prabhu pada pamkaja nåvahi siså,garjahi bhålu mahåbala kiså||
dekhi råma sakala kapi senå,citai krpå kari råjiva nainå||1||
råma krpå bala påi kapimdå,bhae pacchajuta manahu° girimdå||
harasi råma taba kinha payånå,saguna bhae sumdara subha nånå||2||
jåsu sakala mamgalamaya kiti, tåsu payåna saguna yaha niti||
prabhu payåna jånå baidehi, pharaki båma a°ga janu kahi dehi||3||
joi joi saguna jånakihi hoi, asaguna bhayau råvanahi soi||
calå kataku ko baranai pårå, garjahi bånara bhålu apårå||4||
nakha åyudha giri pådapadhåri,cale gagana mahi icchåcåri||
keharinåda bhålu kapi karahi,dagamagåhi diggaja cikkarahi°||5||

* According to the omens the throbbing of left limbs is considered auspicious for women but inauspicious for men.
cikkarahi diggaja dola mahi giri lola sågara kharabhare|
mana harasa sabha gamdharba sura muni någa kimnara dukha tare||
katakatahi markata bikata bhata bahu koti kotinha dhåvahi°|
jaya råma prabala pratåpa kosalanåtha guna gana gåvahi°||1||
sahi saka na bhåra udåra ahipati båra bårahi mohai|
gaha dasana puni puni kamatha prsta kathora so kimi sohai||
raghubira rucira prayåna prasthiti jåni parama suhåvani|
janu kamatha kharpara sarparåja so likhata abicala påvani||2||

Doha: 35
ehi bidhi jåi krpånidhi utare sågara tira|
jaha° taha° låge khåna phala bhålu bipula kapi bira||35||

uhå°nisåcara rahahi sasamkå, jaba te° jåri gayau kapi lamkå||
nija nija grha° saba karahi bicårå, nahi nisicara kula kera ubårå||1||
jåsu duta bala barani na jåi, tehi åe°pura kavana bhalåi||
dutinha sana suni purajana båni, mamdodari adhika akulåni||2||
rahasi jori kara pati paga lågi, boli bacana niti rasa pågi||
kamta karasa hari sana pariharahu, mora kahå ati hita hiya° dharahu||3||
samujhata jåsu duta kai karani, sravahi garbha rajanicara gharani||
tåsu nåri nija saciva bolåi, pathavahu kamta jo cahahu bhalåi||4||
tava kula kamala bipina dukhadåi, sitå sita niså sama åi||
sunahu nåtha sitå binu dinhe°, hita na tumhåra sambhu aja kinhe° ||5||

Listen carefully, oh Master, even Shambu (Lord Shiva) and Brahma (the creator) can be of no good to you unless you return Sita.
Doha: 36
råma båna ahi gana sarisa nikara nisåcara bheka|
jaba lagi grasata na taba lagi jatanu karahu taji teka||
dekhi råma sakala kapi senå,citai krpå kari råjiva nainå||1||
råma krpå bala påi kapimdå,bhae pacchajuta manahu° girimdå||
harasi råma taba kinha payånå,saguna bhae sumdara subha nånå||2||
jåsu sakala mamgalamaya kiti, tåsu payåna saguna yaha niti||
prabhu payåna jånå baidehi, pharaki båma a°ga janu kahi dehi||3||
joi joi saguna jånakihi hoi, asaguna bhayau råvanahi soi||
calå kataku ko baranai pårå, garjahi bånara bhålu apårå||4||
nakha åyudha giri pådapadhåri,cale gagana mahi icchåcåri||
keharinåda bhålu kapi karahi,dagamagåhi diggaja cikkarahi°||5||
The very mighty bears and monkeys bow their heads at the Lord's lotus feet and roar. Lord Rama observed the entire army of the monkeys and then mercifully cast his glance on them with his lotus eyes.Acquiring the power of Rama's grace, the best of monkeys seem to have become huge mountains having wings. That is when Lord Rama gladly set forth (marched ahead) with many delightful and auspicious omens taking place.It is but ethical (a conventional norm of the Lord's lila or divine play)that good omens should occur when the Lord whose glory abounds with auspiciousness, goes on a mission.

Janaki, the daughter of Janaka
Janaki, the daughter of Janaka, could also sense that the Lord had marched ahead. Her lift limbs began twitching and seemed to say (that Rama was coming). However whatever boded well for Janaki were evil omens for Ravana.
The Monkeys & Bears Surge Ahead by Air & Land
Who can possibly describe the army as it marched forth? Countless monkeys and bears were thundering.With sharp claws being their only weapons,the bears-monkeys carrying rocks and uprooted trees, surged ahead as they wished (with no restraints); some of them coursed through the air and some by land. They roared very much like the lions.
(With their march and roaring) elephants guarding the eight cardinal directions of the earth were shaken and shrieked.(mythical elephants supporting the world in Hindu cosmology,supposed to cause earthquakes when shaking their bodies)
* According to the omens the throbbing of left limbs is considered auspicious for women but inauspicious for men.
cikkarahi diggaja dola mahi giri lola sågara kharabhare|
mana harasa sabha gamdharba sura muni någa kimnara dukha tare||
katakatahi markata bikata bhata bahu koti kotinha dhåvahi°|
jaya råma prabala pratåpa kosalanåtha guna gana gåvahi°||1||
sahi saka na bhåra udåra ahipati båra bårahi mohai|
gaha dasana puni puni kamatha prsta kathora so kimi sohai||
raghubira rucira prayåna prasthiti jåni parama suhåvani|
janu kamatha kharpara sarparåja so likhata abicala påvani||2||

Oceans Storm When Lord Rama Marches Ahead
The elephants of the eight cardinal points trumpeted, the earth rocked, mountains trembled (shivered) and the oceans stormed.The gandharvas, (heavenly minstrels) deities, sages, nagas and kinnars were all delighted at heart that their sorrows were over now. Several millions of terrifying monkey warriors gnashed their teeth while many millions dashed forth, shouting, “Hail to Shri Ramchandraji, the son of Kaushalya, endowed with mighty valour!”They raved about the Lord's multifarious virtues in the process.

Even the noble,( most supreme and great)Sheshnaag (the snake which patiently carries the earth on his head according to the boon given by Brahma) can not bear the weight of the troops.The Lord of the serpents, can not bear the heavy weight of the thundering troops and is deluded over and over again (is alarmed).He repeatedly catches hold of the tortoise's hard shell with his teeth.

Sheshnaag writing the Tale of Lord Rama on the Back of Kurma
While doing so (that is penetrating his teeth and sort of drawing a line on the tortoise's back) Sheshnaag, the king of the serpents, seemed to be befittingly writing the Lord's eternally sacred tale on the back of the tortoise, knowing that the journey of Rama's departure is supremely attractive.
Doha: 35
ehi bidhi jåi krpånidhi utare sågara tira|
jaha° taha° låge khåna phala bhålu bipula kapi bira||35||

Lord Rama Arrives With His Army at the Sea-Shore
In this manner, Lord Rama, the treasure- trove of mercy, arrived at the seashore and halted his journey.Several brave bears and monkey feasted on the fruits growing all over the place.
uhå°nisåcara rahahi sasamkå, jaba te° jåri gayau kapi lamkå||
nija nija grha° saba karahi bicårå, nahi nisicara kula kera ubårå||1||
jåsu duta bala barani na jåi, tehi åe°pura kavana bhalåi||
dutinha sana suni purajana båni, mamdodari adhika akulåni||2||
rahasi jori kara pati paga lågi, boli bacana niti rasa pågi||
kamta karasa hari sana pariharahu, mora kahå ati hita hiya° dharahu||3||
samujhata jåsu duta kai karani, sravahi garbha rajanicara gharani||
tåsu nåri nija saciva bolåi, pathavahu kamta jo cahahu bhalåi||4||
tava kula kamala bipina dukhadåi, sitå sita niså sama åi||
sunahu nåtha sitå binu dinhe°, hita na tumhåra sambhu aja kinhe° ||5||

Hanuman Burning Lanka
Ever since Hanuman had left after burning the city, the demons residing in Lanka were constantly terrified. They reflected in their respective houses that there is no protection(recourse) for the race of demons now. What good would His entering the city bring (we will be in a miserable condition) when his envoy's might is beyond description. Hearing the citizen's apprehensions from her female spies, Mandodari (Ravana's chief queen) was very distressed.

Mandodari Begs Ravana to Change
In seclusion she folded her hands and fell at her husband's (Ravana's) feet.She spoke words which were steeped in ethical norms, “Oh dear! Stop opposing Lord Hari. Considering my words to be extremely beneficial, posit them in your heart. Oh beloved, husband!The instant His messenger's deeds are recalled the wives of demons miscarry.Call for one of your ministers in case you want your well-being and send back His consort (of Rama) with him. Sita has arrived just like the night of frost to bring disaster to your race of lotus beds.

Lord Shiva and Brahma
Doha: 36
råma båna ahi gana sarisa nikara nisåcara bheka|
jaba lagi grasata na taba lagi jatanu karahu taji teka||
Rama's arrows are very much like swarming serpents while the hordes of demons are equivalent to frogs. Stop being obstinate and find a way out before they are devoured (swallowed) by them.
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