sunata sabhaya mana mukha musukåi,kahata dasånana sabahi sunåi||
bhumi parå kara gahata akåså,laghu tåpasa kara båga bilåså||1||
kaha suka nåtha satya saba båni,samujhahu chåRi prakrti abhimåni||
sunahu bacana mama parihari krodhå,nåtha råma sana tajahu birodhå||2||
ati komala raghubira subhåu, jadyapi akhila loka kara råu||
milata krpå tumha para prabhu karihi,ura aparådha na ekau dharihi||3||
janakasutå raghunåthahi dije, etanå kahå mora prabhu kije||
jaba tehi kahå dena baidehi,carana prahåra kinha satha tehi||4||
nåi carana siru calå so tahå°, krpåsimdhu raghunåyaka jahå° ||
kari pranåmu nija kathå sunåi,råma krpå° åpani gati påi||5||
risi agasti ki° såpa bhavåni,råchasa bhayau rahå muni gyåni||
bamdi råma pada bårahi bårå,muni nija åsrama kahu° pagu dhårå||6||

Ravana was scared at heart, the instant he heard the note but wearing a feigned smile, he spoke loudly so that everyone could hear, “ The younger ascetic (Lakshmana) speaks boastfully (brags) just as a person lying on earth strives to catch hold of the sky with his hands.

Doha: 57
binaya na månata jaladhi jaRa gae tini dina biti|
bole råma sakopa taba bhaya binu hoi na priti||57||

At this end three days had lapsed but the unfeeling ocean would not listen to Lord Rama's request. That is when Lord Rama spoke indignantly, “There can be no friendship without fright.”
lachimana båna saråsana ånu,sosau° båridhi bisikha krsånu||
satha sana binaya kutila sana priti,sahaja krpana sana sumdara niti||1||
mamatå rata sana gyåna kahåni,ati lobhi sana birati bakhåni||
krodhihi sama kåmihi hari kathå,usara bija bae°phala jathå||2||
asa kahi raghupati cåpa caRhåvå,yaha mata lachimana ke mana bhåvå||
samdhåneu prabhu bisikha karålå,uthi udadhi ura amtara jvålå||3||
makara uraga jhasa gana akulåne,jarata jamtu jalanidhi jaba jåne||
kanaka thåra bhari mani gana nånå,bipra rupa åyau taji månå||4||

Doha: 58
kåtehi pai kadari pharai koti jatana kou si°ca|
binaya na måna khagesa sunu datehi pai nava nica||58||

(Kak Bhushundi says) “Oh Garuda!Though one may adopt millions of methods for watering a plantain but it will only bear fruit on being chopped off. Similarly, a base person does not agree by entreaties but gives in only when he is rebuked.”
bhumi parå kara gahata akåså,laghu tåpasa kara båga bilåså||1||
kaha suka nåtha satya saba båni,samujhahu chåRi prakrti abhimåni||
sunahu bacana mama parihari krodhå,nåtha råma sana tajahu birodhå||2||
ati komala raghubira subhåu, jadyapi akhila loka kara råu||
milata krpå tumha para prabhu karihi,ura aparådha na ekau dharihi||3||
janakasutå raghunåthahi dije, etanå kahå mora prabhu kije||
jaba tehi kahå dena baidehi,carana prahåra kinha satha tehi||4||
nåi carana siru calå so tahå°, krpåsimdhu raghunåyaka jahå° ||
kari pranåmu nija kathå sunåi,råma krpå° åpani gati påi||5||
risi agasti ki° såpa bhavåni,råchasa bhayau rahå muni gyåni||
bamdi råma pada bårahi bårå,muni nija åsrama kahu° pagu dhårå||6||

Ravana is Scared of Lakshmana's Letter

Suka Asks Ravana to Return Sita Whom he had Abducted
Suka (the envoy) opined,“ Oh Lord!Discarding arrogance, regard all matters (written in this letter) as true. Abandon anger and listen to my advice.Give up enmity with Lord Rama. The valiant hero of the Raghus has a lovingly tender disposition even though He is the Lord of all lokas (cosmological regions). The Lord will bestow his grace on you the instant He meets you, and not harbour a single offence of yours in his heart. Oh lord, restore the daughter of Janaka to Lord of the Raghus. At least follow this request of mine."

Rishi Agastya
The wicked Ravana kicked Suka when he asked him to return Devi Sita. He also (like Vibhishana) bowed his head at Ravana's feet and headed to the same place where the Lord of the Raghus, an ocean of mercy, was. Making obeisance, he narrated his tale and by the grace of Lord Rama got back his original form (of a sage.)(Lord Shiva clarifies), “Oh Bhavani! He was a knowledgeable seer who had been transformed into a demon due to Rishi Agastya's curse. Adulating Lord Rama's feet over and over again, the sage left for his hermitage.
Doha: 57
binaya na månata jaladhi jaRa gae tini dina biti|
bole råma sakopa taba bhaya binu hoi na priti||57||

Lord Rama is Furious with the Ocean
lachimana båna saråsana ånu,sosau° båridhi bisikha krsånu||
satha sana binaya kutila sana priti,sahaja krpana sana sumdara niti||1||
mamatå rata sana gyåna kahåni,ati lobhi sana birati bakhåni||
krodhihi sama kåmihi hari kathå,usara bija bae°phala jathå||2||
asa kahi raghupati cåpa caRhåvå,yaha mata lachimana ke mana bhåvå||
samdhåneu prabhu bisikha karålå,uthi udadhi ura amtara jvålå||3||
makara uraga jhasa gana akulåne,jarata jamtu jalanidhi jaba jåne||
kanaka thåra bhari mani gana nånå,bipra rupa åyau taji månå||4||

Lord Rama Wants to Dry up the Ocean
“Hey Laksmana! Get Me My bow and arrows; so that I can dry up the ocean by an arrow of fire.Entreating a fool, friendship with a rogue,speaking of generosity with a born miser, narrating the tale of wisdom to one entangled in worldly affection, describing renunciation to a man who is very greedy, lecturing on peace of mind to a hot-tempered person and glorifying Lord Hari to a busy person, are as futile as sowing seeds in a barren land.”

The Ocean Appears Before Lord Rama
Saying so, the Lord of the Raghus strung His bow.This approach (of Rama) was very much liked by Lakshmana.The Lord fitted the terrifying arrow (of fire) to His bow which led to a blazing fire in the heart of the ocean.Swarms of alligators, serpents and fishes were distressed.When the deity of the ocean found the living creatures to be burning, he abandoned his pride and assuming the form of a Bråhmin came with a gold platter filled with several precious stones.
Doha: 58
kåtehi pai kadari pharai koti jatana kou si°ca|
binaya na måna khagesa sunu datehi pai nava nica||58||

Kak Bhushundi
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