suni suta badha lamkesa risånå,pathaesi meghanåda balavånå||
mårasi jani suta bå°dhesu tåhi,dekhia kapihi kahå° kara åhi||1||
calå imdrajita atulita jodhå,bamdhu nidhana suni upajå krodhå||
kapi dekhå dåruna bhata åvå,katakatåi garjå aru dhåvå||2||
ati bisåla taru eka upårå,biratha kinha lamkesa kumårå||
rahe mahåbhata tåke samgå,gahi gahi kapi mardai nija amgå||3||
tinhahi nipåti tåhi sana båjå,bhire jugala månahu°gajaråjå||
muthikå måri caRhå taru jåi,tåhi eka chana muruchå åi||4||
uthi bahori kinhisi bahu måyå,jiti na jåi prabhamjana jåyå||5||

brahma astra tehi så°dhå kapi mana kinha bicåra|
jau° na brahmasara månau° mahimå mitai apåra||19||

brahmabåna kapi kahu° tehi mårå,paratihu° båra kataku samghårå|
tehi dekhå kapi muruchita bhayau,någapåsa bå°dhesi lai gayau||1||
jåsu nåma japi sunahu bhavåni,bhava bamdhana kåtahi nara gyåni||
tåsu duta ki bamdha taru åvå,prabhu kåraja lagi kapihi ba°dhåvå||2||
kapi bamdhana suni nisicara dhåe,kautuka lågi sabhå° saba åe||
dasamukha sabhå dikhi kapi jåi, kahi na jåi kachu ati prabhutåi||3||
kara jore°sura disipa binitå, bhrkuti bilokata sakala sabhitå||
dekhi pratåpa na kapi mana samkå,jimi ahigana mahu° garuRa asamkå||4||

Lord Shiva says, Oh Bhavani!Just listen, can the messenger of the Lord who enables wise men to break the bonds (of life and death) of this mundane world when they chant his name, be bound. But Hanuman got himself tied to accomplish the Lord's task.The demons ran on hearing that the monkey had been captured.

kapihi biloki dasånana bihaså kahi durbåda|
suta badha surati kinhi puni upajå hrdaya° bisåda||20||
When Ravana saw Hanuman he derided him and laughed in joyous abandon.Soon after he remembered his son's death which tugged his hear with despair.
mårasi jani suta bå°dhesu tåhi,dekhia kapihi kahå° kara åhi||1||
calå imdrajita atulita jodhå,bamdhu nidhana suni upajå krodhå||
kapi dekhå dåruna bhata åvå,katakatåi garjå aru dhåvå||2||
ati bisåla taru eka upårå,biratha kinha lamkesa kumårå||
rahe mahåbhata tåke samgå,gahi gahi kapi mardai nija amgå||3||
tinhahi nipåti tåhi sana båjå,bhire jugala månahu°gajaråjå||
muthikå måri caRhå taru jåi,tåhi eka chana muruchå åi||4||
uthi bahori kinhisi bahu måyå,jiti na jåi prabhamjana jåyå||5||

Ravana Sends Meghnath to Get Hanuman
Ravana fumed when he heard of his son's death and sent his (elder son) mighty Meghnath.(He instructed him), “Do not kill but bind and get him, oh son! Let us see and decide where he hails from.The incomparable Meghnath,who had triumphed over Indra, set forth.He was furious on hearing that his brother had been killed. Hanuman saw that a fearsome warrior had arrived this time.That is when he gnashed his teeth and roaring, rushed ahead.
Hanuman Hurls Meghnath to the Ground
He uprooted a very huge tree and made Meghnath, the son of Ravana who was the king of Lanka,chariotless(breaking his chariot, he hurled him to the ground).Hanuman pounced upon the great warriors who were accompanying him and crushed them in quick succession with his heavy limbs. Killing the whole lot, he fought with Meghnath yet again.
(As they bashed each other) it seemed as if two gajrajas (the best of elephants) were grappling with each other. Boxing him, Hanuman climbed up a tree. Meghnath lay unconscious for a moment.Getting up soon after, he resorted to the use of maya or illusory powers, but could not triumph over son of the Wind God.
Doha:19brahma astra tehi så°dhå kapi mana kinha bicåra|
jau° na brahmasara månau° mahimå mitai apåra||19||

Lord Brahma,the Creator
Ultimately he made use (fitting an arrow to the bow) of the Brahmastra (the deadliest weapon which is obtained by meditating on Lord Brahma, the Creator. It never misses its mark on being discharged and is used only once in a lifetime)That is when when Hanumån reflected within himself, “If I do not acknowledge the Brahmastra, its infinite glory will be wiped out for all times to come.”
brahmabåna kapi kahu° tehi mårå,paratihu° båra kataku samghårå|
tehi dekhå kapi muruchita bhayau,någapåsa bå°dhesi lai gayau||1||
jåsu nåma japi sunahu bhavåni,bhava bamdhana kåtahi nara gyåni||
tåsu duta ki bamdha taru åvå,prabhu kåraja lagi kapihi ba°dhåvå||2||
kapi bamdhana suni nisicara dhåe,kautuka lågi sabhå° saba åe||
dasamukha sabhå dikhi kapi jåi, kahi na jåi kachu ati prabhutåi||3||
kara jore°sura disipa binitå, bhrkuti bilokata sakala sabhitå||
dekhi pratåpa na kapi mana samkå,jimi ahigana mahu° garuRa asamkå||4||

Hanuman, the Messenger of Lord Rama
He aimed the Brahmastra against Hanuman (who fell down from the tree, the instant it hit him) and crushed dead a whole lot of troops in the process.When Meghnath saw that Hanuman had fainted he bound him in the nagpash (a noose of serpent arrows, a special contrivance to entangle the enemy,possessed by Varuna[the god presiding over the waters]and evidently snatched from the latter by Ravana.) and took him away.
Lord Shiva says, Oh Bhavani!Just listen, can the messenger of the Lord who enables wise men to break the bonds (of life and death) of this mundane world when they chant his name, be bound. But Hanuman got himself tied to accomplish the Lord's task.The demons ran on hearing that the monkey had been captured.

The Grandeur of Ravana's Court
When the demons heard that the monkey had been captured, they ran and for the sake of eager curiosity (to watch the spectacle) they all came to the assembly. Hanuman went and saw Ravana's court.Its superb majesty (grandeur) defied description.Deities and regents (of a quarter of the world) stood meekly with folded hands and were watching his facial expression.
But Hanuman was least scared even on seeing this brilliant power of Ravana.Fearless,he stood erect just like Garuda (the king of birds) would stand amidst a whole lot of serpents.
kapihi biloki dasånana bihaså kahi durbåda|
suta badha surati kinhi puni upajå hrdaya° bisåda||20||
When Ravana saw Hanuman he derided him and laughed in joyous abandon.Soon after he remembered his son's death which tugged his hear with despair.
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