calata mohi cuRåmani dinhi, raghupati hrdaya° låi soi linhi||
nåtha jugala locana bhari båri, bacana kahe kachu janakakumåri||1||
anuja sameta gahehu prabhu caranå,dina bamdhu pranatårati haranå||
mana krama bacana carana anurågi,kehi aparådha nåtha hau° tyågi||2||
avaguna eka mora mai månå,bichurata pråna na kinha payånå||
nåtha so nayananhi ko aparådhå,nisarata pråna karahi hathi bådhå||3||
biraha agini tanu tula samirå,svåsa jarai chana måhi sarirå||
nayana sravahi jalu nija hita lågi, jarai na påva deha birahågi||4||e
sitå kai ati bipati bisålå,binahi kahe° bhali dinadayålå||5||

Doha: 31
nimisa nimisa karunånidhi jåhi kalapa sama biti|
begi calia prabhu ånia bhuja bala khala dala jiti||31||

Oh repository of mercy!Sita's each moment passes like a kalpa (an era) for her. Therefore go at once my Lord and triumphing over the army of the wicked with the might of your arms, get back Sita.
suni sitå dukha prabhu sukha ayanå,bhari åe jala råjiva nayanå||
bacana kåya° mana mama gati jåhi,sapanehu° bujhia bipati ki tåhi||1||
kaha hanumamta bipati prabhu soi, jaba tava sumirana bhajana na hoi||
ketika båta prabhu jåtudhåna ki,ripuhi jiti ånibi jånaki||2||
sunu kapi tohi samåna upakåri,nahi kou sura nara muni tanudhåri||
prati upakåra karau°kå torå, sanamukha hoi na sakata mana morå||3||
sunu suta tohi urina mai nåhI, dekheu°kari bicåra mana måhi||
puni puni kapihi citava suratråtå, locana nira pulaka ati gåtå||4||

Doha: 32
suni prabhu bacana biloki mukha gåta harasi hanumamta|
carana pareu premåkula tråhi tråhi bhagavamta||32||

Listening to the words of the Lord, and seeing his (delighted) face plus ecstatic limbs, Hanuman was thrilled.Overwhelmed with loving affection, he cried out, “Oh Lord! Save me, save me(from the grip of egoism)” and fell at the Lord's feet.
nåtha jugala locana bhari båri, bacana kahe kachu janakakumåri||1||
anuja sameta gahehu prabhu caranå,dina bamdhu pranatårati haranå||
mana krama bacana carana anurågi,kehi aparådha nåtha hau° tyågi||2||
avaguna eka mora mai månå,bichurata pråna na kinha payånå||
nåtha so nayananhi ko aparådhå,nisarata pråna karahi hathi bådhå||3||
biraha agini tanu tula samirå,svåsa jarai chana måhi sarirå||
nayana sravahi jalu nija hita lågi, jarai na påva deha birahågi||4||e
sitå kai ati bipati bisålå,binahi kahe° bhali dinadayålå||5||

Janaki, the daughter of Janaka, in Tears
When I was leaving she took off the chudamani (a jewel worn on the top of the head)) and gave it to me. The Lord of the Raghus took it and pressed it to his heart.(Thereafter Hanuman said) “Oh Lord! Her eyes streaming with tears, Janaki told me,' Touch the Lord's feet along with his brother's and plead, ' You are a friend of the poor and the one who gets rid of the sorrows of those who seek refuge in you. And I am a devotee of your feet in thought, word and deed.Then for which offence oh Lord, have you forsaken me!(Yes) I certainly admit to one fault of mine that I did not give up my life the moment I was separated from you.

The Beauteous Form of Lord Rama
But oh Lord!It is a fault of the eyes which stubbornly provide impediments to prevent my life from slipping out.The agony of separation is like fire,the body is cotton and my breaths are like wind. This body can be burnt in a second (because of the combination of fire and wind).But the eyes because of their own self interest (of feasting on your beauteous form)shower a stream of tears and thus the body can not catch fire even due to the fire of separation.Sita's adversity is very dire.It is better if it is not told (or else you will be pained.) Oh compassionate friend of the needy!"
Doha: 31
nimisa nimisa karunånidhi jåhi kalapa sama biti|
begi calia prabhu ånia bhuja bala khala dala jiti||31||

Hanuman Asks Lord Rama to Battle the Demons
suni sitå dukha prabhu sukha ayanå,bhari åe jala råjiva nayanå||
bacana kåya° mana mama gati jåhi,sapanehu° bujhia bipati ki tåhi||1||
kaha hanumamta bipati prabhu soi, jaba tava sumirana bhajana na hoi||
ketika båta prabhu jåtudhåna ki,ripuhi jiti ånibi jånaki||2||
sunu kapi tohi samåna upakåri,nahi kou sura nara muni tanudhåri||
prati upakåra karau°kå torå, sanamukha hoi na sakata mana morå||3||
sunu suta tohi urina mai nåhI, dekheu°kari bicåra mana måhi||
puni puni kapihi citava suratråtå, locana nira pulaka ati gåtå||4||

The Mighty Lord Rama
Hearing of Sita's grief, tears flooded the lotus eyes of the Lord who is the abode of bliss. (And he explained)”Do you think the one who has my protection in thought, word and deed can face adversity even in his dreams? Hanuman replied, “Oh Lord!There is misfortune (only if)when one does not sing and remember your glories. Oh Lord! What standing do the demons have in front of you? You will triumph over the enemy and certainly get back Janaki.

Lord Rama is Highly Indebted to Hanuman
(The Lord was grateful) “Oh Hanuman!Listen, there is no living being be it a deity, human being or sage who has obliged me to such an extent as you have, Hanuman. How can I pay back your favour when my mind shirks in facing you? Listen, my son! I have reflected (extensively in my mind) and come to the conclusion that I can not pay off your debt. Protector of the gods, the Lord, repeatedly gazed at Hanuman. His eyes streamed with tears of delight and His body was ecstatic.
Doha: 32
suni prabhu bacana biloki mukha gåta harasi hanumamta|
carana pareu premåkula tråhi tråhi bhagavamta||32||

Hanuman Falls At Lord Rama's Feet
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