Sunday, February 26, 2012

63rd & 64th Dohas of Uttar Kand


gayau garuRa jaha° basai bhusumdå, mati akumtha hari bhagati akhamdå |

dekhi saila prasanna mana bhayau, måyå moha soca saba gayau ||1||

kari taRåga majjana jalapånå, bata tara gayau hrdaya° harasånå |

brddha brddha bihamga taha° åe, sunai råma ke carita suhåe ||2||

kathå arambha karai soi cåhå, tehi samaya gayau khaganåhå |

åvata dekhi sakala khagaråjå, haraseu båyasa sahita samåjå ||3||

ati ådara khagapati kara kinhå, svågata puchi suåsana dinhå |

kari pujå sameta anurågå, madhura bacana taba boleu kågå ||4||

Kakbhusundi Dwells in Nilagiri, the Blue Mountain

Garuda went there where Kakbhusundi who had unrestricted intellect and complete devotion to Lord Hari, dwelt. His heart was delighted on sighting the mountain and and he got rid of every possible Maya (delusion), infatuation and anxiety (by its very sight.) After bathing in the pond and drinking its water, he joyously went under the banyan tree. Old birds of all kinds had flocked there to listen to Lord Råma's notable deeds. Bhusundi was on the verge of commencing the narrative, when Garuda, the king of birds, arrived. All the birds including Kakbhusundi were thrilled to see Garuda coming. Bhusundi received pakshiraja Garuda with utmost reverence and enquiring about his well being, gave him a lovely seat to sit on. After lovingly worshipping him, the crow spoke gentle words.


nåtha krtåratha bhayau° mai tava darasana khagaråja |

åyasu dehu so karau° aba prabhu åyahu kehi kåja ||63(A)||

sadå krtåratha rupa tumha kaha mrdu bacana khagesa |

jehi kai astuti sådara nija mukha kinhi mahesa ||63(B)||

Pakshiraja Garuda

O Lord! I have been blessed by your sight, O Pakshiraja ! Now I will do whatever you ask me to. With what objective have you come, O Master?

Garuda, the king of the birds, spoke tenderly: You have always been a form worthy of adoration, whose praises have been respectfully sung by Lord Shiva with His own mouth.


sunahu tåta jehi kårana åyau°, so saba bhayau darasa tava påyau° |

dekhi parama påvana tava åsrama, gayau moha samsaya nånå bhrama ||1||

aba sriråma kathå ati påvani, sadå sukhada dukha pumja nasåvani |

sådara tåta sunåvahu mohi, båra båra binavau°prabhu tohi ||2||

sunata garuRa kai girå binitå, sarala suprema sukhada supunitå |

bhayau tåsu mana parama uchåhå, låga kahai raghupati guna gåhå ||3||

prathamahi ati anuråga bhavåni, råmacarita sara kahesi bakhåni |

puni nårada kara moha apårå, kahesi bahuri råvana avatårå ||4||

prabhu avatåra kathå puni gåi, taba sisu carita kahesi mana låi ||5||

Garuda Wants to Hear the Tale of Lord Rama

Listen, dear! The objective for which I had ventured has already been fully accomplished, the instant I arrived here. And then I have also enjoyed the benefit of seeing you. At the very sight of your supremely pure hermitage, my infatuation, doubt and several sorts of misconceptions have been dispelled. Now, O dear! Narrate to me with reverence the story of Lord Rama, which makes us extremely pure, is forever delightful and a cure for all sufferings. This is precisely what I beg of you, over and over again.

Bhusundi Speaks of sage Narada's Infatuation

As soon as Bhusundi heard Garuda's, humble, simple, beautiful, loving, delightful and extremely pious request, a supreme joy suffused his soul and he began recounting the tale of Lord Raghunath's virtues. O Bhavani! With absolute loving devotion, he initially described the dramatic composition of lake of Lord Råma's exploits. Next he spoke of Narada's absolute infatuation and then of Ravana's manifestation. Soon after he gave an account of the Lord's incarnation and then with great interest recounted the sports of Lord Rama as a child.


bålacarita kahi bibidhi bidhi mana maha° parama uchåha |

risi ågavana kahesi puni sriraghubira bibåha ||64||

Kak Bhusundi Narrates The Sports of Child Rama

After narrating the various childlike sports of the Lord, with great enthusiasm he told of sage Vishwamitr's arrival in Ayodhya and then spoke of Lord Rama's wedding.

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