taba dekhi mudrikå manohara,råma nåma amkita ati sumdara||
cakita citava mudari pahicåni, harasa bisåda hrdaya° akulåni||1||
jiti ko sakai ajaya raghuråi, måyå te° asi raci nahi jåi||
sitå mana bicåra kara nånå,madhura bacana boleu hanumånå||2||
råmacamdra guna baranai lågå, sunatahi sitå kara dukha bhågå||
lågi° sunai sravana mana låi,ådihu te°saba kathå sunåi||3||
sravanåmrta jehi kathå suhåi,kahi so pragata hoti kina bhåi||
taba hanumamta nikata cali gayau,phiri baithi° mana bisamaya bhayau||4||
råma duta mai måtu jånaki,satya sapatha karunånidhåna ki||
yaha mudrikå måtu mai åni, dinhi råma tumha kaha° sahidåni||5||
nara bånarahi samga kahu kaise°,kahi kathå bhai samgati jaise°||6||

Doha: 13
kapi ke bacana saprema suni upajå mana bisvåsa|
jånå mana krama bacana yaha krpåsimdhu kara dåsa||13||

On hearing the affectionate words of Hanuman, trust arose in her heart.She could gather that he was the servant of the all compassionate, Lord of the Raghus, in thought, words and actions.
harijana jåni priti ati gåRhi,sajala nayana pulakåvali båRhi.
buRata biraha jaladhi hanumånå,bhayahu tåta mo kahu° jalajånå||1||
aba kahu kusala jåu°balihåri, anuja sahita sukha bhavana kharåri||
komalacita krpåla raghuråi,kapi kehi hetu dhari nithuråi||2||
sahaja båni sevaka sukha dåyaka,kabahu°ka surati karata raghunåyaka||
kabahu° nayana mama sitala tåtå,hoihahi nirakhi syåma mrdu gåtå||3||
bacanu na åva nayana bhare båri,ahaha nåtha hau°nipata bisåri||
dekhi parama birahåkula sitå,bolå kapi mrdu bacana binitå||4||
måtu kusala prabhu anuja sametå,tava dukha dukhi sukrpå niketå||
jani janani månahu jiya°unå,
tumha te premu råma ke° dunå||5||

Doha: 14
raghupati kara samdesu aba sunu janani dhari dhira|
asa kahi kapi gadagada bhayau bhare bilocana nira||14||
Oh mother! Mustering courage, listen to the message of Lord Raghunath, now. Saying so, Hanuman became emotionally ecstatic and his eyes filled with tears of joy.
cakita citava mudari pahicåni, harasa bisåda hrdaya° akulåni||1||
jiti ko sakai ajaya raghuråi, måyå te° asi raci nahi jåi||
sitå mana bicåra kara nånå,madhura bacana boleu hanumånå||2||
råmacamdra guna baranai lågå, sunatahi sitå kara dukha bhågå||
lågi° sunai sravana mana låi,ådihu te°saba kathå sunåi||3||
sravanåmrta jehi kathå suhåi,kahi so pragata hoti kina bhåi||
taba hanumamta nikata cali gayau,phiri baithi° mana bisamaya bhayau||4||
råma duta mai måtu jånaki,satya sapatha karunånidhåna ki||
yaha mudrikå måtu mai åni, dinhi råma tumha kaha° sahidåni||5||
nara bånarahi samga kahu kaise°,kahi kathå bhai samgati jaise°||6||

Devi Sita Inspects the Ring of Rama
That is when Sita saw the extremely beautiful and enchanting ring with the name of Rama engraved on it. Wonder struck on identifying the ring, she was agitated with feelings of joy and sorrow in quick succession.
She reflected that the Lord of the Raghus is forever invincible, who can possibly triumph over him? And such a divine ring (devoid of the power of maya or illusion) can not be fabricated.Sita was absorbed in fantasies of various kinds and that is precisely when Hanuman spoke sweetly.He began to recount the glories of Lord Ramchandra and the instant she heard them Sita's grief vanished. She listened in rapt attention with her mind and soul. Hanuman narrated the entire story right from the very beginning.

Hanuman Appears Before Devi Sita
She said," Oh dear, who has narrated this tale which sounds like nectar to my ears! Why don't you appear visibly? "Thereafter, Hanuman went near her.Seeing him, Sita turned around (with her face turned away) and was astonished within. Hanuman said, “Oh mother Janaki! I am Lord Ramchandra's envoy. I truly swear by the Supreme Being who is the repository of compassion. I am the one who has got this finger ring,oh Mother!Lord Rama has given it to me as a token so that you can easily identify me. Sita asked, “Tell me how a man and monkey came into contact with each other.” That is when Hanuman told the story of how men and monkeys connected with each other.
Doha: 13
kapi ke bacana saprema suni upajå mana bisvåsa|
jånå mana krama bacana yaha krpåsimdhu kara dåsa||13||

Devi Sita Gathers that Hanuman is a Servitor of Lord Rama
harijana jåni priti ati gåRhi,sajala nayana pulakåvali båRhi.
buRata biraha jaladhi hanumånå,bhayahu tåta mo kahu° jalajånå||1||
aba kahu kusala jåu°balihåri, anuja sahita sukha bhavana kharåri||
komalacita krpåla raghuråi,kapi kehi hetu dhari nithuråi||2||
sahaja båni sevaka sukha dåyaka,kabahu°ka surati karata raghunåyaka||
kabahu° nayana mama sitala tåtå,hoihahi nirakhi syåma mrdu gåtå||3||
bacanu na åva nayana bhare båri,ahaha nåtha hau°nipata bisåri||
dekhi parama birahåkula sitå,bolå kapi mrdu bacana binitå||4||
måtu kusala prabhu anuja sametå,tava dukha dukhi sukrpå niketå||
jani janani månahu jiya°unå,
tumha te premu råma ke° dunå||5||

Devi Sita Wants to Know About Lord Rama's Well Being
Knowing that he was an adherent of Hari and his devotee, Sita developed great affection for him.Her eyes streamed with tears of joy and her body was ecstatic. Sita said, “Oh dear Hanuman! You have virtually come as a ship for me who was drowning in the ocean of loneliness. I implore you now to tell me about the well-being of Lord Rama, the abode of bliss and the destroyer of demon Khara, and Lakshmana, his younger brother.

Lord of the Raghus is Lovingly Tender
Lord Raghunath is lovingly tender at heart and merciful.Then for what reason Oh Hanuman, has he adopted this harsh approach towards me. Imparting delight to those who serve him, is his innate trait. Does the Lord of the Raghus remember me? Oh dear! Will my eyes ever be cooled by seeing His tender and dark-hued limbs? "She was at a loss for words and her eyes filled with tears of anguish. She lamented, “Well Lord! You have forgotten me completely.”

Hanuman Reveals the Well-Being of Lord Rama & Laxmana
Seeing Sita in such agony of separation from the Lord, Hanuman spoke tender and comforting words. Oh mother!The beautiful Lord who is the abode of compassion along with brother Lakshman is physically fine but is suffering because of your grief. Do not be depressed, oh Mother! Deep within his heart, Lord Ramchandra loves you twice as much as you love him.
Doha: 14
raghupati kara samdesu aba sunu janani dhari dhira|
asa kahi kapi gadagada bhayau bhare bilocana nira||14||
Oh mother! Mustering courage, listen to the message of Lord Raghunath, now. Saying so, Hanuman became emotionally ecstatic and his eyes filled with tears of joy.
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