duri pharåka rucira so ghåtå, jaha° jala piahi båji gaja thåtå |
panighata parama manohara nånå, tahå° na purusa karahi asnånå ||1||
råjaghåta saba bidhi sumdara bara, majjahi tahå° barana cåriu nara |
tira tira devanha ke mamdira, cahu° disi tinha ke upabana sumdara ||2||
kahu° kahu° saritå tira udåsi, basahi gyåna rata muni samnyåsi ||
tira tura tulasikå suhåi, brmda brmda bahu muninha lagåi ||3||
pura sobhå kachu barani na jåi, båhera nagara parama ruciråi |
dekhata puri akhila agha bhågå, bana upabana båpikå taRågå ||4||
The Many Ghats of Ayodhya
Set apart and situated at some distance was the lovely ghat where hordes of horses and elephants went to drink water. There were numerous most enchanting of ghats for women to fill water from, where men did not bathe. Charming in every way and the best, was the royal ghat, where men of all the four castes could bathe.
Temples Mushroomed on the Banks of River Sarayu
Along the banks of the Sarayu River were temples of gods surrounded by lush groves on all sides.At some spots on the river banks, dwelt hermits and sages who were detached from the world and devoted to spiritual wisdom. The hermits had planted clusters of tulasi plants all along the banks of the Sarayu.The majestic splendour of the city defied description and its outskirts too were supremely picturesque. Groves, flower gardens, wells and ponds were resplendent there.
båpi° taRåga anupa kupa manoharåyata sohahi° |
sopåna sumdara nira nirmala dekhi sura muni mohahi° ||
bahu ramga kamja aneka khaga kujahi madhupa gumjårahi° |
åråma ramya pikådi khaga rava janu pathika hamkårahi° ||
The Cooing of Cuckoos Attracted Passers By
Incomparable tanks, ponds, charming and huge wells looked so beautiful.The sight of their elegant steps (studded with gems) and pure water fascinated even gods and sages.Multi-hued lotuses bloomed in lakes, several birds could be heard cooing, and bees hummed. Supremely charming gardens seemed to invite passers-by via the (melodious) notes of cuckoos and other birds.
ramånåtha jaha° råjå so pura barani ki jåi |
animådika sukha sampadå rahi° avadha saba chåi ||29||
The Grand City of Ayodhya
Is it possible anywhere to describe the city of which Lakshmipati,(Lord Rama,the husband of Lakshmi) was King ? Animå (the power of assuming an atomic size), the other eight siddhis( superhuman powers) and joys and riches of all kinds resided in Ayodhya, forever.
jaha° taha° nara raghupati gunagåvahi, baithi parasapara ihai sikhåvahi |
bhajahu pranata pratipålakaråmahi, sobhå sila rupa guna dhåmahi ||1||
jalaja bilocana syåmala gåtahi, palaka nayana iva sevaka tråtahi |
dhrta sara rucira cåpa tunirahi, samta kamja bana rabi ranadhirahi ||2||
kåla karåla byåla khagaråjahi, namata råma akåma mamatå jahi |
lobha moha mrgajutha kiråtahi, manasija kari hari jana sukhadåtahi ||3||
samsaya soka nibiRa tama bhånuhi, danuja gahana ghana dahana krsånuhi |
janakasutå sameta raghubirahi, kasa na bhajahu bhamjana bhava bhirahi ||4||
bahu båsanå masaka hima råsihi, sadå ekarasa aja abinåsihi |
muni ramjana bhamjana mahi bhårahi, tulasidåsa ke prabhuhi udårahi ||5||

Lord Rama is Likened to Garuda, the King of Birds
Everywhere men sang the glories of Lord Raghunath, and advised each other when they sat, to worship Lord Rama, who protects those who seek refuge in Him, the repository of beauty, tolerance, form and goodness. The One who is lotus-eyed and dark hued. Just as the eyelashes guard our eyes in the same manner Rama guards His servitors. Worship Him who is armed with a splendid bow, arrows and quiver, who delights the saints just as the sun makes a bed of lotuses bloom, who is Garuda ( king of the birds) in devouring the dreadful serpent of kaal (time of death), who destroys the feeling of attachment to oneself, the instant a person bows to Him without any self-interest.
Lord Rama Hunts Greed & Infatuation
Worship the Hunter who kills herds of deer of greed and infatuation, the One who is like a lion for the the elephant of Kamdev(god of sensual love), and who delights His sevakas. He is the sun who dispels the dense darkness of doubt and sorrow, a fire which burns the thick forest of the demon race.
Lord Raghuvir & Ma Janaki
Why should one not worship the Hero of the Raghus along with Ma Janaki, who gets rid of the fear of birth and death.Worship the One who is the frost in destroying mosquitoes of many passionate desires. The One who is forever unchangeable, unborn and indestructible, delights the sages, is a reliever of the earth's burdens and is the compassionate svami of Tulsidas.
ehi bidhi nagara nåri nara karahi råma guna gåna |
sånukula saba para rahahi samtata krpånidhåna ||30||
Lord Rama, the Repository of Compassion
In this way men and women of the city, sang Lord Rama's glories praises while Lord Rama, the repository of compassion, was always pleased with everyone.
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