Tuesday, April 24, 2012

101st & 102nd Dohas of Uttar Kand

        bahu dåma savårahi dhåma jati, bisayå hari linhi na rahi birati  |
        tapasi dhanavamtadaridragrhi, kali kautuka tåta na jåta kahi  ||1||
        kulavamti nikårahi nåri sati, grha ånahi ceri niberi gati  |
        suta månahi måtu pita taba lau°, abalånana dikha nahi° jaba lau°  ||2||
        sasurari pyari lagi jaba te,rirupa kutumba bhae taba t e |
        nrpa påpa paråyana dharma nahi,kari damda bidambda  praja nta hi ||3||
        dhanavamta kulina malina api,dvija cinha janeu ughåra tapi  |
        nahi måna puråna na bedahi jo,hari sevaka samta sahi kali so  ||4||
        kabi brmda udåra duni na suni,guna dusaka  brata na kopi guni  |
        kali bårahi båra dukåla parai, binu anna dukhi saba loga marai  ||5||

Recluses Build Grand Houses in Kaliyuga
Recluses build houses and furnish them at great expense. Asceticism is no more visible in them, having been wiped out by sensuality. The ascetics become wealthy and householders poor. O dear Garuda! The lila or play of Kaliyuga is beyond telling. Men drive out a wife who is virtuous and from a noble family, and abandoning good conduct, bring home some servant girl. Sons respect their father and mother as long as they do not see the face of their wives. When they become fond of their wife's family, their own kinsfolk seem like enemies.

Kings Inflict Punishment on Their Subjects
Kings are engrossed in sin and there is no sign of any piety in them. They constantly persecute their subjects by inflicting undeserving punishment on them. Rich people are considered noble even if they belong to a low caste. A brahamana is known just by his sacred thread, and an ascetic by his naked body. 

The Vedas & Puranas are Shunned
Those who do not believe in the Vedas and Puranas are considered true saints and servitors of Lord Hari in the age of  Kali. There are hordes of poets but those who reward them (the munificent) are seldom heard of. There are many who find fault in others' virtues but none who are virtuous. Famines occur frequently in Kaliyuga. Everyone dies of misery due to lack of food.

      sunu khagesa kali kapata hatha dambha dvesa påmamda  |
      måna moha mårådi mada byåpi rahe brahmamda  ||101(A)||
      tåmasa dharma karahi nara japa tapa brata makha dåna  |
      deva na barasahi dharan° bae na jåmahi dhåna  ||101(B)||

Pakshiraja Garuda
Listen, O Pakshiraja! In Kaliyugas deceit, misguided zeal, hypocrisy, malice, heresy, pride, infatuation, lust and arrogance pervade the whole universe. Men do japa (the muttering of prayers), austere penance and charity, perform sacrifices and undertake sacred vows with some evil motive.  Gods (Indra) do rain not upon the earth and grains which have been sown do not grow.

      abalå kaca bhusana bhurichudhå,dhanahina dukhi mamatå bahudhå  |
      sukha cåhahi muRha na dharma ratå, mati thori kathori na komalatå  ||1||
      nara piRita roga na bhoga kahi°,abhimåna birodha akåranahi°  |
      laghu jivana sambatu pamca daså, kalapåmta na nåsa gumånu aså  ||2||
      kalikåla bihåla kie manujånahÚ månata kvau anujå tanuja  |     
      nahi tosa bicåra na sitalatå, saba jåti kujåti bhae magatå  ||3||     
      iriså parusåcchara lolupatå, bhari puri rahi samata bigata  |
      saba loga biyoga bisoka hae,baranåsrama dharma acåra gae  ||4|| 
      dama dåna dayå nahi jånapani,jaRatå parabamcanatåti ghani  
     tanu posaka nåri narå sagare,paranimdaka je jaga mo bagare  ||5||

Women Have long Tresses & Wear no Ornaments
Women wear no ornament except their locks of hair and  have a great appetite (are forever unsatisfied). They are miserable because of lack of money and attachment to so many things.Those fools want happiness but do not love  morality. They are poor in wisdom and hard-hearted, having no loving tenderness. Whereas men are tortured by diseases and find no bhoga or joy anywhere. They are arrogant and oppose others for no particular reason. 

Pralaya or the Dissolution of the World
The mens' life is short, having a span of not more than a few years; yet they have such pride as if they are not going to perish even at the end of a kalpa   (dissolution of the world). Kaliyuga has made people insane: no one respects the sanctity of even one's sister or daughter. People do not have any contentment, discernment or composure. Those belonging to all classes, whether high or low, have become beggars. Envy, harsh words and greed abound; while harmony has vanished. People are wallowing in bereavement and deep sorrow. 

The Stages in a Devout Hindu's Life
Conventional norms prescribed for the four ashramas or stages of life and religious obligations (which a devout Hindu is supposed to fulfil) have been ruined. Repression of the senses, charity, compassion and wisdom are not present in anyone. Whereas stupidity and fraud are on the rise.  Men and women are busy catering to the needs of their bodies; while those who speak ill of others are rampant all over  the world.

      sunu byålåri kåla kali mala avaguna ågåra  |
      gunau° bahuta kalijuga kara binu prayåsa niståra  ||102(A)||
      krtajuga tretå° dvåpara pujå makha aru joga  |
      jo gati hoi so kali hari nåma te påvahi loga  ||102(B)||

Chanting the Name of Lord Hari in Kaliyuga
 Garuda, enemy of serpents! Listen. The age of Kali is the abode of vices and sins. But Kaliyuga has one great quality as well, that one is freed from the bondage of this mundane world without any effort. The same gati (ending, death and transmigration)which is attained through worship of God, performance of sacrifices or practice of Yoga in the Satyayuga, Treta and Dvapara, can be attained in the Kaliyuga just by chanting the name of Lord Hari.


Anonymous said...

Can I know who is referred to as Pakshiraja (God)?

HariHarji said...

Pakshiraja means Garuda as I have said in the caption beneath the photograph of Pakshiraja Garuda.

Suraj said...

Why kaliyug is cursed by so many bad things....what is the reason of downfall