ehi bidhi karata saprema bicårå,åyau sapadi simdhu ehi pårå||
kapinha bibhisanu åvata dekhå, jånå kou ripu duta biseså||1||
tåhi råkhi kapisa pahi åe, samåcåra saba tåhi sunåe||
kaha sugriva sunahu raghuråi,åvå milana dasånana bhåi||2||
kaha prabhu sakhå bujhiai kåhå,kahai kapisa sunahu naranåhå||
jåni na jåi nisåcara måyå, kåmarupa kehi kårana åyå||3||
bheda hamåra lena satha åvå,råkhia bådhi mohi asa bhåvå||
sakhå niti tumha niki bicåri,mama pana saranågata bhayahåri||4||
suni prabhu bacana harasahanumånå,saranågata bacchala bhagavånå||5||

(Approaching Lord Rama, Sugriva said) “Listen, oh Lord of the Raghus!Ravana's brother has come to see You.Lord Rama however asked, “How do you gauge the matter,oh friend! (What is your opinion?) Sugriva, the lord of the monkeys, replied, “Listen, your majesty! The demons' maya, their magical powers of illusion, can not be understood.One does not know for what reason this (deceitful being) who can change his form at will, has arrived. It appears this fool has come to steal our secrets.Therefore binding him is what appeals to me.

Doha: 43
saranågata kahu° je tajahi nija anahita anumåni|
te nara påvara påpamaya tinhahi bilokata håni.43.

(Thereafter Lord Rama affirmed)"Those who forsake a person seeking their shelter by assuming that he will be detrimental, are vile (shudra) and sinful.It is harmful to even look at them."
koti bipra badha lågahi jåhu,åe° sarana tajau°nahi tåhu||
sanamukha hoi jiva mohi jabahi,
° janma koti agha nåsahi tabahi°||1||
påpavamta kara sahaja subhåu,bhajanu mora tehi bhåva na kåu||
jau°pai dustahrdaya soi hoi,more° sanamukha åva ki soi||2||
nirmala mana jana so mohi påvå,mohi kapata chala chidra na bhåvå||
bheda lena pathavå dasasiså, tabahu° na kachu bhaya håni kapiså||3||
jaga mahu° sakhå nisåcara jete,lachimanu hanai nimisa mahu° tete||
jau°sabhita åvå saranåi°,rakhihau°tåhi pråna ki nåi°||4||

Doha: 44
ubhaya bhå°ti tehi ånahu ha°si kaha krpåniketa|
jaya krpåla kahi kapi cale amgada hanu sameta||44||

kapinha bibhisanu åvata dekhå, jånå kou ripu duta biseså||1||
tåhi råkhi kapisa pahi åe, samåcåra saba tåhi sunåe||
kaha sugriva sunahu raghuråi,åvå milana dasånana bhåi||2||
kaha prabhu sakhå bujhiai kåhå,kahai kapisa sunahu naranåhå||
jåni na jåi nisåcara måyå, kåmarupa kehi kårana åyå||3||
bheda hamåra lena satha åvå,råkhia bådhi mohi asa bhåvå||
sakhå niti tumha niki bicåri,mama pana saranågata bhayahåri||4||
suni prabhu bacana harasahanumånå,saranågata bacchala bhagavånå||5||

Vibhishana Crossing the Ocean to Meet Lord Rama
Clinging to such loving thoughts in this manner, Vibhishana instantly crossed over to the other side of the ocean (where Lord Rama had encamped with his army.) When the monkeys saw Vibhisana coming they assumed him to be some special envoy of the enemy.Stopping him(at the guarded entrance) they came to Sugriva and reported the latest news to him.
(Approaching Lord Rama, Sugriva said) “Listen, oh Lord of the Raghus!Ravana's brother has come to see You.Lord Rama however asked, “How do you gauge the matter,oh friend! (What is your opinion?) Sugriva, the lord of the monkeys, replied, “Listen, your majesty! The demons' maya, their magical powers of illusion, can not be understood.One does not know for what reason this (deceitful being) who can change his form at will, has arrived. It appears this fool has come to steal our secrets.Therefore binding him is what appeals to me.

Lord Rama Dispels the Fears of Those who Seek Refuge in Him
(Lord Rama answered) “You have thought of a wise course of action, my friend!But my firm resolve is to dispel the fears of those who seek refuge in Me.” Hanuman was overjoyed to hear the words of the Lord (and mumbled in his mind) “How paternally affectionate is the Lord to those who seek His protection!”(very much like a father He loves those who come to His shelter)
saranågata kahu° je tajahi nija anahita anumåni|
te nara påvara påpamaya tinhahi bilokata håni.43.

(Thereafter Lord Rama affirmed)"Those who forsake a person seeking their shelter by assuming that he will be detrimental, are vile (shudra) and sinful.It is harmful to even look at them."
koti bipra badha lågahi jåhu,åe° sarana tajau°nahi tåhu||
sanamukha hoi jiva mohi jabahi,
° janma koti agha nåsahi tabahi°||1||
påpavamta kara sahaja subhåu,bhajanu mora tehi bhåva na kåu||
jau°pai dustahrdaya soi hoi,more° sanamukha åva ki soi||2||
nirmala mana jana so mohi påvå,mohi kapata chala chidra na bhåvå||
bheda lena pathavå dasasiså, tabahu° na kachu bhaya håni kapiså||3||
jaga mahu° sakhå nisåcara jete,lachimanu hanai nimisa mahu° tete||
jau°sabhita åvå saranåi°,rakhihau°tåhi pråna ki nåi°||4||

The Pure-Hearted Can Attain Lord Rama
I do not abandon the person who has been accused of murdering million of Brahmins, when he seeks refuge in Me.The instant a living being faces me the sins he has incurred for the past millions of lives are destroyed. It is the instinctive nature of a sinner to be averse to My worship. In case he (Ravana's brother) had been surely wicked at heart,could he dare to come in front of Me? Only the person who is pure-minded can attain Me. I can not tolerate the slightest hypocrisy and fraud.

Lakshmana,Lord Rama's Younger Brother
Oh Sugriva!We have nothing to fear or lose even if Ravana has sent Vibhishana to find out our secrets.Because, oh friend! Lakshmana, can kill all the demons inhabiting this world in a second. And if he has sought My shelter out of fear I am going to keep him dearly like my own life. And if he has sought shelter in Me out of fear, I will safeguard him like My own life.
Doha: 44
ubhaya bhå°ti tehi ånahu ha°si kaha krpåniketa|
jaya krpåla kahi kapi cale amgada hanu sameta||44||

Hanuman, Sugriva and Angada
Lord Rama, the abode of mercy, laughed and said, “Get him here in both the cases.That is when Sugriva along with Angada and Hanuman exulted, “Glory be to the merciful Lord!” and left.
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