Friday, May 24, 2019

Prem Rasamrit Dhara: Letter No 17

 Shri Dham Vrindavan

Priya Vijay,

“ Krsne matir astu” [Let your attention be on Krsna’s feet”]

Shri Vrishbhanupur

Ever since I came back after meeting you at Shri Vrishbhanupur I have been thinking of writing a letter to you but somehow it got delayed.

Shri Radha Kund

Spontaneously liberating you from worldly bonds, the infinite mercy of Krishna has bestowed residence at Shri Radha Kund. What greater act of compassion can there be?

Dark-hued Krishna's Loving Tenderness

All that you have to do is properly utilise dark-hued Krishna’s loving tenderness bestowed on you and that too thoughtfully and conscientiously. This is the task only you have to do. The Supreme Lover’s grace and hand that grants blessing always accompany a virtuous act.

Residence at a spiritual site and detachment are the means and not the destination. This is a fact to be remembered at all times. Not forgetting the truth that ‘gantavyasthal’, the destination site, is our supreme and ultimate goal and the object of human pursuit. An ardent longing is essential for reaching our destination, which can in turn help us reach our spiritual goal.

Our Relationship with Krishna

Krishna, the Supreme Object of worship, is dependent on svarupa and our relationship with Him. No matter how tough a sadhana we have done, no matter how intensely detached we are if we are not passionately serious and long for connection with the svarupa of Krishna there is no possibility of attaining the Supreme Object.

Narada Bhakti Sutra

Narad Bhakti Sutra:’ tad vismarane param vyakulta’ only in this state of intense longing is it possible to spontaneously forget about the mundane world.  Only when one forgets about own loved ones, family members and gurus is the feeling of closeness to the Supreme Object possible. Otherwise hard work and out effort is all that remains. Consequently we get a minimum amount of profit or return.

Focusing Our Thoughts on Krishna

 Solely focusing our thoughts upon Krishna and remembering Him and letting His lila or divine play hover over and pervade every fiber of our being is what is required. Our thoughts are to be overpowered by His beauteous form, gunas and loving tenderness. Furthermore, we must even forget who we are and who our well wishers are. Alongside a concentrated internal practice of imaginative recollection by living through the countless playful legends of Radha and Krishna is a must. 

The Beauteous From of Krishna

Only then is it possible to slightly relish His beauteous form and ineffable beauty. If we do not adopt this course of there is the danger of extreme delay.

Meditating Upon Lord Krishna

Our mind has to be constantly absorbed in meditating upon Lord Krishna’s lila or divine play. Striving towards not letting other thoughts weigh on our mind is what is most essential. Considering virtuous deeds to be nurturing our remembrance of Krishna is also a hurdle in our path. If we want to attain Supreme Object Krishna as soon as possible we should be forever possessed and overwhelmed by His form and gunas.

Shri Radha

You must have probably understood what I am trying to say. Everything is fine here. Pay my regards to Shri Radha Kund which is the svarupa of Shri Radha.

Jai Radhe,

Yours Manohar Das

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