råma krpå åpani jaRatåi, kahau° khagesa sunahu mana låi |
jaba jaba råma manuja tanu dharahi, bhakta hetu lilå bahu karahi° ||1||
taba taba avadhapuri mai jåu°, bålacarita biloki° harasåu° |
janma mahotsava dekhau°jåi, barasa påca taha° rahau° lobhåi ||2||
istadeva mama bålaka råmå, sobhå bapusa koti sata kåmå |
nija prabhu badana nihåri nihåri, locana suphala karau° uragåri ||3||
laghu båyasa bapu dhari hari samgå, dekhau° bålacarita bahu ramgå ||4||
The Birth of Lord Rama in the Palace of Ayodhya
O Pakshiraja Garuda! Now I shall tell you of Lord Rama's grace and my own stupidity; listen carefully. Whenever Lord Rama appears in human form and does numerous lilas or divine plays for His devotees, I go to the city of Ayodhya and am delighted to watch His childish sports. Reaching there, I see the grand festival of His birth and, fascinated (by His childish exploits), stay on for a span of five years.
Child Rama Has the Charm of Countless Cupids
Child Rama is my beloved deity, whose persona has the charm of countless Cupids. O Garuda! Forever gazing at the face of my lord, I make my eyes relish the fruit of their existence. Assuming the form of a small crow and roaming around with the Lord, I look at His childish deeds of all kinds.
larikåi° jaha° jaha° phirahi taha° taha° samga uRåu° |
juthani parai ajira maha° so uthåi kari khåu° ||75(A)||
eka båra atisaya saba carita kie raghubira |
sumirata prabhu lilå soi pulakita bhayau sarira ||75(B)||
Kakbhusundi Eats Child Rama's Leftovers
Wherever He moves in childhood, I fly about close to Him. And picking at the leftovers which fall from His mouth in the courtyard, eat them. In one particular aeon, Lord Raghuvir performed all His exploits in excess. The moment Kakabhusundi recalled those deeds, he was thrilled and every fibre of his body stood erect.
kahai bhasumda sunahu khaganåyaka, råmacarita sevaka sukhadåyaka |
nrpamamdira sumdara saba bhå°ti, khacita kanaka mani nånå jåt∂ ||1||
barani na jåi rucira a°ganåi, jaha khelahi nita cåriu bhåi |
bålabinoda karata raghurai, bicarata ajira janani sukhadåi ||2||
marakata mrdula kalevara syåmå, amga amga prati chabi bahu kåmå |
nava råjiva aruna mrdu caranå, padaja rucira nakha sasi duti haranå ||3||
lalita amka kulisådika cåri, nupura cåru madhura ravakåri |
cåru purata mani racita banåi, kati kimkini kala mukhara suhåi ||4||
Child Rama Playing with His Brothers in the Courtyard
Kakbhusundi said: Listen, O Pakshiraja! The account of Lord Rama's life gives joy to his servitors. The royal palace (of Ayodhya) was beautiful in every way. All sorts of precious stones were studded in the golden palace. The beauty of the courtyard where the four brothers played everyday, was beyond description. The Lord of the Raghus did childish pranks which delighted his mother, in this open space. His tender body was dark-hued with a greenish tinge just like the colour of an emerald. Every limb of His was covered with the loveliness of numerous Cupids.
The Tinkling Anklets of Child Rama Attract Kakbhusundi
His feet were tenderly soft and ruddy like a young (red) lotus, having bright toes and toenails that outshone the lustre of the moon. His soles bore the fourfold lovely marks of the thunderbolt, the elephant-goad, the flag and the lotus, and were adorned with beautiful anklets that tinkled sweetly. The charming zone of bells made of gold and studded with gems, which encircled His waist, produced a pleasant tinkling sound.
rekhå traya sumdara udara nåbhi rucira ga°bhira |
ura åyata bhråjata bibidhi båla bibhusana cira ||76||
Adorned with Jewels, Child Rama is Royally Dressed
The belly had three lovely folds with a beautiful deep navel. His broad chest gleamed with various kinds of jewels and clothes, becoming to a child.
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