Sunday, February 12, 2012

53rd & 54th Dohas of Uttar Kand


råma carita je sunata aghåhi, rasa bisesa jånå tinha nåhi° |

jivanamukta mahåmuni jeu, hari guna sunahi niramtara teu ||1||

bhava sågara caha påra jo pava, råma kathå tå kaha° dæRha nåvå |

bisainha kaha° puni hari guna gråmå, sravana sukhada aru mana abhiråmå ||2||

sravanavamta asa ko jaga måhi°, jåhi na raghupati carita sohåhi° |

te jaRa jiva nijåtmaka ghåti, jinhahi na raghupati kathå sohåti ||3||

haricaritra månasa tumha gåvå, suni mai nåtha amiti sukha påvå |

tumha jo kahi yaha kathå suhåi, kågabhasumdi garuRa prati gåi ||4||

The Ramcharitmanas Helps us Cross the Ocean of Worldly Existence

They who are satiated on hearing the exploits of Lord Råma have not been able to relish its distinctive rasa (essence). Even those great sages who have attained freedom from the cycle of life and death in their very lifetime, constantly hear the praises of Lord Hari. For him who wishes to cross over the ocean of worldly existence, the tale of Lord Råma serves as a sturdy boat.

Kakbhusundi Recites the Tale of Lord Rama

The glories of Lord Hari are delightful to the ear and please the mind of even materialists. Is there anyone with ears in this world, whom the exploits of Lord Raghunath do not delight. Those foolish creatures whom the narrative of Lord Råma does not attract are surely killers of their soul. O Nath! While You recited the Ramcharitmanas, I listened with joyous abandon. As you told me this beautiful story was recited by Kåkbhusundi to Garuda.


birati gyåna bigyåna drRha råma carana ati neha |

båyasa tana raghupati bhagati mohi parama samdeha ||53||

Kakbhusundi Worships the Lotus Feet of Lord Rama

Even on acquiring the form of a crow, Kakbhusundi is steadfast in asceticism, spiritual knowledge and realisation. I doubt if one having the form of a crow can have such great love for the feet of Lord Rama and also attain such religious devotion of Lord Raghunath.


nara sahasra maha° sunahu puråri, kou eka hoi dharma bratadhåri |

dharmasila kotika koi, bisaya bimukha biråga rata hoi ||1||

koti birakta madhya sruti kahai, samyaka gyåna sakrta kou lahai |

gyånavamta kotika maha° kou, jivanamukta sakrta jaga sou ||2||

tinha sahasra mahu° saba sukha khåni, durlabha brahmalina bigyåni |

dharmasila birakta aru gyåni, jivanamukta brahmapara pråni ||3||

saba te so durlabha suraråyå, råma bhagati rata gata mada måyå |

so haribhagati kåga kimi påi, bisvanåtha mohi kahahu bujhåi ||4||

Lord Shiva as Tripurari

Listen O Tripurari! (Slayer of demon Tripura) There is hardly one amongst thousands of men who adopts the vow of piety. Among crores of devout souls there may be one who is averse to sensual pleasures and delights in renunciation. The Vedas say that amongst crores of renunciants, hardly one succeeds in acquiring gyana (understanding of the identity of the soul with the ultimate brahman.)And amongst crores of enlightened souls there is barely one who is like this (supremely blessed even when alive).

Lord Rama is a Manifestation of the Absolute

Among a thousand of such souls, he who has not only realised his oneness with the ultimate Brahman but is also merged with the Absolute, the fountain of joy, is rarely to be found. Even amongst them, O Mahadeva! That being is extremely rare who detached from intoxication and maya (illusory world) is engrossed in the bhakti of Lord Rama. O Vishwanath, kindly explain! How could such religious devotion to Lord Hari be possibly attained by a crow.


råma paråyana gyåna rata gunågåra mati dhira |

nåtha kahahu kehi kårana påyau kåka sarira ||54||

Kakbhusundi Steeped in Spiritual Wisdom

O Nath! Tell me how did Kakbhusundi devoted to Lord Rama, steeped in spiritual wisdom and a repository of virtues with a resolute mind, acquire the form of a crow?

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