Venu Vinod Kunj had been built in the year 1963, on the insistence of the bhaktas and devotees of Shri Maharaj ji. Baba also came to stay here from 1987 onwards, as per the orders of Shri Maharaj ji. And continued to live in these premises throughout his life.

“ Once I was travelling in a train during the span of my separation from Maharaj ji. My mind was very dejected due to the pathos of longing for him. Simultaneously thoughts of leaving my body were overpowering," revealed Baba.

Shri Venu Vinod Bihari, the Thakur of Manohar Baba

Shri Khanderao Mule, Baba's father, used to harbour a grudge against Shri Maharaj ji because he felt that his son had abandoned his house solely due to Maharaj ji. However when he came to Vrindavan Shri Khanderao was extremely impressed by Shri Maharaj ji.
During the span of Shri Maharaj ji's presence, Baba would do all sundry work of the Kunj with the enthused fervour of youth even at the age of 76. He made the current of chanting God's name begun by Shri Maharaj ji gush forth and brought about the well-being of mankind.
Shri Balkrishna Das ji Maharaj ji's Bhava States
Baba clicked all the photographs of Shri Maharaj ji till the last days of his life, 24th May 1995. Thereafter he never touched his camera. Baba became so deeply steeped in grief when Shri Maharaj ji was no more that it seemed as if he was a stone idol.

Once Manohar Baba went to Narang Bahen ji's house in Hasanpur. When he was sitting there alone in a serious posture on the upper storey in a room his family members insisted that he tell them something about Shri Maharaj ji.
Lord Krishna's Romantic Dalliance
Precisely at that moment, a lush garden of flowers appeared before my eyes. And soon enough, scenes of Lord Krishna's various romantic dalliances became perceptible like a fleeting movie. Thereafter, I was not conscious of my body nor my anguish. Throughout the journey these glimpses flitted before my eyes. That is when I understood that this separation from Maharaj ji was just an outwardly pretense. In reality he was by side and looking after me every moment.”
Shri Balkrishan Das ji Maharaj
Manohar Baba was the one who edited the biography of highly revered Shri Maharaj ji and
Shri Ghanshyam Das ji Thakur
'Smriti-Saurabh,' the memoirs of revered Shri Ghanshyam Das Thakur ji. In fact Shri Maharaj ji had granted his treasury of sentiments to Baba, who was a true saint. Baba's glory is eternal and infinite. Worldly illusions did not even dare to touch him.

Manohar Baba's Sweet Smile
Whereas his sweet smile invariably attracted everyone. He would look at every person with great respect and loving affection. That was the reason that any one who came into contact with him become his own in no time. Manohar Baba was not merely a majestic grandeur of Vrindavan but also illustrated its actual svarupa or form. Throughout his life he hid himself for fear of fame. Above all he never looked at the drawbacks of anyone.
Baba was adept in the medicine of Ayurveda and homeopathy. With both these sciences he gave free medical treatments to countless patients. He had an indepth knowledge of astrology and the duties of a pundit. Whenever he would look at the lines of a person's palm and foretell his future, it would turn out to be absolutely true. Several adherents working as pundits would often come to Baba, to be shown the correct path. Under his supervision, Manohar Baba got various religious observances done at the places of many people, which were completely successful.
Unaffectedness, simplicity, generosity, sensitivity, fondness of joking, and benevolence pervaded every fiber of Manohar Baba's being. He was absolutely free from desires, very contented and modest as a person.The dazzle of worldly power and wealthy affluence used to sting his eyes. He opined that with all this glitter of the mundane, the sattvicta or genuine goodness of a person comes to an end.
Baba spent his entire life in a small room with the very basic of necessities. His room on the first floor used to get extremely heated in summers. Therefore Avdesh Mishra, one of his devotees, managed to get a cooler fixed in his room, after great insistence.
But Baba used it very sparingly because he felt,“It's rumbling sound impeded his worship.”
Revered Manohar Baba used to sleep very little at night whereas nobody ever saw him sleep in the daytime. In the afternoon he either read spiritual literature, biographies of saints or else he would do his writing work. He was least interested in discussing worldly matters. There is a wide array of his bhaktas and followers spread all over India and abroad, who would rush to place his desired object at his feet, on getting an indication. But amazingly, Baba never made an entreaty to any person for anything.
He was a person who spoke with great clarity.Without beating about the bush, Baba would lucidly speak about whatever he had to say, whether someone liked it or not. Manohar Baba was exactly the same person within and what he appeared outside. With great self-control Manohar spent his entire life and followed a strict regimen throughout. He was extremely particular about punctuality with his daily regime being bound by the arms of a clock.

Shri Baba & Devi Ji with Balkrishan Das ji Maharaj
Baba held revered Devi ji in great esteem throughout his life. Though he was quite old to Devi ji in age and he had sought the refuge of Maharaj ji before Devi ji. In spite of these facts, he considered Devi ji's standing superior to his own.
Whenever any matter regarding Venu Vinod Kunj or Tamal Kunj and its residents would present itself before him, he would instantly ask, “Have you informed Devi ji? Go and tell her.”
If a person would give any parcel to him, without looking at the contents he would immediately have it sent to Shri Devi ji. Where can one get to see such great detachment in today's millennium amidst unprecedented prosperity. (pages 377-378, 'Smriti Kaumudi,' the memoirs of Shri Manohar Baba)
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