aisehi hari binu bhajana khageså, mitai na jivanha kera kaleså |
hari sevakahi na byåpa abidyå, prabhu prerita byåpai tehi bidyå ||1||
tåte nåsa na hoi dåsa kara, bheda bhagati båRhai bihamgabara |
bhrama te° cakita råma mohi dekhå, biha°se so sunu carita biseså ||2||
tehi kautuka kara maramu na kåhu°, jånå anuja na matu pitahu |
jånu påni dhåe mohi dharanå, syåmala gåta aruna kara caranå ||3||
taba mai bhågi caleu° uragåri, råma gahana kaha° bhujå pasåri |
jimi jimi duri uRåu° akåså, taha° bhuja hari dekhau° nija påså ||4||
Ignorance Can Not Overpower A Sevaka of Lord Vishnu
O Pakshiraja ! In the same manner living beings cannot get rid of their suffering without worshipping Lord Hari. Avidya or ignorance has no power over a servant of Lord Hari. It is Vidya or knowledge of Brahma that pervades him as the Lord directs. O best of the birds! That is why a servitor of the Lord is never ruined and his devotion to the Lord grows. When Lord Rama saw me alarmed because of doubt, He laughed. Listen to that particular episode. Nobody came to know of the secret of this divine play, neither His younger brothers nor His parents. The Lord in the form of a dark-hued child having rosy hands and feet, crawled fast on His hands and knees to catch hold of me.
Kakbhusundi Flies Far Into the Sky
Thereupon, O enemy of serpents, I took flight. Lord Rama's stretched out His arm to lay hold of me. Just as I flew into the air I saw Lord Hari 's arm close to me, all over the place.
brahmaloka lagi gayau° mai citayau°. påcha uRåta |
juga amgula kara bica saba råma bhujahi mohi tåta ||79(A)||
saptåbarana bheda kari jahå° lage° gati mori | I
gayau° tahå° prabhu bhuja nirakhi byåkula bhayau° bahori ||79(B)||
Brahmaloka, the Abode of Brahma
flew up to Brahma's abode; but dear Garuda when I looked back there was only a gap of two fingers between Lord Rama's arm and me. Penetrating all seven coverings of the universe (consisting of earth, water, fire, air, ether, the cosmic ego and cosmic intellect) I reached the utmost height which I could. But there too seeing the Lord's arm behind me, I was bewildered.
mudeu° nayana trasita jaba bhayau°, puni citavata kosalapura gayau° |
mohi biloki råma musukåhi°, biha°sata turata gayau° mukha måhi° ||1||
udara måjha sunu amdaja råyå, dekheu° bahu brahmåmda nikåyå |
ati bicitra taha° loka anekå, råma musukåhi°, racanå adhika eka te eka ||2||
kotinha caturånana gauriså, aganita udagana rabi rajaniså |
aganita lokapala jama kala, aganita bhudhara bhumi bisålå ||3||
sågara sari sara bipina apårå, nånå bhå° ti srsti bistårå |
sura muni siddha någa nara kimnara, cåri prakåra jiva sacaråcara ||4||
The City of Ayodhya or Kosalapuri
I closed my eyes when I was frightened and the instant I opened them, I found myself in Kosalapuri (Ayodhya.)Seeing me, Lord Rama began to smile. The instant He smiled, I entered His mouth (throat).
Kakbhusundi Sees Many Universes Nestled in Child Rama's Belly
O Pakshiraja ! Inside His belly I saw multitudes of universes. There were many strange lokas or spheres, each more wonderful than the other. Having crores of Brahmas and Shivas, countless stars, suns and moons, countless Lokapalas (guardians), Yamas (gods of punishment) and Kålas (gods of death), innumerable huge mountains and land. I saw countless oceans, rivers, lakes and forests without end
The Kinnaras
and manifold other forms of creation; gods and sages, Siddhas, Någas, humans and Kinnaras, and the four kinds of living beings which were moving and motionless.
jo nahi dekhå nahi sunå jo manahu° na samåi |
so saba adbhuta dekheu° barani kavani bidhi jåi ||80(A)||
eka eka brahmåmda mahu° rahau° barasa sata eka |
ehi bidhi dekhata phirau° mai amda katåha aneka ||80(B)||
A Brahmaand or Universe
I saw such marvels there which I had never seen or heard of before and they could not even be conceived by the mind(meaning one could not even imagine them.)Then, how, can I possibly describe them? I would stay for a hundred years in each of those universes. And in this way I went round and saw multitudes of universes shaped like an egg.
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