Tuesday, September 20, 2016

'Shri Krishna-karnamrita:' One Hundred & Eighth Shloka

jaya jaya jaya deva deva deva
gala-divya-nāma-dheya |
jaya jaya jaya deva k
ṛṣṇa deva
śravaa-mano-nayanāmtāvatāra ||108||

Simple Meaning:

Lord Krishna is Nectar for Our Ears, Mind & Eyes

All glories, all glories, all glories to You, O Lord, whose divine name is auspicious for all the three worlds! All glories, all glories, all glories to You, Lord Krishna! An incarnation who is nectar for the ears, mind, and eyes.

Rasa-laden Commentary:

Dark-hued Krishna Praises Lilashuk's Composition

Krishna Himself says,”O Lilashuk! Your rasa-laden composition is like nectar to my ears. Only you know how to give a sweet description of me.”

Hearing Krishna’s sentence loaded with affection, Shri Lilashuk becomes ecstatic and exults,” All glories, all glories, all glories to You, O Lord.”
Shri Krishna svayam Bhagwan hain |
Shri Krishna sarvotkarsh par virajman hain |

 Relishing the Rasa of Krishna

The srutis express in Taittiriya Upanishad (2.7):
raso vai sah, rasam hy evayam labdhvanandi bhavati:
 "He is the embodiment of rasa, and the jiva who realizes this rasa becomes fully ecstatic.
Krishna’s madhurya svarupa has been divided into four unique qualities:Lila-madhuri(He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes,especially His childhood pastimes).Prema-madhuri(He is surrounded by devotees endowed with the wonderful love of Godhead.)Venu-madhuri(He can attract living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute) and Rupa-madhuri(He has a wonderful excellence of beauty which cannot be rivaled anywhere in  creation.)

Krishna's Name Passionately Draws the Minds of His Devotees

 Prabhasa Khanda of Padma Purana states:
namnam mukhyataram nama, krishnakhyam me parantapa;

"O Arjuna, the Holy Name of Krishna is the most principal (mukhyataram) among all Names of God. This Holy Name of Krishna is supremely auspicious, Krishna Name is divya or superbly heart-stealing. Bestowing delight, it passionately draws everyone’s minds.

The Name of Krishna is Nectar for Our Ears, Mind & Eyes

krishna naam sab meetha aali aur kacchu naa |
krishna chandra sam aan chhabeela aur kahun naa |
(Shri Krishna Lila Aalok, pg 80)
All glories to Krishna, an incarnation who is nectar for the ears, mind and eyes.

 A Sakhi Smitten by Supreme Lover Krishna

Steeped in the madhurya of Krishna’s Name a sakhi tells her fried. Hear her feelings in the words of Shri Nand Das ji:

krishna naam jab te shravan sunyo ri aali |
bhooliri bhavan main to bavari bhee ri.||
bhari-bhari aawat nain, chit hu na pave chain |
tan ki dasha kachhu aur hi bhai ree ||

Lord Krishna’s birth, His beauteous form, His gunas and divine play are like nectar to one’s ears mind and eyes. The nectar of chanting Krishna’s Name bestows amarapad or everlasting glory on us.

Taking the Help of an Army of Bears & Monkeys Rama Gets the Bridge Built

naam lait bhav sindhu sukhahin |

"Rama put in a lot of labour to build a bridge over the sea with the help of an army of bears and monkeys, whereas simply by remembering His Name, the worldly ocean dries up," says Tulsidas

Past Sins are Vanquished by Chanting God's Name

tulsi apne ram ko reejh bhajo ya kheejh |
In whichever way one chants God’s Name it is the giver of auspiciousness for all times to come.
Knowingly or unknowingly, if one relishes fire it will certainly bestow heat. Similarly one's sins of the past so many births will immediately be vanquished if one chants the name of God. 

Chanting God's Name Vanquishes All Sins

 japiye naam roop binu dekhe.
aavat hridaya sneh bisekhe”;

On chanting God’s Name which does not require His physical presence, we cross a threshold of awareness that the Lord exists intensely in our hearts when we sing His praise and dwells in our longing for Him.
As we continue chanting God’s Name His ‘Roop’ or Form will manifest before us, for certain.

Beholding Krishna, Face to Face

 Shri Billavmangalji is seeing Krishna face to face. Therefore he is singing the glory of chanting His name and hailing Him.
This sweet name ‘Krishna’ is supremely auspicious and is like nectar for my ears and eyes,” he says. “All glories, all glories, all glories to the same Lord Krishna.”
The fruition of affectionately chanting God's Name is achieved when our body mind and soul start taking part in His lila mahotsav. Recalling, meditating upon and seeing God’s divine play is firmly lodged on the foundation of chanting God’s Name.

The Glory of Chanting Krishna's Name

 Timir nashin sab naam kripa te
phoothin prem kirann chahundha te |
naam prabhav amit anoopam |
sadhan sidhhi nahin naam sam |
dhaam roop lila kee khani |
naam udaar shiromani daani |
(Shri Krishna Lila Aalok, pgs 116-117)
Hence the glory of chanting God’s Name is immeasurable.

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