kaheu råma biyoga tava sitå,mo kahu°sakala bhae biparitå||
nava taru kisalaya manahu°krsånu,kåla niså sama nisi sasi bhånu||1||
kubalaya bipina kumta bana sariså,bårida tapata tela janu bariså||
je hita rahe karata tei pirå,uraga svåsa sama tribidha samirå||2||
kahehu te°kachu dukha ghati hoi,kåhi kahau°yaha jåna na koi||
tatva prema kara mama aru torå,jånata priyå eku manu morå||3||
so manu sadå rahata tohi påhi,° jånu priti rasu etanehi måhi°||
prabhu samdesu sunata baidehi,magana prema tana sudhi nahi tehi||4||
kaha kapi hrdaya° dhira dharu måtå,sumiru råma sevaka sukhadåtå||
ura ånahu raghupati prabhutåi,suni mama bacana tajahu kadaråi||5||

Doha: 15
nisicara nikara patamga sama raghupati båna krsånu|
janani hrdaya°dhira dharu jare nisåcara jånu||15||
Hordes of demons are very much like moths, whereas arrows of Lord of the Raghus are like flames of fire. Oh mother, muster courage and consider the demons as already burnt.
jau° raghubira hoti sudhi påi,karate nahi bilambu raghuråi||
råma båna rabi ue°jånaki,tama barutha kaha° jåtudhåna k||1||
abahi måtu mai jåu° lavåi,prabhu åyasu nahi råma dohåi||
kachuka divasa janani dharu dhirå,kapinha sahita aihahi raghubirå||2||
nisicara måri tohi lai jaihahi,tihu° pura nåradådi jasu gaihahi||
hai suta kapi saba tumhahi samånå, jåtudhåna ati bhaTa balavånå||3||
more° hrdaya parama samdehå,suni kapi pragata kinhi nija dehå||
kanaka bhudharåkåra sarirå, samara bhayamkara atibala birå||4||
sitå mana bharosa taba bhayau,puni laghu rupa pavanasuta layau||5||

On hearing this tirade, Hanuman revealed his true form; an extremely colossal body shaped like the golden mountain (Sumeru), a very mighty and valiant physique which would petrify the enemy in battle.That is when Sita was convinced at heart.
Doha: 16
sunu måtå såkhåmrga nahi bala buddhi bisåla|
prabhu pratåpa te° garuRahi khåi parama laghu byåla||16||

(Hanuman explained)"Listen, oh Mother! Monkeys do not have much strength or wisdom.But due to the majestic energy of the Lord even the smallest of snakes can devour Garuda(the most feeble of beings can kill a very powerful one)."
nava taru kisalaya manahu°krsånu,kåla niså sama nisi sasi bhånu||1||
kubalaya bipina kumta bana sariså,bårida tapata tela janu bariså||
je hita rahe karata tei pirå,uraga svåsa sama tribidha samirå||2||
kahehu te°kachu dukha ghati hoi,kåhi kahau°yaha jåna na koi||
tatva prema kara mama aru torå,jånata priyå eku manu morå||3||
so manu sadå rahata tohi påhi,° jånu priti rasu etanehi måhi°||
prabhu samdesu sunata baidehi,magana prema tana sudhi nahi tehi||4||
kaha kapi hrdaya° dhira dharu måtå,sumiru råma sevaka sukhadåtå||
ura ånahu raghupati prabhutåi,suni mama bacana tajahu kadaråi||5||
Lotuses Seem Like Spears
(Hanuman revealed that)Lord Rama lamented, “Oh Sita!All objects have become hostile towards me ever since my separation from you.The freshly blooming tender leaves of trees seem like flames of fire, the night appears like the night of dissolution of the world, and the moon is scorching like the sun.Whereas beds of lotuses have turned into forests of planted spears and rain clouds seem to shower boiling oil.The ones who were comforting earlier have become tormentors.The cool, mild and fragrant breeze has become (poisonous and warm) like the breath of a serpent.

The Bond of Love Between Rama and Sita
One can be relieved of the agony weighing on one's mind by talking about it. But whom should I speak to?Oh beloved! Nobody can fathom this anguish. My mind alone knows of the real state (mystery) of the love which binds you and me, and it forever abides with you. You ought to grasp the essence of my love by just this truth." The moment she heard the Lord's message Janaki was ecstatic and least conscious of her body.Hanuman intervened, “Oh Mother! Calm your heart and concentrate on Lord Rama who bestows joy on those who serve him.Reflect on the majestic power of Lord of the Raghus and abandon cowardice on hearing my words.
Doha: 15
nisicara nikara patamga sama raghupati båna krsånu|
janani hrdaya°dhira dharu jare nisåcara jånu||15||
Hordes of demons are very much like moths, whereas arrows of Lord of the Raghus are like flames of fire. Oh mother, muster courage and consider the demons as already burnt.
jau° raghubira hoti sudhi påi,karate nahi bilambu raghuråi||
råma båna rabi ue°jånaki,tama barutha kaha° jåtudhåna k||1||
abahi måtu mai jåu° lavåi,prabhu åyasu nahi råma dohåi||
kachuka divasa janani dharu dhirå,kapinha sahita aihahi raghubirå||2||
nisicara måri tohi lai jaihahi,tihu° pura nåradådi jasu gaihahi||
hai suta kapi saba tumhahi samånå, jåtudhåna ati bhaTa balavånå||3||
more° hrdaya parama samdehå,suni kapi pragata kinhi nija dehå||
kanaka bhudharåkåra sarirå, samara bhayamkara atibala birå||4||
sitå mana bharosa taba bhayau,puni laghu rupa pavanasuta layau||5||

The Sun of Lord Rama's Arrows
If Lord Ramchandra had any news of you he would not have delayed.Oh Janaki! How can the demons' army of darkness last when the sun of Rama's arrows rises. Oh Mother, I would take you right now from here!But I swear by Lord Ramchandra that I have no such orders from Him. Have patience for a few more days. The Lord of the Raghus will come to Lanka with monkey troops, and take you along after killing the demons.

Sage Narada
Narada(one of the four sons of Brahma and inventor of the vina) and others (seers and sages) will sing of the Lord's glories in the three lokas (worlds).
(Sita asked), “Oh Hanuman! Will all the monkeys be (small built) like you whereas the demons are mighty warriors.Therefore I am very apprehensive on this matter. (As to how monkeys like you will be able to triumph over the demons.)

Mighty Hanuman
Doha: 16
sunu måtå såkhåmrga nahi bala buddhi bisåla|
prabhu pratåpa te° garuRahi khåi parama laghu byåla||16||

Lord Rama's Majestic Energy
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