Friday, February 17, 2012

57th & 58th Dohas of Uttar Kand


tehiÚ giri rucira basai khaga soi, tåsu nasa kapamta na hoi |

måyå krta guna dosa anekå, moha manoja adi abibeka ||1||

rahe byåpi samasta jaga måhi°, tehi giri nikata kabahu° nahii jåhi° |

taha° basi harihi bhajai jimi kågå, so sunu umå sahita anurågå ||2||

pipara taru tara dhyåna so dharai, jåpa jagya påkari tara karai |

å° ba chå° ha kara månasa pujå, taji hari bhajanu kåju nahi dujå ||3||

bara tara kaha hari kathå prasamgå, åvahi sunahi aneka bihamga |

råma carita bicitra bidhi nånå, prema sahita kara sådara gånå ||4||

sunahi sakala mati bimala marålå, basahi niramtara je tehi tålå |

jaba mai jåi so kautuka dekhå, ura upaja anamda bisesa ||5||

Shiva Tells Uma how Kakbhushundi Worships Lord Hari

The same bird (Kakabhusundi) dwells on that same splendid mountain. He is not destroyed even at the end of a kalpa (which measures the duration of the world). The phenomena of good and evil, infatuation, lust and other forms of ignorance created by Maya (the illusory power of the Supreme Spirit) which overcasts the entire universe,can never dare to even venture near that mountain. O Uma! Lovingly listen to the manner in which the crow spends his days, worshipping Lord Hari, as he resides there.

Kakbhusundi Prays to Lord Vishnu Under a Mango Tree

Under the peepul tree he meditates; he performs yagnas (sacrifices) and does japa (incantations) under the plaksha; he prays to the Lord in the mind under shade of the mango tree. He has no other work other than doing bhajan of Lord Hari. Under the banyan tree, he narrates episodes from the tale of Lord Hari. Several birds flock there to hear the story. With loving reverence he sings of the various wonderful exploits of Lord Rama (in the Manasa or holy lake of the acts of Rama). The swans having a pure mind, who forever dwell in that lake, listen to the story. When I arrived there and saw the spectacle, an exceptional joy invaded my heart.


taba kachu kåla maråla tanu dhari taha° kinha nivåsa |

sådara suni raghupati guna puni åyau° kailåsa ||57||

Shiva Assumes the Form of a Swan

Then, acquiring the form of a swan, I dwelt there for some time. And, after reverently listening to the glories of Lord Raghunath, returned to Mount Kailash.


girijå kaheu°so saba itihåså, mai jehi samaya gayau° khaga påså |

aba so kathå sunahu jehi hetu, gayau kåga pahi khaga kula ketu ||1||

jaba raghunåtha kinhi rana kriRå, samujhata carita hoti mohi briRå |

imdrajita kara åpu ba° dhåyo, taba nårada muni garuRa pathåyo ||2||

bamdhana kåti gayo uragådå, upajå hrdaya° pracamda bisådå |

prabhu bamdhana samujhata bahubhå°ti, karata bicåra uraga åråti ||3||

byåpaka brahma biraja bågiså, måyå moha påra paramiså |

so avatåra suneu° jaga måhi°, dekheu° so prabhåva kachu nåhi° ||4||

Lord Rama Battling Meghnada

Girija, I have narrated the whole episode of when I visited Kakabhusundi. Now listen to the narration as to why Garuda (the glory of the loka of birds) went to the crow. When the Lord of the Raghus doing the lila or divine play of a battle (with Meghanad, the son of Ravana),whose very thought fills me with shame, allowed Himself to be bound at the hands of Meghanada, sage Nårada sent Garuda.

Garuda Ponders over Lord Rama's Incarnation

When Garuda (the devourer of serpents) cut the bonds and departed, a terrible dejection burdened his soul. Recalling the Lord's bondage, the enemy of the serpents, pondered over the incident in many ways. I have heard that the all-pervasive, Brahma who is the impersonal Ultimate Being, the Lord of speech, who is beyond maya (the illusory world) and moha (delusion as to the suppose reality of the world) has incarnated in this material world. But I saw none of that Incarnation's divine power.


bhava bamdhana te chutahi nara japi jå kara nåma |

kharba nisåcara bå°dheu någapåsa soi råma ||58||

Garuda Cutting the Nagapasha Binding Rama & Lakshmana

By chanting the Name of Råma, man is freed from the bonds of worldly existence. The very same Rama was tied down by a worthless demon's (Meghanada) nagapasha or serpent arrows.

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