sabhaya simdhu gahi pada prabhu kere, chamahu nåtha saba avaguna mere||
gagana samira anala jala dharani, inha kai nåtha sahaja jaRa karani||1||
tava prerita måyå°upajåe, srsti hetu saba gramthani gåe||
prabhu åyasu jehi kaha° jasa ahai, so tehi bhå°ti rahe° sukha lahai||2||
prabhu bhala kinha mohi sikha dinhi, marajådå puni tumhari kinhi||
dhola gavå°ra sudra pasu nåri, sakala tåRanå ke adhikåri||3||
prabhu pratåpa mai jåba sukhåi, utarihi kataku na mori baRåi||
prabhu agyå apela sruti gåi, karau° so begi jo tumhahi sohåi||4||

Doha: 59
sunata binita bacana ati kaha krpåla musukåi|
jehi bidhi utarai kapi kataku tåta so kahahu upåi||59||

On hearing the extremely modest words of the Ocean, the merciful Lord Rama smiled and said, “Oh dear, tell me the means by which the army of monkeys can cross over.”
nåtha nila nala kapi dvau bhåi, larikåi° risi åsisa påi||
tinha ke°parasa kie° giri bhåre, tarihahi jaladhi pratåpa tumhåre||1||
mai puni ura dhari prabhu prabhutåi, karihau°bala anumåna sahåi||
ehi bidhi nåtha payodhi ba°dhåia, jehi yaha sujasu loka tihu° gåia||2||
ehi sara mama uttara tata båsi, hatahu nåtha khala nara agha råsi||
suni krpåla sågara mana pirå, turatahi hari råma ranadhirå||3||
dekhi råma bala paurusa bhåri, harasi payonidhi bhayau sukhåri||
sakala carita kahi prabhuhi sunåvå, carana bamdi påthodhi sidhåvå||4||

On hearing of the pain weighing on the Ocean's mind, Lord Rama who was lovingly tender and steady in battle, instantly relieved him of the agony (killed the villains with his arrow.) Delighted to observe Lord Rama's immense power and valour,the deity of the ocean, was happy. He narrated all the characteristics of those wicked people to the Lord.Thereafter paying homage by touching the Lord's feet, the deity of the Ocean left.
nija bhavana gavaneu simdhu sriraghupatihi yaha mata bhåyau|
yaha carita kali malahara jathåmati dåsa tulasi gåyau||
sukha bhavana samsaya samana davana bisåda raghupati guna ganå|
taji sakala åsa bharosa gåvahi sunahi samtata satha manå||

The god of the ocean went home.Whereas the Lord of the Raghus approved of this idea (of bridging the ocean.) This biography absolves sins of the Kali Yuga and has been sung by Tulsidasa according to his sensibility.The multiple virtues of Lord Rama are an abode of joy, destroy doubt, and repress sorrow without fail.Oh foolish mind! Discarding all other hopes and faith of this mundane world, you must constantly sing and hear His glories.
Doha: 60
sakala sumamgala dåyaka raghunåyaka guna gåna|
sådara sunahi te tarahi bhava simdhu binå jalajåna||60||

Raving about the virtues of Lord Rama bestows great good fortune on us.Those who listen to them with reverence shall easily cross the ocean of this mundane world without needing any other ship (means.)
iti srimadråmacaritamånase sakalakalikalusavidhvamsane pancama sopånah samåptah.

Herein ends the fifth descent into the Månasa or holy lake of the acts of Rama that absolves all sins of the Kali Yuga.
sabhaya simdhu gahi pada prabhu kere, chamahu nåtha saba avaguna mere||
gagana samira anala jala dharani, inha kai nåtha sahaja jaRa karani||1||
tava prerita måyå°upajåe, srsti hetu saba gramthani gåe||
prabhu åyasu jehi kaha° jasa ahai, so tehi bhå°ti rahe° sukha lahai||2||
prabhu bhala kinha mohi sikha dinhi, marajådå puni tumhari kinhi||
dhola gavå°ra sudra pasu nåri, sakala tåRanå ke adhikåri||3||
prabhu pratåpa mai jåba sukhåi, utarihi kataku na mori baRåi||
prabhu agyå apela sruti gåi, karau° so begi jo tumhahi sohåi||4||

The Deity of the Ocean is Terrified of Lord Rama
Terrified, the deity of the ocean fell at the Lord's feet and said, “Forgive all my drawbacks (faults),Oh Lord! Ether, air, fire, water and earth are sluggish by nature. All the scriptures rave that by your stimulus, Maya or Cosmic Power has produced them for creation. One gets joy by living in the same fashion as has been ordained by the Lord.The Lord did well in teaching me a lesson (punishing me.)

Lord Rama's Army Can Easily Cross Over if the Ocean Dries Up
But decorum (correct behaviour of living beings) has also been fixed by You. A drum, a villager, a Sudra, a beast and a woman, all deserve to be punished. By the Lord's brilliant energy I will dry up and the army shall cross over but it is not commendable on my part. Nevertheless, the Vedas endorse that Your order is irrevocable (can not be transgressed). I shall instantly do what pleases You as of now.
Doha: 59
sunata binita bacana ati kaha krpåla musukåi|
jehi bidhi utarai kapi kataku tåta so kahahu upåi||59||

The Merciful Lord Rama
nåtha nila nala kapi dvau bhåi, larikåi° risi åsisa påi||
tinha ke°parasa kie° giri bhåre, tarihahi jaladhi pratåpa tumhåre||1||
mai puni ura dhari prabhu prabhutåi, karihau°bala anumåna sahåi||
ehi bidhi nåtha payodhi ba°dhåia, jehi yaha sujasu loka tihu° gåia||2||
ehi sara mama uttara tata båsi, hatahu nåtha khala nara agha råsi||
suni krpåla sågara mana pirå, turatahi hari råma ranadhirå||3||
dekhi råma bala paurusa bhåri, harasi payonidhi bhayau sukhåri||
sakala carita kahi prabhuhi sunåvå, carana bamdi påthodhi sidhåvå||4||

Nila & Nala can Bridge the Ocean with Boulders
(The god of the Ocean revealed) “Nila and Nala are two monkey brothers, my Lord.They had got a boon from a sage in their boyhood.Just by their touch even massive mountains will float on the ocean by Your glory.Preserving the Lord's majesty in my heart, I too shall help out to the best of my ability(as much as I can).Oh Lord! Have the ocean bridged in this fashion so that your splendid glory can be sung in all the three lokas. With this arrow kill sinful men who are criminals living on my northern coast."
On hearing of the pain weighing on the Ocean's mind, Lord Rama who was lovingly tender and steady in battle, instantly relieved him of the agony (killed the villains with his arrow.) Delighted to observe Lord Rama's immense power and valour,the deity of the ocean, was happy. He narrated all the characteristics of those wicked people to the Lord.Thereafter paying homage by touching the Lord's feet, the deity of the Ocean left.
nija bhavana gavaneu simdhu sriraghupatihi yaha mata bhåyau|
yaha carita kali malahara jathåmati dåsa tulasi gåyau||
sukha bhavana samsaya samana davana bisåda raghupati guna ganå|
taji sakala åsa bharosa gåvahi sunahi samtata satha manå||

Tulsidasa Wrote the Ram Charit Manas
Doha: 60
sakala sumamgala dåyaka raghunåyaka guna gåna|
sådara sunahi te tarahi bhava simdhu binå jalajåna||60||

The Virtuous Lord of the Raghus
iti srimadråmacaritamånase sakalakalikalusavidhvamsane pancama sopånah samåptah.

Herein ends the fifth descent into the Månasa or holy lake of the acts of Rama that absolves all sins of the Kali Yuga.
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