budha puråna sruti sammata båni,kahi bibhisana niti bakhåni||
sunata dasånana uthå risåi, khala tohi nikata mrtyu aba åi||1||
jiasi sadå satha mora jiåvå,ripu kara paccha muRha tohi bhåvå||
kahasi na khala asa ko jaga måhi°,bhuja bala jåhi jitå mai nåhi°||2||
mama pura basi tapasinha para priti,satha milu jåi tinhahi kahu niti||
asa kahi kinhesi carana prahårå,anuja gahe pada bårahi bårå||3||
umå samta kai ihai baRåi,mamda karata jo karai bhalåi||
tumha pitu sarisa bhalehi mohi mårå,råmu bhaje° hita nåtha tumhårå||4||
saciva samga lai nabha patha gayau,sabahi sunåi kahata asa bhayau||5||

(Shiva goes on to say) “Oh Umå! This is the greatness (glory) of a saint that he does good to the person who is even evil to him.(Vibhishana replied) “ You did well to beat me since you are just like my father. But my Lord! Your welfare lies in worshipping Lord Rama."Expressing himself thus, Vibhishana took along his ministers and left through the path of air, making himself heard by all he said.
Doha: 41
råmu satyasamkalpa prabhu sabhå kålabasa tori|
mai raghubira sarana aba jåu° dehu jani khori||41||

asa kahi calå bibhisanu jabahi,åyuhina bhae saba tabahi°||
sådhu avagyå turata bhavåni,kara kalyåna akhila kai håni||1||
råvana jabahi bibhisana tyågå, bhayau bibhava binu tabahi abhågå||
caleu harasi raghunåyaka påhi,° karata manoratha bahu mana måhi°||2||
dekhihau° jåi carana jalajåtå, aruna mrdula sevaka sukhadåtå||
je pada parasi tari risinåri,damdaka kånana påvanakåri||3||
je pada janakasutå° ura låe,kapata kuramga samga dhara dhåe||
hara ura sara saroja pada jei,ahobhågya mai dekhihau°tei||4||

Doha: 42
jinha påyanha ke pådukanhi bharatu rahe mana låi|
te pada åju bilokihau° inha nayananhi aba jåi.42.

Oh, those padukas in whom Bharata's mind is steeped!Going just now I will be seeing those very feet by these eyes of mine, today.”
sunata dasånana uthå risåi, khala tohi nikata mrtyu aba åi||1||
jiasi sadå satha mora jiåvå,ripu kara paccha muRha tohi bhåvå||
kahasi na khala asa ko jaga måhi°,bhuja bala jåhi jitå mai nåhi°||2||
mama pura basi tapasinha para priti,satha milu jåi tinhahi kahu niti||
asa kahi kinhesi carana prahårå,anuja gahe pada bårahi bårå||3||
umå samta kai ihai baRåi,mamda karata jo karai bhalåi||
tumha pitu sarisa bhalehi mohi mårå,råmu bhaje° hita nåtha tumhårå||4||
saciva samga lai nabha patha gayau,sabahi sunåi kahata asa bhayau||5||

Vibhishana Speaks of Political Wisdom
Vibhishana spoke of political wisdom expounded by learned brahmins, Puranas and Vedas.However Ravana rose in fury as soon as he heard of them and fumed,“Oh wretch!Death is hovering around you now. You have always lived off my generosity, but foolish that you are, you have invariably upheld the enemy's cause. Tell me oh wretch, who is it in this world that I have not triumphed over with the might of my arms? Living in my city you have love for ascetics.Fool! Go and join hands with their lot and explain political wisdom to them."Saying so, Ravana kicked his younger brother. But (even on being hit),Vibhishana, caught hold of his feet over and over again.

Lord Shiva Narrating the Tale of Rama to Parvati
Doha: 41
råmu satyasamkalpa prabhu sabhå kålabasa tori|
mai raghubira sarana aba jåu° dehu jani khori||41||

The Lotus Feet of Lord Rama
"Lord Rama is true to his word and( the all-competent) God.Whereas your assembly of councillors is in the clutches of death, Oh Ravana!Therefore I am going to seek refuge in the feet of Lord Raghuvir.Do not blame me.”
asa kahi calå bibhisanu jabahi,åyuhina bhae saba tabahi°||
sådhu avagyå turata bhavåni,kara kalyåna akhila kai håni||1||
råvana jabahi bibhisana tyågå, bhayau bibhava binu tabahi abhågå||
caleu harasi raghunåyaka påhi,° karata manoratha bahu mana måhi°||2||
dekhihau° jåi carana jalajåtå, aruna mrdula sevaka sukhadåtå||
je pada parasi tari risinåri,damdaka kånana påvanakåri||3||
je pada janakasutå° ura låe,kapata kuramga samga dhara dhåe||
hara ura sara saroja pada jei,ahobhågya mai dekhihau°tei||4||
As soon as Vibhishana left after saying these words, all the demons were doomed for sure (their death was certain.) (Lord Shiva says) “Oh Bhavani! Insulting a saint instantly damages (ruins) one's good fortune.The instant Ravana abandoned Vibhishana, the ill-fated one lost all his grandeur.Cherishing several wishes in his heart,Vibhishana happily headed towards Lord of the Raghus. (He kept thinking) “ I will behold the tender and red-coloured beautiful lotus feet of the Lord on reaching there; which grant joys to devotees.

Ahalya Brought Back to Life by the Touch of Lord Rama's Feet
By merely touching these feet Ahalya, the sage's wife was saved (Gautama, her husband, granted her the boon that she would be brought back to human form by the touch of the feet of Lord Rama and would reunite with him.) and the one who purified the forest of Dandaka(by slaying the rakshasas).The feet which Janaki has posited in her heart, which chased the deceitful deer on this earth and those lotus feet that actually dwell in the lake of Shiva's heart. I am greatly fortunate to be seeing those very feet today.
jinha påyanha ke pådukanhi bharatu rahe mana låi|
te pada åju bilokihau° inha nayananhi aba jåi.42.

Bharata Taking the Padukas of Lord Rama
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