tehi mama pada sådara siru nåvå, puni samdeha sunava |
suni tå kari binat mrdu båni, prema sahita mai kaheu° bhavåni ||1||
milehu garuRa måraga maha° mohi, kavana bhå° ti samujhåvau° tohi |
tabahi hoi saba samsaya bhamgå, jaba bahu kåla karia satasamgå ||2||
sunia taha hari kathå suhåi, nånå bhå°ti muninha jo gai |
jehi mahu° ådi madhya avasånå, prabhu pratipådya råma bhagavånå ||3||
nita hari kathå hota jaha° bhåi, pathavau° tahå° sunahu tumha jåi |
jåihi sunata sakala samdehå, råma carana hoihi ati nehå ||4||
Lord Shiva Talks of Garuda's Delusion to Parvati
Garuda reverently bowed his head at my feet and then told his doubt to me. O Bhavani! On hearing his entreaty and tender voice I lovingly explained to him. O Garuda! You have met me on the way so how can I make you grasp the matter? Doubts are completely dispelled only when one enjoys the company of saints for a long time, and listens to the story of Lord Hari there, which has been narrated by sages in a number of ways.
The Tale of Lord Rama is Narrated Everyday
The sole Lord who is detailed at the beginning, the middle and the end, is Lord Råma. O brother! I shall send you to a place where the tale of Lord Hari is recited everyday.Go and listen. As soon as you hear it, all your doubts will disappear and you will have immense love for Lord Rama's feet.
binu satasamga na hari kathå tehi binu moha na bhåga |
moha gae° binu råma pada hoi na dæRha anuråga ||61||
Saints Help us Develop Love for Lord Rama's Feet
One cannot get a chance to hear the holy sermon on Lord Hari unless one is in the company of saints. One can not get rid of moha without satsang and can not develop deep affection for Lord Rama's feet till delusion is dispelled.
milahi na raghupati binu anurågå, kie° joga tapa gyana biraga |
uttara disi sumdara giri nilå, taha° raha kåkabhusumdi susilå ||1||
råma bhagati patha parama prabinå, gyåni guna grha bahu kålinå |
råma kathå so kahai niramtara, sådara sunahii bibidha bihamgabara ||2||
jåi sunahu taha° hari guna bhuri, hoihi moha janita dukha duri |
mai jaba tehi saba kahå bujhåi,caleu harasi mama pada siru nåi ||3||
tåte umå na mai samujhåvå, raghupati krpå° maramu mai påvå |
hoihi kinha kabahu°abhimånå, so khovai caha krpånidhånå ||4||
kachu tehi te puni mai nahi råkhå, samujhai khaga khagahi kai bhåså |
prabhu måyå balavamta bhavåni, jåhi na moha kavana asa gyåni ||5||
Nilagiri, the Blue Mountain
Without love, Lord Raghunath cannot be found even if one practices yoga (mind-control), tapa or austere penance, gyana or spiritual wisdom and vairagya or renunciation. Therefore you must go (for satsang where) there is a beautiful blue mountain (Nilagiri) In the north.
Kakbhusundi Lives in the Nilagiri
Here the supremely good natured Kakbhusundi lives. He is expert in the path of Lord Rama's bhakti or religious devotion, is spiritually enlightened, is an abode of good qualities and ages old. Constantly he recites Lord Råma's tale which is reverently heard by varied species of noble birds. Go there and hear the multitude of Lord Hari's virtues. Your grief arising from moha or infatuation will vanish.
The Lord's Maya is Very Powerful
When I thus explained everything to him, Garuda bowed his head at my feet and left joyously. O Uma! I did not convince (dispel his doubts) him myself because I had come to know of his secret (delusion) by the grace of Lord Rama. He must have been arrogant at some point of time which the All-merciful Lord Rama certainly wanted to cure him of. And then I did not keep him with me for another reason that birds can well understand the language of birds alone. O Bhavani! The Lord's Maya or illusory power is very strong and who is so wise that he can not be deluded by it?
gyåni bhagata siromani tribhuvanapati kara jåna |
tåhi moha måyå nara påva° ra karahi gumåna ||62(A)||
Garuda, the Mount of Shri Vishnu-Lakshmi
Even Garuda, the very precious jewel of devotees and enlightened souls, and the mount of Lord Vishnu (the ruler of the three spheres), was deluded by Måyå. Still it is so stupid that inferior humans are proud of not being ensnared by moha or delusion.
siva biramci kahu° mohai ko hai bapurå åna |
asa jiya° jåni bhajahi muni måyå pati bhagavåna ||62(B)||
Lord Vishnu's Illusory Power Deludes Even Brahma & Shiva
The Lord's Maya misleads even Shiva and Brahma then what standing does any poor living being have? Bearing this in mind, the munis or sages lovingly worship the divine Lord of Måyå.
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