nånå bhå°ti manahi samujhåvå,pragata na gyåna hrdaya° bhrama chåvå |
kheda khinna mana tarka baRhåi, bhayau mohabasa tumharihi nåi ||1||
byåkula gayau devarisi påhi°, kahesi jo samsaya nija mana måhi° |
suni nåradahi lågi ati dåyå, sunu khaga prabala råma kai måyå ||2||
jo gyåninha kara cita apaharai, bariåi° bimoha mana karai |
jehi bahu båra nacåvå mohi, soi byåpi bihamgapati tohi ||3||
mahåmoha upajå ura tore°, mitihi na begi kahe° khaga more° |
caturånana pahii jåhu khageså, soi karehu jehi hoi nideså ||4||
Garuda is Deluded by Lord Vishnu's Maya or Power of Illusion
Garuda tried to reassure himself in many ways but wisdom (understanding of the identity of the self with the ultimate brahman ) did not dawn on him. Confusion burdened his soul all the more. Torn by grief (borne out of doubt) and increased mental questionings, he was seized by delusion just like you. Perplexed he approached the divine sage Nårada and informed him of the doubt weighing upon his mind. On hearing his plight, Nårada was moved by great compassion.
Narada Says Brahma will Free Garuda from Vishnu's Maya
He said, Listen, O Garuda! Lord Rama's Maya ( power of illusion) is very powerful which quite robs wise men of sensibility and clouds their minds with moha or absolute infatuation. O Lord of the race of birds! The same Maya which has made Me dance to its tune, many a time, has pervaded you, O Garuda! A blinding infatuation has arisen your heart and it will not be instantly wiped out by my explaining things to you. Therefore, O Pakshiraj! Head towards Brahmå (the Creator), and do whatever He asks you to do.
asa kahi cale devarisi karata råma guna gåna |
hari måyå bala baranata puni puni parama sujåna ||59||
Narada Singing the Glories of Lord Rama
Saying these words, Narada the most enlightened divine sage went his way, singing the glories of Lord Råma and repeatedly recalling the strength of Lord Hari's power of illusion.
taba khagapati biramci pahi gayau, nija samdeha sunåvata bhayau |
suni biramci råmahi siru nåvå, samujhi pratåpa prema ati chåvå ||1||
mana mahu° karai bicåra bidhåtå, måyå basa kabi kobida gyåtå |
hari måyå kara amiti prabhåvå, bipula båra jehi mohi nacåvå ||2||
aga jagamaya jaga mama uparåjå, nahi åcaraja moha khagaråjå |
taba bole bidhi girå suhå, jåna mahesa råma prabhutåi ||3||
bainateya samkara pahi jåhu, tåta anata puchahu jani kåhu |
taha°hoihi tava samsaya håni,caleu bihamga sunata bidhi båni ||4||
Garuda Goes to Brahma, the Creator
That is when Garuda, Lord of the race of birds, went to the Creator and revealed his doubt to him. On hearing him out, Brahma bowed his head to Lord Råma and was overwhelmed by love on understanding His power. The Creator mused in his mind that seers, sages as well as the learned are all in the clutches of Maya. The might of Lord Hari's Maya (illusory power) is boundless which has made even me dance to its tune, a number of times. The entire animate and inanimate world has been created by me and when I become a puppet and dance accordingly, then it is not surprising that Pakshiraja Garuda has been deluded by it.
Lord Mahadeva is Well Aware of Rama's Glory
Thereupon Brahma spoke beautifully that Lord Mahadeva very well knows of Lord Rama's glory. O Garuda! You go to Lord Shiva. Shankara will resolve your doubts and thus do not ask anyone any question elsewhere. O dear child! On hearing Brahma's advice, instantly the bird flew away.
paramåtura bihamgapati åyau taba mo påsa |
jåta raheu°kubera grha rahihu umå kailåsa ||60||
Shiva & Paravati on Mount Kailash
Soon after Pakshiraja Garuda came to me in eager haste O Uma! I was going to Kubera's residence, at that point of time, while you were on Mount Kailåsa.
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