Several times associates would question revered Bobo about spirituality and she would lucidly explain her perspective in satsangs and answer their queries. We are going to give a concise account below:
Blue-hued Krishna's Beauty & Love
" How can we be sure He is ours without seeing Him?" they would ask.
“We must keep the company of his devotees, observe love-lorn Braj beauties who experience the joy of his presence and attain the same state. The intertwining roles of this enraptured state and Krishna's ineffable beauty can not be separated or identified" she would explain.

Sakhis Relising the Rasa of dark-hued Krishna
Meditate Upon Shri Radha-Krishna

Shrimad Bhagwat Puran
Throwing light on the Shrimad Bhagwat and its significance, Bobo clarifies, "The Shrimad Bhagwad is not merely a scripture-it is Lord Krishna in the form of a religious text. The topic expounded in this text is about captivating Braj Raj and Supreme Lover of the gopis manifesting as Krishna to draws His devotees and makes them His own.
Narration of Krishna's countless legends touches and attracts those who are pure of heart but can not be relished fully without an ardent longing to loot the joyous abandon of His proximity. Such a person does not get instinctive joy in other discussions, topics and persons, his heart tries to find refuge in Krishna. Assaying oneself on this touchstone if one seems inclined towards other subjects, one must repeatedly pray to this sacred couple the Yugal for delivering us from this situation.
The Lotus Feet of Shri Radhe-Krishna
“The aim of life, bhajans and satsangs is not merely spending time in renunciation and sacrifice but absolute entrustment and intense love for the lotus feet of Shri Radhe-Krishna.This is not dependent on any means but the company of devotees. Repeatedly reading about God's ways and singing His glories easily grant us His precious love," clarifying her views at one instance, says Bobo.
Regarding chanting of God' name and japa she says, “ It is best to pray by taking His name so that he catches hold of us. Actually speaking name and the divine are in essence a single entity.”

Japa Mala
Japa is not just turning the beads of the mala (Vaishnava rosary) and chanting but when it becomes a recollection of His name, smarana (inner practice of concentrated meditation) and chintan (reflecting or thinking) of the nami or Supreme Being, a tabloid of His beauteous form and repeated rushes of His lilas invade our mind, it is true japa or incantation. Though nothing is in our hands and absolutely depends on His grace Krishna is always desirous to bestow His grace on us-we must ask Him day in and day out just to let us become conscious of this fact.
Describing the svarupa of love revered Bobo says at one place, “Love is such a vast, pure and tender word and Brahma or ultimate in words. Due to this English acharyas have acclaimed, “Love is God and God is love.” Actually speaking it is the other name of the handsomely decked Ras Raj,which has the tangible form of Krishna's terrifying rush of love.The living presence of His loving tenderness is apparent since He is the Supreme Lover Himself..."

Shri Hari is Rasa
In the refuge of Radha-Krishna the love which flourishes on bonding with the Divine Couple, evidently works towards our attaining Shri Hari; it is stripped of physical contact, worldly lust and personal joy. We must fulfill this transcendental love to the best of our ability so that we are enflamed and not calmed until the ardent lover Krishna placates us with His loving tenderness.The joy of belonging is followed by the pathos of longing. The passionate cycle of love is constant with succeeding episodes of union and separation.
Those enraptured cowherdesses of Braj are constantly drawn by the Supreme Lover but when that delicious anguish invades their heart with a terrifying rush it draws Krishna at that very moment.And that reminiscence soon transforms into a romantic dalliance since the son of Nanda is charmed by their intense yearning.

Krishna's Mysterious Love
At one instance Bobo says, “ Recollection is a word which gives tangible form to its meaning. Just a short while ago Krishna was nearby, the spirited Paramour got up and went probably to that nikunja and this crazed maiden was restless.The emptiness of His absence makes Her feel as if ages have passed. Her eyes well up with tears, she seems to be ailing, the maiden who dallied with Krishna a short while ago.The dalliance has turned into an imaginative recollection of His mysterious and sudden love.
The slightest footfall makes her feel that the Supreme Lover has arrived. And the black cuckoo calls out in the mango groves but it isn't the dark god. She recalls that during the ardent days of spring when Krishna had imitated the cry of a black cuckoo and exiting from some dense nikunja, he had incarnated right in front.In the union of the lover and the beloved, they had reached the heights of elation and ecstasy.

Impassioned Radha-Krishna
Discussing affection at one place Bobo says, “Resolving the questions and answers centred on affection is neither possible in any bhava nor in any language.Despite being immersed in the impassioned Yugal no one could get a definite answer to their love laden questions. The bond of love is not for resolving ( a doubtful matter).Topics, worldly dealings, mundane doubts and apprehensions can be solved in this mundane world but in the spiritual realm there is nothing definite.
Shri Radha-Krishna's Sidelong Glance
Clarifying her opinion on desire and resolve she says, “Whenever we start any work, we certainly think of completing it.When such thoughts surge forth desire assumes the form of resolve and success is achieved instantly. The essence of all doctrines is to be completely absorbed in this loving Yugal. All this becomes easy due to the compassionate glance of Radha-Krishna.
Our means is permanent anguish, an ardent longing and meditating upon the sacred couple,-calling out to them-and being so engrossed that one is not conscious of other thoughts.As fruition this impassioned Priya-Priyatam make us insane by getting their love looted. On their becoming visible our yearning finds respite and we are not distanced from them.”
Bobo clearly assures us at one juncture,“ One should not be apprehensive about Bobo abandoning us. Bobo will not discard us if we remain by the side of Krishna.Rather she will come closer. By your treading on the path of the Supreme Lover we will be stripped of other thoughts, desires, wishes, longings for them.

Creepers of An Evergreen Tree
You will have no difficulty in doing lila chintan or imaginative recollection of living through the countless playful legends of Radha-Krishna. Sakhaji's (a siddha) loving grace has made the handsome god's lila madhuri easily available for us-at the behest of the handsome Rasika. Those moved by passionate religious devotion for Krishna have sung with enthused exultation of Radha-Krishna's amorous frolics.Gaining entry, let us peep at the beautiful Yugal absorbed in their most intimate transcendental exchanges and be steeped in their madhurima or sweetness.

Krishna, the Ultimate Being
“ Abounding with faith, the mature state of love is known as bhakti. Discarding deceit and fraud and seeking refuge in handsome Shyam is the focused aim of devotion. As long as the mind is pretentious and arrogant, desiring personal glory and fame, it is tough to be religious. Steeped in bhakti, a passionate hymn singing the glories of Krishna, the mind moves away from topical reflection and gets absorbed in the Ultimate Being,"Lucidly expressing her perspective on religious devotion she explains.

Searching for Krishna
In the context of the searcher and the sought Bobo says, "Krishna and a longing for Him can not be separated or identified. Even so may the yearning incarnate and support us. Setting in motion its visible splendour, sweet picture, and divine play in our bodies minds and souls, may it keep us in close proximity.”
“Much sweeter than walking on the commendable path of responsibility is to constantly roam in the passionate lanes abounding with the Supreme Lover's terrifying rush of love,"she endorses.
Lotus Feet of Shri Hari
Tamogunis are those who are ignorant, full of malice and busy with wicked deeds,the rajogunis are involved in various businesses, and sadgunis are concerned with mankind's well being, compassion, and other virtues.
The Bhagvad Gita
Krishna's Lotus Feet
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