 It is an auspicious fast dedicated to Lord Shiva and is observed on the thirteenth day of every fortnight (Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha) in the Hindu calendar. Shivalinga puja at the time of pradosha time and fasting are the main rituals of Pradosham.

6th May,2016: Vaisakh Amavaysa

Devotees Bathing in the Ganges

Many devotees bathe in the holy Yamuna, Ganges and other rivers. Several devotees throng to Sri Banke Bihari Temple as Akshay Teej is round the corner.

8th May, 2016: Bhagwan Parshuram Jayanti

Lord Parshuram

 Lord Parshuram is the sixth avatar of Vishnu and belongs to the Treta yuga. He is the son of Jamadagni, a Brahmin and Renuka, a Kshatriya . He received an axe after doing austere penance to please Shiva, from whom he learnt warfare and other skills. Fighting back the advancing seas, he thus saved the lands of Konkan and Malabar. Parshurama is said to be the first warrior saint. A temple of Parshuram is situated at Akhnoor, 18 km away from Jammu. Every year, in May, a grand fete in the form of a parade, with hundreds of tableaux, throngs through the main city of Jammu to celebrate Parshuram Jayanti.

9th May, 2016: Akshay Trithi

Charan Darshan of Thakur Banke Bihariji in Vrindavan

The only occasion when Lord Bankey Bihariji gives His charan-darshan once in a year, with millions of people thronging the temple.

Akshyay means something that does not perish and the acts performed on this day become perennial in nature.

Our revered Lord Shri Banke Bihari ji Maharaj is extra generous on this particular day. One can meditate on His lotus feet today for which saint Surdas had sung: 
bandaun charan kamal hari raie |
jaki kripa pangu giri langhe, andhe ko sab kachhu darsaie ||
bahiro sune, mook puni bole, rank chale sir chhatra dharaie |
surdas swami karunamaya, bar bar bandaun tehi paie ||

which means:

'By the grace of the lotus feet of Shri Banke Bihariji all impossible things become possible in the world. The lame can cross high mountains, the blind can see everything, the deaf can hear, the dumb can speak and the poor can become rich and move with a chhatra (ceremonial umbrella, generally used in grand processions). The poet says my lord is so kind, full of kindness; I bow to His Lotus Feet! Bow To His Lotus Feet! Again and again. '

10th May, 2016: Jayanti of Shri Manohar Baba

Shri Manohar Baba

 Revered Baba Manohar Dasji had truly religious qualities like spiritual knowledge (understanding the identity of the self with the ultimate Brahman), asceticism and discernment. He renounced the world like vomit and sought the refuge of Shri Bal Krishan Dasji Maharaj, a great virtuous guru.

By Shri Maharajji's grace, Baba crossed over the toughest of spiritual stages and was resolute in his perennial quest for union with the divine.

In His honour, a monthly kirtan is being held for the past so many years in Gurgaon. Everyone is requested to attend the group singing of devotional songs for Sri Hari.

10th May,2016: Vinayak Chaturthi Vrata

Lord Ganesha

The fast is kept to please Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is called Vighanharta and a puja begins with the worship of Lord Ganesha.

Each lunar month in the Hindu calendar has two Chaturthi Tithis which belong to Lord Ganesha as per the Hindu scriptures. The Chaturthi after Amavasya or new moon during Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi and the one after Puranmasi or full moon during Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chaturthi. 

11th May,2016: Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti

Shri Adi Shankaracharya

Adi Shankaracharya was an Indian philosopher from Kalady of present day Kerala who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. His teachings are based on the unity of the Atman and Brahman—non-dual Brahman, in which Brahman is viewed as without attributes.

Shri Radha Krishna Kripakataksha Stotra is the most renowned hymn of praise written by Adi Shankracharyaji. He revived the Sanatan Dharma as ritualistic frauds were misguiding innocent people. Shankaracharya ji is known to have written some of the most beautiful commentaries on the 'Bhagavad Gita', the 'Srimad Bhagawatam' and many stotras praising Lord Krishna and goddess Yamuna.

11th May, 2016: Shri Surdas Jayanti

Shri Surdas

Shri Surdas wrote about the most beautiful childhood lilas or playfull dalliances of Lord Krishna. He is one of the astachhap kavis of the Pushti Marg Sampradaya.

The bhajan sites of Surdas are Sur Kuti and Sur Samadhi which lie within the periphery of Vallabhacharyaji's Baithak.

Shri Nathji being a svarupa or living presence of Lord Krishna was clearly perceptible for the poet. The padas sung in praise of Nathji are compiled in the text 'Sur Sagar'. Through his poetic creations, Surdasji enhanced the beauty of worship, giving bhakti a new more intimate direction. Remaining a Krishna devotee, he did not lose sight of the Lord's romantic nuances and was therefore able to bring both religious and aesthetic truths to his compositions.

12th May,2016: Shri Ramanujacharya Jayanti

Shri Ramanujacharya

He is one of the four main Acharyas known as Ramanujacharya. Seen by Vaishnavas as the third and most important teacher of their tradition (after Nathamuni and Yamunacharya). Ramanujacharya is regarded by Hindus as the leading expounder of Vishishtadvaita.

His philosophy combines advaita (oneness of God) with Vishesha (attributes). In Ramanuja’s system of philosophy, the Lord (Narayana) has two inseparable prakaras or modes, the world and the souls. These are related to Him as the body is related to the soul and have no existence apart from Him. Matter and souls constitute the body of the Lord whereas He is their in dweller and controlling Reality.They are termed Viseshanas or attributes while God is the Viseshya or that which is qualified.

13th May,2016: Shri Ganga Saptami

Ma Gange

 Vaishakh Shukla Saptami is known as Ganga Saptami. People come to take a holy dip in the Ganges and relieve themselves from their sins and agony. Mother Ganga cleanses them and absolves their sins. The river covers a distance of 1500 miles and keeps the adjoining areas green and fertile. Ganga Saptami is celebrated to make people know of her significance on the spiritual plane.

15th, May 2016: Shri Sita Navami

Shri Janaki, Wife of Lord Rama

The day is observed as the birth of Sri Sita or Janaki, the wife of Lord Ram. Sri Sita is considered an incarnation of Goddess Laxmi just as Lord Ram is Lord Vishnu Incarnate.

In the Ramayana, Sri Sita Devi is best remembered for her penance to find a perfect marriage partner. It was her father, King Janak's condition that whoever could lift the divine bow and arrow gifted by Lord Shiva would marry his daughter. As destined, Sri Sitaji's choice was made after years of austere penance to goddess Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva.

Sri Sita Naumi is not celebrated with as much fanfare as Sri Ram Naumi is in the month of Chaitra. However without Sita, worshipping Lord Ram's would be incomplete because she is Sri Ram's divine feminine energy or shakti. Sri Sita Devi is also remembered as setting a role model for Hindu society, particularly in her devotion to Lord Ram during the 14-year exile in the Ramayana.

King Janaka Unearths Baby Sita who is Born of the Earth Goddess

Sri Sita was born as Janaki or daughter of King Janak but later renamed as Sri Sita Devi by Maharishi Narada Muni.She was actually given to King Janak by the Earth Goddess or Bhuma Devi whilst he was ploughing a piece of land during a prolonged period of drought in the Treta Yuga. He unearthed a golden casket in which he found a beautiful baby girl. Overjoyed, he named her Sita because land ploughed by a yoke is called sita.

17th May, 2016: Shri Mohini Ekadashi Vrata

Lord Vishnu Incarnates as Mohini

This is the day when Lord Vishnu incarnated as Mohini to take away nectar from the demons. Mohini is the name of the only female avatara of Lord Vishnu in Hindu mythology. She is portrayed as an an enchantress, sometimes leading lovers to their doom. Mohini is introduced in the narrative epic of the Mahabharata. Here, she appears as a form of Vishnu, acquires the pot of Amrita (elixir of immortality) from thieving asuras (demons), and gives it back to the Devas (demi-gods), thus helping them retain their immortality.

19th May, 2016: Pradosh Vrata

Lord Shiva

 Pradosh means dusk and this fast is kept on the 13th day of each lunar fortnight for propitiating Lord Shiva.

With His blessings all desires are fulfilled and one attains spiritual enlightenment.It is said that on this day all gods and goddesses assemble on Mount Kailash to worship Lord Shiva.

20th May, 2016:  Bhagwan Nrisingh Jayanti

Shri Narsingh Bhagwan

Lord Vishnu became Narsingh Bhagwan to kill Hiranyakashipu and save Bhakta Prahlad. One of the ten famous incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Narsingh Bhagwan appeared on earth to kill Hiranyakashipu, the king of asuras. If Lord Rama and Krishna are hailed as Purnavtars or full incarnations, the rest eight of them are, Narsingh Avataras.

Sri Narsingh Bhagwan was the family deity or ishtdev of Sri Manohar Baba who used to keep a fast in celebration of His Deity's appearance day on Narsingh Jayanti. He along with all his devotees used to visit Sri Narsingh Temple in Vrindavan. Its location is near the temples of Sri Banke Bihariji and Radharamanji. In this honour, a book of letters written by Sri Manohar Baba may be launched in celestial Vrindavan.

21st May,2016:Shri Radharaman Prakat Utsav

Shri Radharamanji

 In the Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tradition, Shri Radharamanji's lotus face is like Shri Govindaji's, His chest is like Shri Gopinath's and His lotus feet are like Shri Madanmohanji's. On beholding Thakur Radharaman one simultaneously receives the darshan of these three primary deities. The deity of Sri Radharaman manifested from one of Gopal Bhatta Goswami's salagram-silas on a full moon day of Vaisakha (April/May) in 1542.

This event is celebrated every year by bathing the Deity with 100 litres of milk and other auspicious items. Gopal Bhatta Goswami's other salagram-shilas are also worshiped on the altar.

21st May, 2016: Shri Kurma Jayanti

 Kurma Avatara

 Kurma, the second avatara of Vishnu belongs to the Satya Yuga like the Matsya avatara. Vishnu manifested in the form of a half-man half-tortoise, the lower half being a tortoise. He was normally resplendent with four arms and sat on the bottom of the ocean after the Great Flood. A mountain was placed on His back by the other gods so that they could churn the ocean and find ancient treasures of the Vedic people.

21st May, 2016: Vesak (Buddh Purnima/ Buddha Jayanti)

Gautam Buddha

 It is a Buddhist festival that marks Gautam Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death. Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher who founded Buddhism. In most Buddhist traditions, He is regarded as the Supreme Buddha.:

23rd May, 2016: Shri Narada Jayanti

Shri Narada Muni

Shri Narada Muni, a great devotee of Sri Radha, is a disciple of Sri Sanatkumara (four Kumaras) and the guru of Sri Nimbarkacharya. He is known to play the veena while he sings. Narada is a divine sage from the Vaisnava tradition, who plays a prominent role in a number of Puranic texts, especially the Bhagavata Purana, and Ramayana. Narada is the author of the Pāñcarātra, a standard text for Vaisnava's priests. The sage is portrayed as a travelling monk with the ability to visit distant planets or lokas. He carries a taapura or musical instrument, which he uses for singing of hymns, prayers and mantras in devotion to Lord Vishnu.

23rd May, 2016: Shri Van Vihar

Van Vihar, Parikrama of Vrindavan

A visit to the forest groves and parikrama or circumambulation of Sridham Vrindavan at night with Temple Musicians (Samaj) plus singing devotional songs in attendance, is performed with great serenity on the day Van Vihar.

25th May, 2016: Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi Vrata

Lord Ganesha

The fast is kept to please Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is called Vighanharta and a puja begins with the worship of Lord Ganesha.

Each lunar month in the Hindu calendar has two Chaturthi Tithis which belong to Lord Ganesha as per the Hindu scriptures. The Chaturthi after Amavasya or new moon during Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi and the one after Puranmasi or full moon during Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chaturthi. 

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