råma carana pamkaja ura dharahu,lamkå acala råju tumha karahu||
risi pulasti jasu bimala mayamkå,tehi sasi mahu° jani hohu kalamkå||1||
råma nåma binu girå na sohå,dekhu bicåri tyågi mada mohå||
basana hina nahi soha suråri,saba bhusana bhusita bara nåri||2||
råma bimukha sampati prabhutåi,jåi rahi påi binu påi|| °
sajala mula jinha saritanha nåhi,barasi gae° puni tabahi sukhåhi°||3||
sunu dasakamtha kahau° pana ropi,bimukha råma tråtå nahi kopi||
samkara sahasa bisnu aja tohi,sakahi na råkhi råma kara drohi||4||

Doha: 23
mohamula bahu sula prada tyågahu tama abhimåna|
bhajahu råma raghunåyaka krpå simdhu bhagavåna||23||

jadapi kahi kapi ati hita båni, bhagati bibeka birati naya såni||
bolå bihasi mahå abhimåni, milå hamahi kapi gura baRa gyåni||1||
mrtyu nikata åi khala tohi, lågesi adhama sikhåvana mohi||
ulatå hoihi kaha hanumånå,matibhrama tora pragata mai jånå||2||
suni kapi bacana bahuta khisiånå,begi na harahu muRha kara prånå||
sunata nisåcara mårana dhåe,sacivanha sahita bibhisanu åe||3||
nåi sisa kari binaya bahutå,niti birodha na måria dutå||
åna damda kachu karia gosåi,sabahi° kahå mamtra bhala bhåi||4||
sunata bihasi bolå dasakamdhara,amga bhamga kari pathaia bamdara||5||

kapi ke° mamatå pu°cha para sabahi kahau° samujhåi||
tela bori pata bå°dhi puni påvaka dehu lagåi||24||
I am explaining to all present that a monkey is particularly attached to his tail. Therefore soaking a piece of cloth in oil and tying it around his tail, set fire to it.
risi pulasti jasu bimala mayamkå,tehi sasi mahu° jani hohu kalamkå||1||
råma nåma binu girå na sohå,dekhu bicåri tyågi mada mohå||
basana hina nahi soha suråri,saba bhusana bhusita bara nåri||2||
råma bimukha sampati prabhutåi,jåi rahi påi binu påi||
sajala mula jinha saritanha nåhi,barasi gae° puni tabahi sukhåhi°||3||
sunu dasakamtha kahau° pana ropi,bimukha råma tråtå nahi kopi||
samkara sahasa bisnu aja tohi,sakahi na råkhi råma kara drohi||4||

Pulastya Rishi
"Enshrine the lotus feet of Lord Rama in your heart and rule constantly over Lanka.The glory of sage Pulastya (your grandfather) is very much like the spotlessly pure moon. Do not become a blemish on its purity.Speech has no grace without the name of Rama. By abandoning intoxication and infatuation, reflect and see for yourself.Oh foe of the gods! Even a beauty adorned with all kinds of ornaments is not charming if is she is without clothes (naked). The remaining wealth and supremacy of a man eventually desert him if he is averse to Rama and acquiring them is equivalent to not having them.

Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh
Rivers which have no water source from where they originate (or those who only depend on the rains) dry up as soon as the rains get over. Listen oh Ravana, I promise that there is no one who can save a person opposed to Rama.Thousands of *Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh can not possibly save you, who are hostile towards Rama.
Doha: 23
mohamula bahu sula prada tyågahu tama abhimåna|
bhajahu råma raghunåyaka krpå simdhu bhagavåna||23||

Worship Lord Ramchandra
Give up arrogance which is a form of tamas or darkness (one of the three constituents of nature), is a cause of immense pain with its root being infatuation(arising from ignorance),and worship Lord Ramchandra who is master of the Raghus and an ocean of loving tenderness."
* Brahmå,Vishnu and Mahesh are depicted here as manifestations of the Supreme Being in only one of the millions of universes ruled by Lord Råma, who represents the Supreme Being.
jadapi kahi kapi ati hita båni, bhagati bibeka birati naya såni||
bolå bihasi mahå abhimåni, milå hamahi kapi gura baRa gyåni||1||
mrtyu nikata åi khala tohi, lågesi adhama sikhåvana mohi||
ulatå hoihi kaha hanumånå,matibhrama tora pragata mai jånå||2||
suni kapi bacana bahuta khisiånå,begi na harahu muRha kara prånå||
sunata nisåcara mårana dhåe,sacivanha sahita bibhisanu åe||3||
nåi sisa kari binaya bahutå,niti birodha na måria dutå||
åna damda kachu karia gosåi,sabahi° kahå mamtra bhala bhåi||4||
sunata bihasi bolå dasakamdhara,amga bhamga kari pathaia bamdara||5||

The Ten-Headed Ravana is Furious
Although Hanuman gave him extremely beneficial advice loaded with religious devotion, knowledge, asceticism and ethics, the greatly arrogant Ravana jeered and spoke with sarcasm, "We have come across a very wise guru in this monkey.Death looms over your head, you rogue!You are trying to teach me, oh wretch!”
Hanuman retorted, “I have clearly understood that this is your hallucination (distortion of your mind) and exactly the opposite is about to happen (meaning your death is near at hand not mine). Hearing these words of Hanumån, Råvana became furious(and fumed), “Oh! Why doesn't someone kill this fool, quick enough.” Hearing this order, the demons rushed forth to kill him.

Precisely at that moment, Vibhishana (the youngest brother of Ravana) arrived in the court with his ministers.Bowing his head, he made a very humble entreaty to Ravana that one should not kill an envoy because it is absolutely against statesmanship. “Oh Gosain, he may be punished in some other manner.” Everyone exclaimed, “This suggestion is superb, Oh brother!” On hearing this, Ravana mocked with a laugh, “Well then, the monkey may be crippled and sent back."
kapi ke° mamatå pu°cha para sabahi kahau° samujhåi||
tela bori pata bå°dhi puni påvaka dehu lagåi||24||
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