
He had a cheerful face and his body glowed with a certain radiance (because of which they figured out) that he had accomplished the task of Lord Ramchandra.All of them met Hanuman and were very happy as if fish tossing out of water had found water.

The whole lot of them speaking and asking about the new happenings (events), happily walked towards Lord of the Raghus.

Thereupon all of them entered Madhuvana (Sugriva's garden,In Hindu mythology Sugriva was the younger brother of Bali, whom he succeeded as ruler of the monkey kingdom, Kishkindha) and with the

permission of Angada (son of Bali and Tara) relished the sweet fruit(or honey and fruits). When the guards intervened they were beaten with fisticuffs and thus fled in haste.
Doha: 28
jåi pukåre te saba bana ujåra jubaråja|
suni sugriva harasa kapi kari åe prabhu kåja||28||

All of them went to Sugriva and complained that Prince Angad was getting the royal orchard ruined. On hearing this Sugriva rejoiced for he assumed that the monkeys had returned after completing the Lord's mission.
måtu mohi dije kachu cinhå,jaise° raghunåyaka mohi dinhå||
cuRåmani utåri taba dayau, harasa sameta pavanasuta layau||1||
kahehu tåta asa mora pranåmå,saba prakåra prabhu puranakåmå||
dina dayåla biridu sambhåri,harahu nåtha mama samkata bhåri||2||
tåta sakrasuta kathå sunåehu,båna pratåpa prabhuhi samujhåehu||
måsa divasa mahu° nåthu na åvå,tau puni mohi jiata nahi påvå||3||
kahu kapi kehi bidhi råkhau° prånå,tumhahu tåta kahata aba jånå||
tohi dekhi sitali bhai chåti, puni mo kahu° soi dinu so råti||4||

Doha: 27
janakasutahi samujhåi kari bahu bidhi dhiraju dinha|
carana kamala siru nåi kapi gavanu råma pahi kinha||27||
Assuring Janaki (daughter of Janaka), Hanuman consoled her in several ways and bowing his head at Her lotus feet, he left to meet Lord Rama.
calata mahådhuni garjesi bhåri, garbha sravahi suni nisicara nåri||
någhi simdhu ehi pårahi åvå, sabada kilikilå kapinha sunåvå||1||
harase saba biloki hanumånå,nutana janma kapinha taba jånå||
mukha prasanna tana teja biråjå,kinhesi råmacamdra kara kåjå||2||
mile sakala ati bhae sukhåri,talaphata mina påva jimi båri||
cale harasi raghunåyaka påså,pu°chata kahata navala itihåså||3||
taba madhubana bhitara saba åe,amgada sammata madhu phala khåe||
rakhavåre jaba barajana låge, musti prahåra hanata saba bhåge||4||

cuRåmani utåri taba dayau, harasa sameta pavanasuta layau||1||
kahehu tåta asa mora pranåmå,saba prakåra prabhu puranakåmå||
dina dayåla biridu sambhåri,harahu nåtha mama samkata bhåri||2||
tåta sakrasuta kathå sunåehu,båna pratåpa prabhuhi samujhåehu||
måsa divasa mahu° nåthu na åvå,tau puni mohi jiata nahi påvå||3||
kahu kapi kehi bidhi råkhau° prånå,tumhahu tåta kahata aba jånå||
tohi dekhi sitali bhai chåti, puni mo kahu° soi dinu so råti||4||

Janaki Sends Her Message to Lord Rama
(Hanuman suggested) “Mother kindly give me some token (of identification) just as Lord of the Raghus had done.”Thereupon Sita took off the chudamani (an ornament worn of top of the head) and gave it to Hanuman who gladly took it. (Janaki said) “ Convey my respectful greetings to him and say these words,' Oh Lord! Although you are self-contained (have no desires whatsoever) in every possible way,nevertheless it is your glory to have mercy on the wretched (those who are suffering).Therefore oh master, remembering me who is in distress, relieve my grief."
Jayanta Had Attacked Devi Sita
Oh son! Narrate the episode of Jayanta (Jayanta is the wayward son of Indra. He took the form of a lustful crow and attacked Sita when Ram and Sita were resting on the hill of Chitrakut, pecking at her breasts Jayanta. Wanting to punish him,Rama targetted him with an arrow of straw which followed Jayanta wherever he went)

Lord Rama
and remind Him of the might of his arrows. If the Lord does not arrive within a month's span, he will not find me alive.Oh Hanuman! Tell me as to how I should safeguard my life.Since you too also speak of leaving now, son.The sight of you had brought immense comfort to my heavy heart.Once again I have to face the same dreary days and gloomy nights.”
janakasutahi samujhåi kari bahu bidhi dhiraju dinha|
carana kamala siru nåi kapi gavanu råma pahi kinha||27||
Assuring Janaki (daughter of Janaka), Hanuman consoled her in several ways and bowing his head at Her lotus feet, he left to meet Lord Rama.
calata mahådhuni garjesi bhåri, garbha sravahi suni nisicara nåri||
någhi simdhu ehi pårahi åvå, sabada kilikilå kapinha sunåvå||1||
harase saba biloki hanumånå,nutana janma kapinha taba jånå||
mukha prasanna tana teja biråjå,kinhesi råmacamdra kara kåjå||2||
mile sakala ati bhae sukhåri,talaphata mina påva jimi båri||
cale harasi raghunåyaka påså,pu°chata kahata navala itihåså||3||
taba madhubana bhitara saba åe,amgada sammata madhu phala khåe||
rakhavåre jaba barajana låge, musti prahåra hanata saba bhåge||4||

Hanuman Roars as He Leaves Lanka
At the time of departing Hanuman made a loud roar with such a terrifying sound that the wives of demons began to miscarry. He leapt across the ocean and reached the other shore. Hanuman met his fellow-monkeys with a cry of delight (shouting gleefully). They were all thrilled to see Hanuman and felt as if they had been born again.

Radiant Hanuman

Hanuman and his Friends Head Towards Rama & Lakshman

Sugriva in Kishkandha/Hanuman and his Friends Savouring Fruits in Madhuvana
Thereupon all of them entered Madhuvana (Sugriva's garden,In Hindu mythology Sugriva was the younger brother of Bali, whom he succeeded as ruler of the monkey kingdom, Kishkindha) and with the

Angada, the son of Bali & Tara
Doha: 28
jåi pukåre te saba bana ujåra jubaråja|
suni sugriva harasa kapi kari åe prabhu kåja||28||

Sugriva, King of the Monkeys, Aids Rama & Lakshmana
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