Monday, March 19, 2012

77th & 78th Dohas of Uttar Kand


aruna påni nakha karaja manohara, båhu bisåla bibhusana sumdara |

kamdha båla kehari dara grivå, cåru cibuka ånana chabi si°vå ||1||

kalabala bacana adhara arunåre, dui dui dasana bisada bara båre |

lalita kapola manohara nåså, sakala sukhada sasi kara sama håså ||2||

nila kamja locana bhava mocana, bhråjata bhåla tilaka gorocana |

bikata bhrkuti sama sravana suhåe, kumcita kaca mecaka chabi chåe ||3||

pita jhini jhaguli tana sohi, kilakani citavani bhåvati mohi |

rupa råsi nrpa ajira bihari, nåcahi nija pratibimba nihåri ||4||

mohi sana karahi bibidhi bidhi kriRå, baranata mohi hoti ati briRå |

kilakata mohi dharana jaba dhåvahi, calau° bhågi taba pupa dekhåvahi ||5||

Child Rama, is Delightfully Beautiful

His rose coloured palms, nails and fingers were captivating and His long arms were adorned with lovely ornaments. He had shoulders resembling those of a lion's cub and a conch shaped neck(having three streaks) A lovely chin and a face which were the very zenith of beauty. His speech was yet indistinct (as a child's) and lips were rosy. His mouth contained two pearly shapely milk teeth (above and below). He had lovely cheeks, a charming nose and a sweet smile (endowed with all the kalas or skills) which was so delightful and bright as the beams of the moon.

Baby Rama's Eyes Resemble Blue Lotuses

His eyes, resembling a pair of blue lotuses, freed one from the bonds of life and death. His forehead gleamed with a tilak or sacred mark made of gorachan(a yellow pigment vomited by a cow and used for medicine). He had arched eyebrows, even well-matched ears, and curly dark-hued hair spread their charm. A thin yellow garment beseemed His dark body. I was very fond of His gleeful cries and glance. The repository of beauty frolicking in the courtyard of Raja Dashrath, danced at the sight of His own shadow. And played several sports with me, which I blush to tell you. Screaming with joy as He ran to catch me and I flew away; He showed me a piece of sweet cake.


åvata nikata ha°sahi prabhu bhåjata rudana karåhi |

jåu° samipa gahana pada phiri phiri citai paråhi ||77(A)||

pråkrta sisu iva lilå dekhi bhayau mohi moha, |

kavana caritra karata prabhu cidånamda samdoha ||77(B)||

Kakbhusundi Flies Away

As I went near Him the Lord smiled but cried the moment I flew away. And when I approached Him to touch His feet He ran away, turning back over and over again to look at me. Seeing Him play like an ordinary child I was deluded (esp doubtful about the supposed reality)about the significance of this lila or divine play which the Sacchidanand Lord (being, thought and bliss, a title of the Ultimate Being) was enacting.


etanå mana ånata khagaråyå, raghupati prerita byåpi måyå |

so måyå na dukhada mohi kåhi,° åna jiva iva samsrta nåhi° ||1||
nåtha ihå kachu kårana ånå, sunahu so såvadhåna harijånå |

gyåna akhamda eka sitabara, måyå basya jiva sacaråcara ||2||

jau° saba ke° raha gyåna ekarasa, isvara jivahi bheda kahahu kasa |

måyå basya jiva abhimani, isa basya måyå gunakhåni ||3||

parabasa jiva svabasa bhagavamtå, jiva aneka eka srikamtå |

mudhå bheda jadyapi krta måyå, binu hari jåi na koti upåyå ||4||

Pakshiraja Garuda, the Mount of Lord Vishnu

O Pakshiraja! The instant I let this doubt enter my mind, Maya (the delusive power) inspired by Lord Rama. However that Maya did not give me grief nor did it throw me into the cycle of birth and death as it does with other creatures. O Nath! This was because of some other reasons. O Garuda, mount of Lord Vishnu! Listen attentively.

Lord Rama, Sita's Husband, is Sacchidananda

Solely Lord Rama, the husband of Sita is absolute intelligence whereas every creature, whether animate or inanimate, is controlled by Maya. If all living beings had the same perfect wisdom, tell me, what would be the difference between God and the Jiva (the individuated soul)? The arrogant jiva is in the power of Maya while she(the mine of sattva,rajas and tamas, the three gunas, is controlled by God. The jiva is dependent (on Maya), while God is independent.

Lord Vishnu, the Husband of Goddess Lakshmi

The jivas are many, while the Beloved of Lakshmi is one (without a second). Though this difference created by Maya is false, it cannot disappear except by Lord Hari's grace,even if we resort to crores of measures.


råmacamdra ke bhajana binu jo caha pada nirbåna |

gyånavamta api so nara pasu binu pu°cha bisåna ||78(A)||

råkåpati soRasa uahi tårågana samudåi |

sakala girinha dava låia binu rabi råti na jåi ||78(B)||

The Rising Sun Dispels a Long Night

The man who seeks to attain moksha (salvation) without the bhajan (worshipping and singing devotional hymns)of Lord Ramchandra is a beast without tail and horns, however wise he may be. Even though if the moon were to rise complete in all her sixteen digits along with all the stars, and all the mountains were set on fire, night would not disappear without the sun rising.

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