japa tapa niyama joga nija dharmå, sruti sambhava nånå subha karmå |
gyåna dayå dama tiratha majjana, jaha° lagi dharma kahata sruti sajjana ||1||
ågama nigama puråna anekå, paRhe sune kara phala prabhu ekå |
tava pada pamkaja priti niramtara saba sådhana kara yaha phala sumdara ||2||
chutai mala ki malahi ke dhoe°, ghrta ki påva koi båri biloe° |
prema bhagati jala binu raghuråi, abhiamtara mala kabahu° na jåi ||3||
soi sarbagya tagya soi pamdita, soi guna grha bigyåna akhamdita |
daccha sakala lacchana jutasoi, jåke° pada saroja ratihoi ||4||
All Religious Observances Lead to Lord Rama
Japa (incantations), austere penance, religious observances, yogic practices, the performance of one's duties as per the class and stage of life, various pious acts recommended by the Vedas like spiritual enlightenment, compassion, self-control (restraining the senses), bathing in sacred waters and whatever other religious obligation have been recommended by the Vedas and holy men (following them) And O Lord! The supreme fruition of recitation and hearing of various Tantric texts, Vedas and Puranas is the same. And the topmost glorious reward of all spiritual endeavours is to forever have loving devotion for Your lotus feet. Can dirt be cleansed by washing with dirt? Can anyone get butter by churning water?
Bhakti of Lord Rama, Washes Away our Impurities
O Raghunath ji! (In the same fashion) Except by cleaning with the water of lovingly tender bhakti or religious devotion, the impurity accumulated in our heart can never be washed away. He alone is omniscient, knows the real nature of things and is learned. He alone is the repository of virtues and possesses indestructible knowledgeable; He alone is clever and endowed with all auspicious attributes, who is lovingly devoted to Your lotus feet.
nåtha eka bara mågau° råma krpå kari dehu |
janma janma prabhupada kamala kabahu° ghatai jani nehu ||49||
The Lotus Feet of Lord Rama
O Lord! I ask one boon from You, kindly grant it to me, O Lord Rama! in Your mercy, Råma. May my love for Your lotus feet, O Lord, never diminish in the course of my future births.
asa kahi muni basista grha åe, krpåsimdhu ke mana ati bhåe |
hanumåna bharatådika bhråtå, samga lie sevaka sukhadata ||1||
puni krpåla pura båhera gae, gaja ratha turaga magavata bhae |
dekhi krpå kari sakala saråhe, die ucita jinha jinha tei cåhe ||2||
harana sakala srama prabhu srama påi, gae jahå° sitala ava°råi |
bharata dinha nija basana dasåi, baithe prabhu sevahi saba bhåi ||3||
mårutasuta taba måruta karai, pulaka bapusa locana jala bharai |
hanumåna sama nahi baRabhågi, nahi kou råma carana anurågi ||4||
girijå jåsu priti sevakåi, båra båra prabhu nija mukha gåi ||5||
Horses Distributed to the Deserving
So saying, the sage Vasistha returned home. The Ocean of mercy, Lord Rama was very pleased with him in His heart. Thereafter, Lord Råma who imparts delight to His servants, took Hanumåna, Bharata and His other two brothers (Laksmana and Shatrughna) with Him. And then the merciful Lord Rama went outside the city and ordered elephants, chariots and horses to be brought. Seeing them, being kind to them, He praised them all and distributed them, giving each person what he deserved and wished for. The Lord, who is the reliever of all worldly fatigue, Himself felt tired (while distributing the elephants, horses and so on) and retired to a cool mango grove (to relieve his exhaustion).
Lord Rama & Sita, Served by Bharata, Laksmana, Shatrughana & Hanumana
That is where Bharata spread out his own scarf and the Lord sat on it with His brothers attending to His needs. Lord Hanumana, the son of the Wind God began to fan Him now. His body was ecstatic and tears of joy filled His eyes.
Lord Shiva Narrates the Tale of Rama to Girija
(Says Shiva) O Girija! (mountain-born, title of Parvati) Neither is there anyone as fortunate as Hanumana nor so lovingly devoted to Lord Råma's lotus feet. Whose love and service, have been repeatedly raved about by the Lord with His own mouth.
tehi avasara muni nårada åe karatala bina |
gåvana lage råma kala kirati sadå nabina ||50||
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