sravana suni satha tå kari båni,bihaså jagata bidita abhimåni||
sabhaya subhåu nåri kara såcå,mamgala mahu° bhaya mana ati kåcå||1||
jau° åvai markata katakåi, jiahi bicåre nisicara khåi||
kampahi lokapa jåki° tråså, tåsu nåri sabhita baRi håså||2||
asa kahi bihasi tåhi ura låi,caleu sabhå°mamatå adhikåi||
mamdodari hrdaya° kara cimtå,bhayau kamta para bidhi biparitå||3||
baitheu sabhå° khabari asi på,simdhu påra senå saba åi||
bujhesi saciva ucita mata kahahu, te saba ha°se masta kari rahahu||4||
jitehu suråsura taba srama nåhi,° nara bånara kehi lekhe måhi°||5||

saciva baida gura tini jau° priya bolahi bhaya åsa|
råja dharma tana tini kara hoi begihi° nåsa||37||
soi råvana kahu°bani sahåi, astuti karahi sunåi sunåi||
avasara jåni bibhisanu åvå, bhråtå carana sisu tehi nåvå||1||
puni siru nåi baitha nija åsana, bolå bacana påi anusåsana||
jau krpåla pu°chihu mohi båtå, mati anurupa kahau° hita tåtå||2||
jo åpana cåhai kalyånå, sujasu sumati subha gati sukha nånå.
so paranåri lilåra gosåi, tajau cauthi ke camda ki nåi°||3||
caudaha bhuvana eka pati hoi, bhutadroha tistai nahi soi||
guna sågara någara nara jou, alapa lobha bhala kahai na kou||4||

Doha: 38
kåma krodha mada lobha saba nåtha naraka ke pamtha|
saba parihari raghubirahi bhajahu bhajahi jehi samta||38||
Oh Lord!Lust, anger, intoxication and covetousness are all paths leading to hell.Dumping all of them, worship Lord Ramachandra, who is adored by holy men (saints.)
sabhaya subhåu nåri kara såcå,mamgala mahu° bhaya mana ati kåcå||1||
jau° åvai markata katakåi, jiahi bicåre nisicara khåi||
kampahi lokapa jåki° tråså, tåsu nåri sabhita baRi håså||2||
asa kahi bihasi tåhi ura låi,caleu sabhå°mamatå adhikåi||
mamdodari hrdaya° kara cimtå,bhayau kamta para bidhi biparitå||3||
baitheu sabhå° khabari asi på,simdhu påra senå saba åi||
bujhesi saciva ucita mata kahahu, te saba ha°se masta kari rahahu||4||
jitehu suråsura taba srama nåhi,° nara bånara kehi lekhe måhi°||5||
Mandodari, Ravana's Principal Queen
The foolish Ravana who was known the world over for his arrogance, guffawed on hearing her suggestion." Women are truly said to be timid by nature.You are scared even on an auspicious occasion. Your mind (heart) is very weak (faint.) In case the troops of monkeys come, the poor demons will feast on them and sustain their lives.It is ridiculous that the wife of a person from whom even the lokpals (deities guarding a region of the universe) tremble and are scared of, should be afraid. "Saying so, Ravana laughed and hugged her to his heart. Showing great affection, he then left for his council assembly. Mandodari was worried at heart at the Supreme Being having turned against her husband.

The Coucillors Rave About Ravana's Might
As soon as Ravana sat in the assembly he got the news that the entire army of the enemy had arrived on the other side of the ocean. Thereafter he asked his councillors to give the correct advice (as to what should be done now) .That is when they laughed and told him to be smugly silent (what is the need of advice in this matter?) "Your highness experienced no fatigue when you triumphed over the gods and demons. Then of what account are men and monkeys? "
saciva baida gura tini jau° priya bolahi bhaya åsa|
råja dharma tana tini kara hoi begihi° nåsa||37||
When a minister, physician and spiritual preceptor, scared (of displeasing) and hoping for a reward, fawn and flatter and do not speak of what is beneficial, then the kingdom, body and religion are consequently ruined, soon after.
soi råvana kahu°bani sahåi, astuti karahi sunåi sunåi||
avasara jåni bibhisanu åvå, bhråtå carana sisu tehi nåvå||1||
puni siru nåi baitha nija åsana, bolå bacana påi anusåsana||
jau krpåla pu°chihu mohi båtå, mati anurupa kahau° hita tåtå||2||
jo åpana cåhai kalyånå, sujasu sumati subha gati sukha nånå.
so paranåri lilåra gosåi, tajau cauthi ke camda ki nåi°||3||
caudaha bhuvana eka pati hoi, bhutadroha tistai nahi soi||
guna sågara någara nara jou, alapa lobha bhala kahai na kou||4||

The very same contingency presented itself before Ravana.The ministers lavished him with praises on his face. (Precisely then) knowing it to be an opportunity,Vibhishana came and bowed his head at his elder brother's feet. Bowing his head once again, he sat down at his seat.And on being ordered to speak, spoke these words, “Oh compassionate one! When you have asked my opinion, then dear brother!I speak of your interest according to my wisdom.

Vibhishana Advises Ravana to Return Sita
Oh master! The man who desires his well-being, good fame, good sense,an auspicious destiny after his death and various kinds of joys, should abandon the fate of another's wife just like one discards the moon on the fourth night (bright half) of a lunar month.(Just as one does not see the moon on the fourth night one should not look at the face of another's wife.) Even a man who happens to be the sole Lord of fourteen cosmological regions (above, below and including the world) can not stand firmly when he is hostile towards living beings (is ruined.) No one speaks high of a man with the slightest greed even if he is an ocean of virtues and clever too.
. Doha: 38
kåma krodha mada lobha saba nåtha naraka ke pamtha|
saba parihari raghubirahi bhajahu bhajahi jehi samta||38||
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