Thursday, June 6, 2019

Prem Rasamrit Dhara: Letter No 20

Priya Vijay,
 Vrindavan Dham

“ Krsne matir astu” [Let your attention be on Krsna’s feet”]

Received your letter.

True Prema Does Not Expect Love in Return

The path of love is so strange. Prema or pure love does not expect love in return. There is no doubt that one does get love in return. However, the beloved does not keep this fact in mind and loves just because he has to. In addition, he has to bear the anguish of separation. If someone nurses him it is fine and if someone doesn’t then also it is fine. He just has to love or ‘do prema.’

Supreme Lover Krishna is Mesmerized by the Beloved

Do prema’ is not an appropriate word. It is the instinctive trait of prema but this is the middling state. The Supreme Lover is ultimately mesmerized by the beloved. It is His very nature to be controlled by prema. Action or thought have no accessibility to this state. There is no place for disappointment if there is everlasting hope. 

Interaction Between the Supreme Lover & His Beloved

Watered by prema, the creeper of hope grows. Clinging to every limb of the Supreme Lover, the creeper gets entwined in each fiber of our being. It is the creeper’s nature to cling and Supreme Lover Krishna’s nature to become entwined. This divine play,  an interaction between the Supreme Lover and beloved,  takes play daily.

Ardently Longing for Krishna

A true, selfless and loving resolve are of utmost important. Promptness or delay depends on the intensity of our ardent longing. Pure thoughts, devoid of other intrusive disturbing ones, quickly bring the desired Supreme Object Krishna close to us. The cluster of samskaras or innate impressions are washed away by our yearning and gush of love for Krishna.

A Mind Passionately Drawn to dark-hued Krishna

In this manner samskaras or inborn impressions are naturally turned to ashes in a mind passionately drawn to dark-hued Krishna. But all this depends on the intensity of our longing. True longing never goes waste. Yearning is a source of attraction. Attraction and a passionate craving for Krishna are no different.

We can call it an ardent longing or being a worthy recipient. Attaining the Supreme Object Krishna depends on how passionate one is as a recipient. Supreme Object Krishna is laden with rasa and fickle. How strongly Krishna is drawn to a recipient depends on the shape of the receiver. It is the very nature of the Supreme Lover to take on the shape of the receiving container.

Connection with Krishna

Connection with Krishna is the unique trait of being a worthy recipient. Attachment resides in striking a close relationship with Krishna. There is music and merriment and a connect with Krishna when we love Him.

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