sunu lamkesa sakala guna tore°, tåte° tumha atisaya priya more°|
råma bacana suni bånara juthå, sakala kahahi jaya krpå baruthå||1||
sunata bibhisanu prabhu kai båni,nahi aghåta sravanåmrta jåni||
pada ambuja gahi bårahi bårå,hrdaya° samåta na premu apårå||2||
sunahu deva sacaråcara svåmi,pranatapåla ura amtarajåmi||
ura kachu prathama båsanå rahi,prabhu pada priti sarita so bahi||3||
aba krpåla nija bhagati påvani,dehu sadå siva mana bhåvani||
evamastu kahi prabhu ranadhirå,mågå turata simdhu kara nirå||4||
jadapi sakhå tava icchå nåhi,° mora darasu amogha jaga måhi°||
asa kahi råma tilaka tehi sårå, sumana brsti nabha bhai apårå||5||

jarata bibhisanu råkheu dinheu råju akhamda||49(A)||
jo sampati siva råvanahi dinhi die° dasa måtha|
soi sampadå bibhisanahi sakuci dinhi raghunåtha||49(B)||

asa prabhu chåRi bhajahi je ånå,te nara pasu binu pu°cha bisånå||
nija jana jåni tåhi apanåvå, prabhu subhåva kapi kula mana bhåvå||1||
puni sarbagya sarba ura båsi,sarbarupa saba rahita udåsi||
bole bacana niti pratipålaka, kårana manuja danuja kula ghålaka||2||
sunu kapisa lamkåpati birå, kehi bidhi taria jaladhi gambhirå||
samkula makara uraga jhasa jåti,ati agådha dustara saba bhå°ti||3|
kaha lamkesa sunahu raghunåyaka,koti simdhu sosaka tava såyaka||
jadyapi tadapi niti asi gåi, binaya karia sågara sana jåi||4||

Vibhishana answered, “ Oh Lord of the Raghus!Although one arrow of yours can dry up (soak) millions of oceans, yet ethics demand that You should first pray to the deity of the ocean. (to give you passage).
Doha: 50
prabhu tumhåra kulagura jaladhi kahihi upåya bicåri|
binu prayåsa sågara tarihi sakala bhålu kapi dhåri||50||

"Oh Lord!The deity ruling over the ocean is an old ancestor of Yours. He will contemplate and tell you the recourse to be taken. That is when the entire army comprising of bears and monkeys will cross over the ocean without much effort.
råma bacana suni bånara juthå, sakala kahahi jaya krpå baruthå||1||
sunata bibhisanu prabhu kai båni,nahi aghåta sravanåmrta jåni||
pada ambuja gahi bårahi bårå,hrdaya° samåta na premu apårå||2||
sunahu deva sacaråcara svåmi,pranatapåla ura amtarajåmi||
ura kachu prathama båsanå rahi,prabhu pada priti sarita so bahi||3||
aba krpåla nija bhagati påvani,dehu sadå siva mana bhåvani||
evamastu kahi prabhu ranadhirå,mågå turata simdhu kara nirå||4||
jadapi sakhå tava icchå nåhi,° mora darasu amogha jaga måhi°||
asa kahi råma tilaka tehi sårå, sumana brsti nabha bhai apårå||5||

Vibhishana Holds Lord Rama's Lotus Feet Over & Over Again
Oh, king of Lanka!You have all the above mentioned virtues within you because of which you are extremely dear to Me. Hearing the words of Lord Rama all the factions of monkeys who had gathered exulted, “Glory be to Lord Rama, the trove of mercy!” Vibhishana eagerly heard the speech of Lord Rama and gauging that it was nectar to his ears, was not sated. He held onto the lotus feet of Lord Rama over and over again, having intense love for Him, which could not be contained in his heart.

Lord Shiva
(Vibhishana said) "Oh God!Ruler of the animate and inanimate universe. Oh protector of refugees and knower of what exists in everyone's hearts! Listen, I did have some passion nestled in my heart earlier which has been washed away by the river of love for the Lord's feet. As of now,oh compassionate Lord, grant me Your unalloyed religious devotion which is forever liked by Shiva's mind."
Affirming, “So shall it be!” Lord Rama, who was brave in battle, instantly asked for the waters of the sea. (And went on to say) “Oh friend!Although you have no desire but having my darshan (sight) in this world bears fruition (does not go unrewarded) without fail." Saying so, Lord Rama made the sectarian mark (of investiture) on his forehead. And showers of flowers rained down from the heavens in abundance.
Doha: 49
råvana krodha anala nija svåsa samira pracamda|jarata bibhisanu råkheu dinheu råju akhamda||49(A)||
jo sampati siva råvanahi dinhi die° dasa måtha|
soi sampadå bibhisanahi sakuci dinhi raghunåtha||49(B)||

Ravana Prays to Lord Shiva
Hence Lord Rama saved Vibhishana from being burnt by the fire of Ravana's fury which was being enflamed by the wind of Vibhishana's breath (words) and gave him absolute sovereignty.Very hesitantly,Lord of the Raghus gave Vibhishana the same wealth which Lord Shiva had bestowed on Ravana when he had offered to sacrifice his ten heads to Him.
asa prabhu chåRi bhajahi je ånå,te nara pasu binu pu°cha bisånå||
nija jana jåni tåhi apanåvå, prabhu subhåva kapi kula mana bhåvå||1||
puni sarbagya sarba ura båsi,sarbarupa saba rahita udåsi||
bole bacana niti pratipålaka, kårana manuja danuja kula ghålaka||2||
sunu kapisa lamkåpati birå, kehi bidhi taria jaladhi gambhirå||
samkula makara uraga jhasa jåti,ati agådha dustara saba bhå°ti||3|
kaha lamkesa sunahu raghunåyaka,koti simdhu sosaka tava såyaka||
jadyapi tadapi niti asi gåi, binaya karia sågara sana jåi||4||
Those who worship someone else after giving up such a supremely kind Lord,are beasts without a tail and horns. Lord Rama accepted Vibhishana as His own on knowing that he was his servitor. The Lord's disposition was very much liked by the race of monkeys.

The Mighty Ocean Swarming with Crocodiles, Snakes & Fishes
Thereafter the all knowing, Lord Rama who resides in the hearts of all, is manifest in all forms, though free and detached from all He had incarnated as a human for a specific reason (to shower his mercy on bhaktas) and as a destroyer of the demon race, spoke words strictly in accordance with political wisdom. “Oh, Sugriva, lord of the monkeys and Vibhishana, the ruler of Lanka! Listen, how should we cross this deep ocean? It is tough in every possible way to cross this extremely unfathomable ocean swarming with all species of crocodiles, snakes and fishes."

An Arrow of Lord Rama Can Dry up the Ocean
Doha: 50
prabhu tumhåra kulagura jaladhi kahihi upåya bicåri|
binu prayåsa sågara tarihi sakala bhålu kapi dhåri||50||

Lord Rama's Army Can Easily Cross Over the Ocean
* It is said in the scriptures that the ocean's bed was dug by King Sagar, one of the greatest kings of Suryavansha in the Satya Yuga, who was an ancestor to King Dasharath and Lord Rama. Therefore Vibhishana also refers to the deity presiding over the ocean as a forefather of Rama.
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