Doha: A
rahå eka dina avadhi kara ati årata pura loga |
jaha° taha° socahi nåri nara krsa tana råma biyoga || A ||

Only one day of the period (of Rama's return) was left and therefore the people of Ayodhya city were very impatient. Men and women who had weakened due to separation from Lord Rama, were deep in thought all over the place (as to why Lord Rama had not arrived yet and what could be the matter.)
Doha: B
saguna hohi sumdara sakala mana prasanna saba kera |
prabhu ågavana janåva janu nagara ramya cahu° phera || B||
kausalyådi måtu saba mana anamda asa hoi |
åyau prabhu sri anuja juta kahana cahata aba koi || C ||

Kausalya and the other mothers were so overjoyed within as if someone wanted to tell them right now that Lord Ramchandra had come with Sita and Laksman.
Doha: D
bharata nayana bhuja dacchina pharakata bårahi båra |
jåni saguna mana harasa ati låge karana bicåra || D ||

Bharat's right eye and right arm throbbed over and over again. Identifying this to be a lucky omen, he was ecstatic and began contemplating.
rahå eka dina avadhi kara ati årata pura loga |
jaha° taha° socahi nåri nara krsa tana råma biyoga || A ||

The Residents of Ayodhya Wait Impatiently for Lord Rama
Doha: B
saguna hohi sumdara sakala mana prasanna saba kera |
prabhu ågavana janåva janu nagara ramya cahu° phera || B||
Auspicious omens began to take place in the meantime and everyone was delighted at heart. The city looked lovely from all angles. It seemed as if the auspicious signs were pointing towards the Lord's arrival.
kausalyådi måtu saba mana anamda asa hoi |
åyau prabhu sri anuja juta kahana cahata aba koi || C ||

Kausalya, Overjoyed at her Son's Return
Doha: D
bharata nayana bhuja dacchina pharakata bårahi båra |
jåni saguna mana harasa ati låge karana bicåra || D ||

Bharata is Ecstatic at Lord Ramchandra's Arrival
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