yaha prabhu carita pavitra suhåvå, kahahu krpåla kåga kaha° pava |
tumha kehi bhå° ti sunå madanåri, kahahu mohi ati kautuka bhåri ||1||
garuRa mahågyåni guna råsi, hari sevaka ati nikata nivåsi |
tehi kehi hetu kåga sana jåi, suni kathå muni nikara bihåi ||2||
kahahu kavana bidhi bhå sambådå, dou haribhagata kåga uragådå |
gauri girå suni sarala suhåi, bole siva sådara sukha påi ||3||
dhanya sati påvana mati tori, raghupati carana priti nahi thori |
sunahu parama punita itihåså, jo suni sakala loka bhrama nåså ||4||
upajai råma carana bisvåså, bhava nidhi tara nara binahi prayåså ||5||
Garuda, Lord Hari's Mount
O merciful Lord! Tell me from where did the crow get this sacred and beautiful story? And O Destroyer of Cupid! Do let me know how You got to hear it. I am full of intense curiosity. In any case Garuda is highly enlightened, an embodiment of virtues; a servitor of Lord Hari and (being His mount) stays really close to Him. Leaving a multitude of sages, why did He go to a crow for hearing Lord Råma's story? Do let me know how the conversation proceeded between the crow and Garuda (the devourer of serpents), both of whom are bhaktas of Lord Hari.
Lord Shiva is Delighted to Hear Parvati's Words
Lord Shiva was joyous to hear the simple and charming speech of Parvati and replied respectfully. O Sati! You are truly blessed; Your wisdom is very holy. And You possess not a little (but immense) love for the feet of Lord Raghunath. Now, listen to a most sacred, historical story, which ends the delusion of the entire universe, when heard. It gives rise to faith in Lord Rama's feet and man crosses over the ocean of worldly existence without any effort.
aisia prasna bihamgapati kinhi kåga sana jai |
so saba sådara kahihau° sunahu umå mana lai ||55||
Garuda Asks Kakbhusundi about Lord Rama
Garuda, the king of the birds, also went and asked the crow such questions. O Uma! I will tell you all that ensued with reverence, you just listen attentively.
mai jimi kathå suni bhava mocani, so prasamga sunu sumukhi sulocani |
prathama daccha grha tava avatårå, sati nåma taba rahå tumhårå ||1||
daccha jagya tava bhå apamånå, tumha ati krodha taje taba prånå |
mama anucaranha kinha makha bhamgå, jånahu tumha so sakala prasamgå ||2||
taba ati soca bhayau mana more°, dukhi bhayau° biyoga priya tore° |
sumdara bana giri sarita taRågå, kautuka dekhata phirau° beraga ||3||
giri sumera uttara disi duri, nila saila eka sumdara bhuri |
tåsu kanakamaya sikhara suhåe, cåri cåru more mana bhåe ||4||
tinha para eka eka bitapa bisålå, bata pipara påkari rasålå |
sailopari sara sumdara sohå, mani sopåna dekhi mana mohå ||5||
Sati Gives up Her Life at Daksa's Yagna
Listen, O charming and bright-eyed One! In which manner I heard the story which releases one from the cycle of birth and death. You first incarnated in the house of Daksa and Sati was your name, then. You were insulted at Daksa's yagna or sacrifice. At that point of time, you were intensely furious and gave up your life. Soon after, My servitors wrecked the yagna. You already know of the entire episode.Thereafter, I felt very dejected at heart. My Dear! Your loss had left me inconsolable.
Carrying Sati, Lord Shiva Wanders in the Wilds
Detached, I wandered among beautiful forests, mountains, rivers and ponds seeing spectacles (sights). Much further than Mount Sumeru, in the far north, there is a most beautiful blue mountain (Nilagiri). It has lovely golden peaks out of which four charming peaks really attracted me. On each of them stood one huge tree, a banyan, a peepul, a plaksa (the Indian fig tree) and a mango.
A Beautiful Pond on Top of Nilagiri
On the top of the mountain, a beautiful pond was resplendent; seeing its jewelled steps, one was enchanted.
sitala amala madhura jala jalaja bipula bahuramga |
kujata kala rava hamsa gana gumjata mamjula bhrmga ||56||
Nice article really informative.
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